WWE Total Divas Season 2 Episode 6 Review & Synopsis | Smark Out Moment

WWE Total Divas Season 2 Episode 6 Review & Synopsis

Posted by Brad Garrow Sunday, April 27, 2014
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What happened this week on Total Divas? Welcome to the full results breakdown and show review for Total Divas season 2 episode 6, which was broadcast on April 27, 2014. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends to follow along here!

Episode 5 Review 
Last week on Total Divas we saw the wedding of Trinity and Jon. We saw Nattie & TJ go through a horribly uncomfortable visit from a sex therapist. Also we saw Eva Marie go through some health problems which lead to her and her husband Jonathan reconcile with Eva's family. Interestingly enough Summer Rae has only made a couple on screen appearances since she slapped Nattie, I wouldn't be surprised to see her more involved tonight.

Episode 6 Synopsis
Tonights show starts with a nice discussion about boobs and twerking! Happy Sunday! Nattie breaks out a copy of flex magazine that she has a photo shoot in. Summer Rae mentions that it's a mens body building magazine. Nattie is going on trip to New York to promote her magazine and wants a romantic vacation with TJ. She says she needs someone to watch her cats and Ariane volunteers to house sit for Nattie. The Bellas are grocery shopping, This looks very very scripted. Brie and Nikki get into an argument about chicken, this could be a long night. Nattie and TJ are packing for New York and TJ tells Nattie he invited his sister to New York. Nattie doesn't like TJ's sister all that much. Not a great move TJ.

*Commercial Break*  

Nattie and TJ arrive in the big apple. Nattie is determined to make this a romantic get away. TJ got his sister an adjoining room for some reason. Ariane arrives in tampa and we get a Vinnie sighting. Ariane seem genuinely annoying throughout this whole segment, my head hurts. Back in New York Nattie and TJ continuing arguing about the amount of money TJ spending on his sister, who just happens to show up. Nattie is rightfully upset. Coming back to Natties house where Ariane arrives and her and Vinnie just start rummaging through the house. This girl is just awful. Ariane is pretending to be Nattie and do annoying stuff. This is awful. Thankfully the Bellas are now on my tv. Nikki and Brie are doing a video shoot with Trey Songz. Brie is crushing Nikki for eating processed food and shows her videos of animals being abused. I'm so confused what is going on at this point.

*Commercial Break* 

Lets see if we can restore order back in New York with Nattie & TJ. Nattie is doing an interview for her magazine. Nikki now can't eat any meat after the videos Brie showed her. Ugh this is another awful segment. TJ has been investing or lending money to his sister behind Natties back. Nattie is upset at TJ for spending money on his sister. TJ's sister is interjecting in this argument. This is so awkward and bizarre.

*Commercial Break* 

Toronto is beating Brooklyn and The Yankees are down 1-0 but here comes more of this strange episode of Total Divas! Nikki and Brie are going to an organic free range farm. They walk around with chickens and learn about free range farms and I have lost all interest. Nikki is going to only eat free range animals from now on. Is it sad I'm excited to see Vinnie is back? Ariane is throwing a huge party at Nattie's house. This is beyond disrespectful. Nattie has a really good turn out for her autograph signing. Trinity and Jon show up to the party at Natties. People are just showing up that nobody knows. Ariane has now lost the cat because someone left the door open.

*Commercial Break* 

T dot is still beating Brooklyn get out your lint rollers! No one has seen the cat. Trinity, Ariane and Jon go looking for the cat. Vinnie is making cat calls to call the cat or something. Natties neighbor comes asking what is going on and the party is out of control. Nattie's neighbor calls her to inform her what is going on so Nattie calls Ariane who starts lying and then tells her the truth. Nattie says she is taking the next flight home. She is pissed. TJ is rightfully pissed as well.

*Commercial Break*

Toronto wins! Nattie gets to her hotel and starts arguing with TJ. They continue the search for Louie the cat annnnnnd they find him. Problem averted. An awkward phone ensues. TJ and Nattie start arguing about the money he gave his sister.

*Commercial Break*

The argument continues. Nattie and TJ admit they were both wrong to spend money without consulting each other. They make up and all is right in the world. Back at Nattie's Ariane admits what she did is wrong and she is sorry. END OF EPISODE!

Review: This episode was awkward and awful. Nattie and TJ are just not a ton of fun on screen. Ariane is worst person on the show. She is loud, disrespectful and annoying. Does whoever edits this show think it is a good idea to portray Ariane this way? It was a mess. The best part of the show was the outfits that the Bella's wore to the grocery store. Their segments tonight came off as super fake. I'm stunned they didn't try to capitalize on the hate Summer Rae gained after the infamous slap. She has had maybe 3 or 4 appearances on the show since then. I don't understand. Overall I would give the show a fail tonight but hey can't win them all I guess.


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