WWE Legends House Season 1 Episode 4 Review & Synopsis | Smark Out Moment

WWE Legends House Season 1 Episode 4 Review & Synopsis

Posted by Unknown Thursday, May 8, 2014
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What happened this week on Legends House? Welcome to the full results breakdown and show review for Legends House season 1 episode 4, which was broadcast on May 8, 2014.

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Last week on Legends House we watched the ol' timers compete against the Dessert Queens in a competitive game of bowling, which the Legends lost! The Legends were then split into two teams and tasked to collectively create the best commercial. Each team was designated a captain. The red team was captained by Mean Gene Okerlund, and the blue team by Rowdy Roddy Piper. The blue team won the challenge plus a stretched limo ride to the city of sin, Las Vegas! The blue team will be travelling in a 15-seat passenger cargo van!

We are introduced by each team's commute to Las Vegas. The red team is disappointed and annoyed to be riding in a van. The blue team get pulled over by a police office for driving with a pink flamingo hanging outside of the window. This is a huge buzz-kill to the blue team (as you can imagine). Tony Atlas and Hacksaw Jim Duggan are stinking up the limo with numerous farts until the team arrive in Vegas.

After they arrive in Las Vegas all 8 of the Legends are grouped together, and met by Kristin Mockatini in a large auditorium. It appears that our Legends next challenge is to perform in this evening's 8:00 PM Chippendales show. The Legends are super pissed and distraught at this turn of events. It is equally challenging for them all to accept; however, Piper is taking it the worst. Especially since the guys will have to groom accordingly by waxing, trimming and "manscaping" themeselves. Hillbilly rated the excruciating pain of getting waxed as an 11 on a scale of 1/10. Jimmy Hart stuck by his side through it all. The Fink and Mean Gene are first to get tanned. It's hilarious to watch these two round, bald-headed Legends get bronzed! The other Legends have a huge laugh at their expense. Patt Patterson screams in agony at the freezing breeze the spray tan gives off. Atlas is there to have Patterson's back however. Hacksaw goes in to provide Piper moral support during his wax. Piper too gives us his fair share of squeals during his wax. Tony Atlas shows us that you can be brown and still get a spray tan too!

The Legends are escorted back to the auditorium for practice. They are met by John, the teacher. They are being taught by him and some of his fellow male strippers how to dance? The Legends are as bewildered as you must be reading. In between practice Hacksaw and Tony Atlas get into it. These guys have been at it all season, and right now things are about to pop off. Both Legends are not backing down. Apparently these guys have had beef with one another for over 20 years now. Things are becoming tense at practice...

The Legends are about to go out on stage to perform. The rest of the Chippendales cast fire up our Legends before the show! The wrestlers seem to be embracing this now. The crowd is full of young bachelorettes, and the WWE Legends are wearing white undershirts, jeans and boots. For their second performance of the night they do a rendition to the movie, "risky business" (that starred Tom Cruise). The crowd is going wild, and the ladies love the Legends. The guys love the attention from the crowd, and you can see the same spark in their eyes we watched during their legendary matches in the 80's and 90's. The Legends show us that they still got what it takes to make a crowd pop but this time on a Chippendales platform!

The Legends get back to the house. Hacksaw and Atlas still are at odds. Hacksaw mentions that he needs Atlas to mind his business and there will be no problems. Tony Atlas has a huge barrier up as well. This seems to bother Rowdy Roddy Piper the most, and he approaches Atlas to have a heart to heart. Piper actually cry's a little during this conversation since he genuinely feels torn by the rift between his friends. Piper warns us that we do not want to see things boil out of control (as he sees them happening). He warns us, somebody is going to get hurt. He appears to feel this is far more serious then anyone is giving it credit. He is worried. Tune in next week to hear what happens next...


Tonight's episode of Legends House was the best one thus far. It was gripping, dramatic, funny and entertaining through and through. The drama at the end really catches the viewer's attention. Moreover, we saw real sides of our favorite former WWE Superstars that we have never seen before. I recommend tuning in next week here at Smark Out Moment to catch what happens next. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed my review.


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