WWE NXT 4-24-14 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE NXT 4-24-14 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Thursday, April 24, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE NXT for April 24, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. NXT is coming to you from Winter Park, FL. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends to follow along here!

Rumors are swirling about Paige's status as NXT Women's Champion. Reports say that JBL will strip her of the belt tonight claiming that it is not fair for her to be NXT Women's Champion since she is devoting so much time to the WWE Diva's Championship. Besides this, The Uso's will be on NXT tonight in a 6 man tag team match. They will team up with Sami Zayn to take on The Ascension and Corey Graves.

The show starts out with JBL confronting Paige backstage. As the rumors predicted, JBL stripped Paige of the NXT Women's Championship, and announced a tournament to determine the next woman to hold the belt.

Lana makes her way to the top of the ramp and introduces Alexander Rusev.

MATCH: Alexander Rusev vs. Travis Tyler

Travis Tyler hits a dropkick on Rusev but is quicjly knocked to the mat. Rusev holds Tyler against the rope and delivers several knees. He slams Tyler and delivers several kicks to his back followed by a series of vicious elbows. He makes the cover for a 2 count. Rusev slams Tyler again and locks in the Accolade. Tyler submits.

Rusev gets on the mic and says something in Russian.

WINNER: Alexander Rusev via Submission.

Adam Rose with his party crew are interviewed backstage. He responds to Camacho's smack talk and tells him not to be a lemon, be a rosebud.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Charlotte and Sasha Banks vs. Emma and Paige

Sasha grabs Emma by the hair and drives her to the corner. Charlotte is tagged in and Emma sends Sasha into her. Emma monkey flips Charlotte for a 1 count. Paige is tagged in and they deliver a double suplex for a 2 count. Charlotte takes Paige down by the legs and applies a toe hold. Paige reverses and sends Charlotte to the corner. Charlotte goes to the mat and Paige gets the 2 count. Paige tosses Charlotte by the hair and tags in Emma. Charlotte hits Emma with an elbow and follows with a knee to the mid section. Emma goes for another monkey flip but CHarlotte catches herself and tags in Sasha. Sasha attacks Emma and delivers a flurry of blows. She sends Emma to the corner and tags in Sasha. They double team Emma for a 1 count.

Charlotte chokes Emma on the middle rope and applies a leg scissors to Emma's head. Emma fights out but Charlotte gets her back in the hold. Emma counters with a bridge for the 2 count. Emma goes for the tag but is dragged across the ring. Charlotte goes for the elbow but comes up empty. Emma makes the tag and so does Charlotte. Paige drags Sasha to the mat and follows up with a dropkick. She goes to apply a submission but is broken up by Charlotte with a kick to the back of the knee. Charlotte is tagged in and slams Paige's head to the mat. She covers Paige for the 3 count.

WINNERS: Sasha Banks and Charlotte via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Tyson Kidd vs. Mason Ryan

The match starts out with Tyson delivering a kick to the ribs of Ryan. He goes for the crossbody but is caught by Ryan. Ryan drives Tyson into the corner and sends him to the mat. He hits a big leg drop for a 2 count. Tyson hits an enziguri and gains the upper hand. Tyson hits a slingshot leg drop over the top rope. He gets back in the ring for the 2 count. He locks in a reverse chinlock. Ryan fights out and sends Tyson to the apron. He picks Tyson up in the Gorilla press and slams him to the mat for a 2 count. Ryan sends Tyson to the corner. Tyson reverses and hits a neckbreaker off the top rope for the 3 count.

WINNER: Tyson Kidd via Pinfall

Tyson Kidd is interviewed after the match. He says that this is the rebirth of Tyson Kidd. He also says that NXT is the place to be. With more eyes on NXT than ever before, he says, what better time to show off his ability.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Angelo Dawkins vs. Tyler Breeze

The match starts out with the two locking up. Dawkins rolls up Breeze for the 2 count. He slams Breeze to the mat and gets him in a hold on the mat. Breeze gets to the ropes and fights back. He hits a big kick to the back of Dawkins for the 2 count. Breeze applies a chinlock on Dawkins. Dawkins fights out with a series of elbows. Breeze hits a kick to the midsection and ragins control of the match. He lifts Dawkins to his feet and delivers the Beauty Shot.

WINNER: Tyler Breeze via Pinfall

A recap of Brodus Clay's defeat at the hands of Adrian Neville plays. It shows Clay attacking Neville backstage.

MATCH: The Ascension and Corey Graves vs. The Usos and Sami Zayn

The match starts with Uso vs. VIktor. Uso is sent to the mat but fights back with a clothesline. Corey Graves is tagged in. Sami Zayn is tagged in. Graves runs to the corner and tags in Konnor. Konnor drives Zayn to the mat and tags in Graves. Zayn delivers a flurry of blows to Graves. Graves gets the tag on Viktor. Viktor sends Zayn to the corner but Zayn fights back with a kick to the head. Jay Uso is tagged in. He delivers a blow and Jimmy is tagged in. They deliver a double team maneuver for the 2 count. Jay is tagged in and Viktor slams their heads together. They shake off the blow with a dance and take out Viktor. Viktor sends Jay off the ropes and hits a shoulder on Viktor.

Jimmy is tagged in and delivers a headbutt to Viktor for a 2 count. He gets Viktor in an armbar and tags in Zayn. Zayn delivers an elbow from the top rope and tags in Jay. Uso sends Viktor to the corner but he fights out with a clothesline. Jay is driven to the corner and Konnor is tagged in. Konnor hits a clothesline followed by a back body drop. Jay is clotheslined over the top rope.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Viktor in control. Konnor is tagged in and Jay fights back. He is driven to the mat by Konnor for a 2 count. Konnor applies the chinlock. Cory Graves is tagged in and stomps Jay. He delivers a right hand to the face of Jay for the 2 count. Graves applies a reverse chinlock. Jay's shoulders go to the mat for a 2 count. Graves drags Jay to the corner and tags in Viktor. The two wrestlers exchange chops before Jay is sent to the corner. He is sent to the mat for the 2 count. VIktor spplies the chinlock. Jay fights out with a backdrop and crawls to his corner. Konnor is tagged in and stops Jay from making the tag. Jay rolls up Konnor for a 2 count. Jay sends Konnor to the outside. Konnor tags in Viktor. Jay tags in Jimmy. Jimmy gains control of the match with a kick followed by Samoan drops to both Konnor and Viktor. He delivers a stinkface to Viktor.

Viktor manages to make the tag to Cory Graves. Uso delivers the super kick and tags in Zayn. Zayn delivers a crossbody for the 2 count. Zayn goes for the Helluva kick but Graves fights out, Zayn hits the blue thunder power bomb for the 2 count. It is broken up by Konnor and Viktor. They are both sent out of the ring. Zayn hits the Helluva Kick and Graves goes down to the mat. Zayn makes the tag to Jay as he and Jimmy dive over the top rope onto the Ascension outside the ring. Jay hits the big splash for the 3 count.

WINNERS: The Usos and Sami Zayn via Pinfall

This was a great episode of NXT, probably the best in the past month or so. I would have like to see something more significant as far as Paige's story went, but it is what it is. It was good to see Tyson Kidd in the ring again and it seems like he will be making appearances on NXT until he fully recovers from his injuries. The main event was Exciting and fast paced. It was refreshing to see The Ascension actually wrestle instead of just squash people. This match was also a good way of keeping Zayn's and Grave's rivalry exciting without becoming repetitive.


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