WWE Smackdown 4/25/2014 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Smackdown 4/25/2014 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Travis Green Friday, April 25, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Friday Night SmackDown for April 25, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. SmackDown is coming to you from Hershey, PA. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends to follow along here!

Will Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family show up on SmackDown? Will The Shield be on the program and what does Evolution and The Authority have in store for them? Cesaro will face former tag partner Jack Swagger in a one-on-one match. Eric Rowan and Luke Harper also take on the Brotherhood of Cody Rhodes and Goldust and much more!

Vickie Guerrero opens the show and she says she wants to address The Shield. They will be facing Curtis Axel, Ryback and all we need to know is eleven superstars will be facing The Shield later tonight.

Ceasro and Heyman will have a face to face for ninety seconds against Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger. Zeb is first and he puts Cesaro and Heyman down. Colter exclaims how he wanted to help him, talking Swagger into helping Cesaro along. Heyman takes his turn to further push the fact that Heyman's client Brock Lesnar's client broke Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania XXX. Heyman's time was up. Colter took the mic and told Swagger that Heyman was a fake and asked Heyman why he stole Cesaro from Colter, Heyman says he is the man behind the one in twenty-one and one. Heyman claims he was already the advocate of the man who won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Zeb tells Cesaro that he knew the debate he was in was a sham. Zeb and Heyman got into an argument. Swagger and Cesaro held Zeb and Heyman back. Swagger and Cesaro one-on-one is next.

MATCH: Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger

Cesaro on the early advantage on Swagger. Cesaro on a quick pin kick out and then Swagger sends Cesaro to the outside. Cesaro counters Swagger with a European uppercut and slings Swagger into the barricade. Once in the ring, Cesaro pins Swagger for a near-fall. Swagger puts Cesaro into the corner. Swagger gets a near-fall. Swagger puts Cesaro into a Full Nelson. Cesaro powers out, countering with an uppercut off the ropes. Near-fall by Cesaro. Cesaro with forearms into the corner. Swagger counters with a Swagger Bomb. Swagger and Cesaro shoot back and forth with shots until Cesaro hits Swagger over the top rope.

*Commercial Break*

Swagger gets caught with a forearm from the top and a near-fall from Cesaro. Swagger counters with a forearm and Swagger gets a near-fall. Swagger misses a Swagger Bomb but gets caught in a Ankle Lock by Swagger, into a pin by Swagger for a near-fall. Swagger is frustrated. Cesaro catches Swagger with a European uppercut into a butterfly powerbomb on Swagger. Cesaro lures Swagger into a swing position. Cesaro Swing on Swagger. Cesaro hits the Neutralizer on Swagger for the win!

WINNER: Antonio Cesaro via pinfall

Following the Cesaro match, The Shield's music hits. Roman Reings hits the Superman Punch on Swagger. After the onslaught Swagger is hit with the triple powerbomb by The Shield. Rollins grabs a mic and yells that Swagger failed to adapt. Reigns says they are just getting started. "Believe that!"

*Commercial Break*

Cole thanks everyone who watched WrestleMania XXX on WWE Network. Closer look at new Divas champion Paige. Vignette of how Paige won Divas Championship against AJ Lee. Paige cries after winning Divas Championship. She says not to underestimate her for her age (21). Paige says she is confident but a little petrified of Tamina. She promises she will walk out of Extreme Rules Divas champion.

MATCH: Tamina Snuka vs. Natalya

Tamina and Natalaya have an exchange. Natalya keeps the advantage on Tamina until Tamina uses Natalya's own leverage against her to pour her onto the outside of the ring. Tamina puts Natalya into the ring. Near-fall by Tamina. Rear chin lock applied by Tamina and a cover for a near-fall. Samoan Drop by Tamina and followed up by a splash and a near-fall. Sunset Flip into a sharpshooter and out of that and Natalya attempts a pin on Tamina. Near-fall for Natalya. Tamina sends Natalya into the corner. Straight kick by Tamina for the win.

WINNER: Tamina via pinfall

Backstage segment: 3MB celebrate that they will be in the main event of SmackDown. Seth Rollins interferes. The rest of The Shield appear. The Shield attack 3MB and Reigns hits a Superman Punch on Heath Slater. The Shield are systematically taking out opponents in the eleven-on-one handicap match later tonight before they can compete.

*Commercial Break*

After the break, Cole and JBL hype WWE Network and the events to place after SmackDown. Another one week free offer for WWE Network that ends tonight at midnight. Brad Maddox takes Guerrero's place as general manager for the night and is going to call The Shield out later.

MATCH: Jey Uso vs. Curtis Axel

Uso and Axel fire off at each other with punches. Uso with a forearm to Axel. Uso into a headlock and grinds it in. Axel drives Uso into the turnbuckles. Axel stomps away at Uso. Uso fights back with shots but Axel fights back to the advantage. Axel with a back breaker to Uso and a near-fall. Stomps in the corner by Axel. Axel misses a splash and Uso nails Axel with shots to the face. Axel regains advantage with shots to Uso's head to the turnbuckle and lays him Uso out in the ring. Axel with face first Russian leg sweep to Uso for the win!

WINNER: Curtis Axel via pinfall

*Commercial Break*

A vignette for Bo Dallas is shown.

