WWE Raw 4/7/2014 Live Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Raw 4/7/2014 Live Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Anthony Mango Monday, April 7, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing live coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for April 7, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Raw is coming to you live from the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans, LA. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends!

Following the events of last night's WrestleMania XXX pay-per-view, we can expect a lot of fallout to happen. Is The Undertaker going to retire since The Streak ended? Will Brock Lesnar simply gloat, or will there be any repercussions? Now that Daniel Bryan has defeated The Authority and won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, how are Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Batista and Randy Orton going to respond?

We start off with a video package about Daniel Bryan, summing up the feud. He is introduced to a crowd that, naturally, is eating it up. The audience is so enthusiastic and in unison! Bryan jokes that it's difficult to do the Yes chant while holding up the titles, since they're heavy. "You can't stop it" chanting starts in reference to the Yes Movement. Triple H comes out to a chorus of "asshole" chants. He announces that Daniel Bryan is going to defend the title tonight against Triple H.

Backstage: Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are anticipating Hunter's title match. Batista comes up to complain about how he doesn't have a title match instead of Triple H. Randy Orton does the same. Stephanie announces that Orton and Batista will be fighting The Usos tonight for the Tag Team Championship. They complain, saying they don't want the tag titles [great way to put those belts over!] and Triple H says that history shows that whenever the three of them are in sync with one another, nobody can stop them.

Hey New Orleans, guess who is here. The Wyatt Family.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: The Wyatt Family vs. John Cena, Sheamus & Big E

The crowd is behind Bray Wyatt and pretty much against Cena's team in general (especially Sheamus and Cena). Even Erick Rowan is getting cheered just because he's going against Sheamus. Big E tosses Erick Rowan around and the crowd pops in favor of it, right after Cole takes a shot at the audience and basically points out that post-Mania crowds are filled with smarks. Luke Harper picks Cena up for a suplex and slams him face-first into the mat.

 *Commercial Break*

We come back to Harper in control of Cena. "Let's go Harper" is the sole voice from the audience, who cheers when gives Cena a nice DDT. JBL asks if they can take this crowd with them everywhere, even if John Cena wouldn't like it. The fans start singing "he's got the whole world in his hands"! The Wyatt Family just keeps staying in control. Wyatt does his weird walk [we really need a name for that] and hits Sister Abigail on Big E for the win.

WINNERS: The Wyatt Family via pinfall.

 *Commercial Break*

A promo runs, advertising that all you have to do is BOLIEVE. That's right, Bo Dallas! LMAO.

Fandango comes out and just like last year, the crowd is Fandangoing all over the place.

MATCH: Fandango & Summer Rae vs. Santino Marella & Emma

Fandango and Santino barely do anything and the women are tagged in. After a DilEmma and an Emmalite Sandwich (sp?), followed by an Emma Lock [oh my God, I love puns, but these are awful], Summer Rae taps out. Total squash match.

WINNERS: Santino Marella & Emma via submission.

*Commercial Break*

Out comes Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman. He says "I told you so" and that Brock is not there to put smiles on faces, he's there to bring tears to the faces of children. Heyman tells us about Vince McMahon going to the hospital with Undertaker, who has a concussion and almost had a broken neck and cracked skull. He implies that Brock would have literally killed The Undertaker. He jokes about the Superdome/Silverdome slip up and criticizes the people that gave Undertaker a standing ovation. Everyone is a wannabe, but Brock Lesnar is "the one". He is the one in 21-1. [I really hope this "one" persona doesn't lead to "The Great One vs. The One", ala Rock vs Brock at WrestleMania XXXI. That will be an instant way to kill my excitement for that card.]

*Commercial Break*

A promo airs for Adam Rose and his Exotic Express, coming soon to a WWE roster near you.

MATCH: WWE Tag Team Championship: The Usos (c) vs. Batista & Randy Orton

Batista and Orton actually look just as much of a tag team as The Usos, considering their tattoos, ring attire and bald heads. I hope there is not a title switch. The crowd starts chanting "you tapped out" to Batista. Usos take charge at first, but Orton turns it around. Now, a CM Punk chant starts. Now, a Justin Roberts chant starts. Make that a JBL chant. Both teams are counted out as Batista and Orton destroy The Usos. Batista gives one of the Usos a Batista Bomb on the steps.

WINNERS: n/a - double countout.

*Commercial Break*

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back RVD. [Ugh.]

MATCH: Rob Van Dam vs. Damien Sandow

C'mon Sandow! [Pointless, I know, but I like Sandow and don't like RVD]. Sandow gets in some offense, but after stopping to say "you're welcome" to the crowd, RVD gets back in control. RVD puts Sandow on the security barricade and then does a roundhouse kick from the apron. "You've still got it" chant breaks out. Rolling Thunder. Five Star Frog Splash.

WINNER: Rob Van Dam via pinfall.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Rey Mysterio vs. Bad News Barrett

Bigger pop for Barrett than Mysterio. "Thank you Barrett" chant leads into him getting the mic and saying he has bad news, but Mysterio interrupts. Winds of Change for a two-count. Barrett's definitely the crowd favorite. Lots of boos for Mysterio. Lots of cheers for Barrett nailing the Bullhammer on Mysterio for the win.

WINNER: Bad News Barrett via pinfall.

*Commercial Break*

Justin Roberts announces "the ravishing Russian", Lana. She says the Rusev legacy begins now.

MATCH: Alexander Rusev vs. Zack Ryder

Poor Ryder. He's about to get squashed. The USA chants start, while Rusev destroys Ryder and finishes him off quickly with his Camel Clutch finisher, The Accolade.

WINNER: Alexander Rusev via submission.

After a recap of the Hall of Fame, guess what's coming up when we're back from commercial? Ultimate Warrior!

*Commercial Break*

Ultimate Warrior doesn't run to the ring, again. Disappointing. He does shake the ropes a tiny bit, though. [Wouldn't it be great if Triple H came down and squashed him like he did to HHH at WrestleMania XII?] "Speak to me, Warriors!" pumps the crowd up. He puts on a mask of his old facepaint and tells himself to shut up and let him talk. Now he starts speaking nonsense [classic Warrior] about how people are bleeding and spirits are immortalized by storytellers. "You are the legend-makers of the Ultimate Warrior" to the fans.

AJ is going to talk to us about how she retained her title at WrestleMania a little later.

A video package airs about the number of lightbulbs, 15 production trucks, 12 cameras, 2 television trucks, etc were all used last night, but there's no WWE without the WWE Universe in the seats. [Exactly. That's why you shouldn't piss your fans off.] It ends with a simple "thank you". Very nice video.

*Commercial Break*

AJ Lee and Tamina come out to celebrate how she retained the title. Tamina looks pissed. [Then again, when doesn't she?] Big Lady Cool Diesel does crack a smirk here and there when AJ talks about how she's the longest reigning Divas champion. She says she went from being a poor girl to "the best Diva in the world", which elicits a CM Punk chant. She then throws out another reference, saying she is "the savior" of the Divas division and IS the Divas division. Out comes Paige from NXT! Why doesn't she have her title, though? She congratulates AJ, who says she doesn't need to get her praise. She slaps her and puts her title on the line in a match right now.

MATCH: Divas Championship: AJ Lee (c) vs. Paige

How long before Paige wins the title? Ten seconds? AJ attacks Paige to start off. AJ goes for the Black Widow, but Paige is able to break out of it. She hits a very weak Paige Turner and wins the title.

WINNER (and new Divas champion): Paige via pinfall.

*Commercial Break*

Hulk Hogan is coming out to present Cesaro with the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal trophy [which he already got last night]. Hulk Hogan says they are going to do this battle royal each year. I think that's a mistake, considering how it's not that far away from the Royal Rumble. Cesaro comes out with Zeb Colter and his normal music, which the fans are singing along with. Cesaro says he's not a Zeb Colter guy, he's a Paul Heyman guy! Out comes Paul Heyman. We have our new manager for "the King of Swing"! Jack Swagger attacks Cesaro and destroys the Andre the Giant trophy.

*Commercial Break* 

MATCH: Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger

Cesaro is clearly the babyface here, but it's odd, considering Paul Heyman's position with the fans after Undertaker's streak was ended. Cesaro pretty much keeps this match his own, doing the vertical suplex from the apron spot that he's been doing lately. He goes for the Cesaro Swing and Swagger walks out of the ring, getting counted out.

WINNER: Cesaro via count out.

*Commercial Break*  

Stephanie McMahon, Kane and The Shield are all backstage. The Shield makes fun of the New Age Outlaws. Kane gets mad at The Shield. Stephanie says it's up to the four of them to make sure that Triple H walks out of the match tonight with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

*Commercial Break*  

MATCH: WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Triple H

Orton and Batista attack Daniel Bryan before the match officially starts—before Triple H even makes his way to the ring. They hit an RKO and a Batista Bomb. Kane comes out and hits a chokeslam on Bryan. I can't tell for sure, but it seems like the fans chant "3MB" at them. Now, Triple H comes out. Mike Chioda doesn't want to start the match, but Triple H and Stephanie force him to ring the bell and start the match. Out come The Shield. The lines are drawn, as they are in support of Daniel Bryan. "This is awesome" chants break out. Roman Reigns spears Triple H and all Hell breaks looks! Bryan hits his running knee on Triple H and The Authority pulls Triple H out of there.

WINNER: n/a - no contest.


This was overall, a pretty great episode of Raw. While it was filled with a lot of squash matches and other bouts that ended in cloudy ways, a lot of ground was made. Several NXT stars are coming soon, we have a new Divas champion, and things are looking up for Cesaro amongst other people. Very fun edition of Raw!


Don't forget to call in to the live Raw Post Show on Mega Powers Radio immediately following tonight's episode and listen to the Smark Out Moment team's opinions on what transpired!

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The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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