Bray Wyatt comes up on the stage. Bray tells Hershey that the Wyatt Family are there. Bray is inside of a steel cage and laughs. He tells the WWE Universe to see and tells them that power is measured by how much love you have. Whether you want to bring love or suffering. He says that love has beautiful flames; you have to feel it. Wyatt says the WWE Universe will do anything for the ones they believe in but he has lost their love. He likes Cena's style! The people did not give Cena a fair fight on Raw and threw him to the Wyatt Family. Bray says it is high time Cena stop taking him lightly. His words are working on Cena. Wyatt and Cena have a date inside a steel cage at Extreme Rules. Like modern day gladiators fighting for the respect of their people, they are trapped together. Bray says Cena invited him in the steel cage but he hasn't even taken Wyatt's venom yet. Wyatt asks if he can see "them" singing with him. He's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the whooooole world in his hands!

MATCH: Luke Harper and Eric Rowan vs. Cody Rhodes and Goldust

Harper and Rhodes start the match. Rhodes takes Harper out at the knees. Rowan and Goldust tag in. Momentum goes to Goldust and a tag to Rhodes, but Rowan stops the momentum of Rhodes. Bray gets on the mic and taunts the audience. Rowan tags in and takes it to Rhodes. Rowan tags back in and stomps the ribs of Rhodes and tortures Rhodes with a side headlock. Another tag to Harper and Rhodes gets gator rolled by Harper. Rhodes comes back but Goldust is knocked off the apron and can't get the tag but he retains the advantage.

Goldust comes in as a house on fire against Harper. Double crossbody by Goldust to Harper and Rowan and Goldust retains the advantage. Harper power slams Goldust but Rowan breaks the count. Rhodes hits Rowan with a missile drop kick. Harper knocks Rhodes off the top turnbuckle. Harper hits clothesline from hell on Goldust and the match is over.

WINNER: Luke Harper and Eric Rowan via pinfall

Backstage segment: The Shield attack Brad Maddox in his office and take out the GM before their eleven-on-one match later in the program.

MATCH: Santino Marella and Emma vs. Fandango and Layla

Emma and Santino come to the ring. Fandango and Layla come out and join them but The Shield attack Fandango. The Shield triple powerbomb Fandango off the stage and through a table. Another participant is taken out of the eleven-on-one tag match against The Shield later in the show.

An Adam Rose vignette is shown before the commercial break.

*Commercial Break*

Cole recaps the happenings when The Shield triple powerbombed Fandango off the stage through the table.

Reported that Bryan will be on Raw Monday and so will Stephanie to apologize to Bryan.

The Shield come to the ring for the main event.

*Commercial Break*

A recap of the attacks of The Shield throughout the night: 3MB, Curtis Axel, Brad Maddox and Fandango.

MATCH: Wade Barrett, Alberto Del Rio, Titus O'Neil, Ryback and Damien Sandow vs. The Shield

Rollins and Ryback start the match. Ryback overpowers Rollins and send him to the mat. Rollins comes out of the onslaught and tags Reigns. Ambrose is then tagged in. Shield works over Ryback in the corner. Shield tag in Rollins and Rollins is taken down. Ryback tags in Titus O'Neil. O'Neil slams Rollins but Rollins takes O'Neil into The Shield's corner and tags Ambrose into the match. Ambrose wails O'Neil in The Shield's corner. Reigns is tagged in and works over O'Neil. Ambrose tags in and is taken into the corner by O'Neil where O'Neil tags in Barrett. Barrett is taken into The Shield's corner and The Shield come in to take over match.

*Commercial Break*

Barrett has a reverse chin lock on Ambrose. Barrett hits a near-fall on Ambrose and tags in Del Rio who lands several offensive maneuvers and gets a near-fall. Del Rio continues the onslaught. Del Rio kicks the back of the head of Ambrose and gets a near-fall. Ryback interferes a bit and gets the tag. Reverse chin lock by Ryback. Ambrose fights out and drives Ryback's head into the corner. Ryback misses a lariat clothesline and Ambrose tags in Roman Reigns. Reigns takes over the match and it falls apart with many of the participants brawling in the ring. Sandow is hit with a Superman kick from Reigns on the outside. Reigns is distracted by the members of the eleven man tag team. Barrett and Del Rio leave the ringside area. Rollins hits a Swanton Bomb on Ryback and then Ambrose and Reigns hit a double suicide dive on Sandow and O'Neil. Reigns hits a Superman Punch on Del Rio near the ramp. In the ring, Ambrose dropkicks Sandow and the Reigns nails the spear for the pin.

WINNER: The Shield via pinfall

After the match Reigns hits the spear on O'Neil and then nails Ryback with a triple powerbomb to end the show.


All in all, the matches were good. I enjoyed how the show built The Shield and made them look powerful moving into the Extreme Rules pay-per-view. Cesaro got the clean win over Swagger and this allowed him to keep his momentum coming out of WrestleMania. Bray Wyatt cut another great promo and built the suspense for his cage match against Cena at Extreme Rules all the while establishing himself as one of the best anti-heroes the WWE has seen in the last decade. The crowd is really behind the Wyatt Family.


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