WWE NXT 4-17-14 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE NXT 4-17-14 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Thursday, April 17, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE NXT for April 17, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. NXT is coming to you from Winter Park, FL. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends to follow along here!

Last week on NXT, we saw Bo Dallas melt down as he tried to occupy NXT but failed miserably. Realizing that the NXT crowd was not actually a bunch of Bo-lievers, the former champ flew into a rage and took it out on Justin Gabriel in a match sanctioned by JBL. This week, expect to see more of Bo Dallas as he prepares to make his Main Roster debut. Also on this episode, CJ Parker is set to take on The Great Khali which should prove to be just as ridiculous as it sounds.

The show starts with a match between Colin Cassady against Aiden English

MATCH: Colin Cassady vs. Aiden English

The match starts out with English attacking Cassady and driving him to the corner. Cassady reverses and delivers several right hands followed by a knee to the midsection. Cassady keeps up the offense with a jumping knee followed by a big boot for a 2 count. English goes to the apron to avoid Cassady. He cheapshots Cassady and gains the upper hand. English drives Cassady to the corner and delivers several blows. He sends Cassady to the mat with a boot to the head for the 2 count. Aiden chokes cassady on the middle rope. Cassady reverses an Irish whip and hits a back body drop. England reverses and goes for his finisher but Cassady reverses. Cassady goes for a big slam but English rolls Cassady up and grabs a handful of tights for the 3 count.

WINNER: Aiden English via Pinfall

Tyler Breeze is interviewed backstage. He says that he has nothing to say, but this episode needed someone who was gorgeous. HE then walks off.

*Commercial Break*

A replay airs of Paige winning the Diva's Championship on Raw from AJ Lee.

A replay of an interview with Paige then plays. She says that her victory is mind blowing and unreal. She then says that the other Divas acted like they were happy for her but then talked smack behind her back. She then says that AJ Lee became too complacent and that is what led to her downfall.

MATCH: Camacho vs. Oliver Grey

The match starts out with the 2 locking up. Grey gets behind Camacho. Camacho fights out but is taken to the mat with an arm drag followed by a dropkick. Camacho fights back with a big forearm and drives Grey to the corner. Camacho hits a running slam for a 2 count. He beats on Greys back with his forearm. Grey fights back with a knee to the chest. Camacho hits a Samoan drop for a 3 count.

WINNER: Camacho via Pinfall

Bo Dallas is interviewed about his failure to occupy NXT. Dallas says that the Bolievers didn't join him because they are law abiding citizens. He insists that the Bo movement is alive and well.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: The Ascension vs. Wesley Blake and Cal Bishop

Blake hits Konnor with a boot but is quickly driven to the mat. Viktor is tagged in and delivers a series of furious European uppercuts outside the ring. They get back in the ring Konnor is tagged back in. He stomps Blake in the corner and tags in Viktor. VIktor hits a big clothesline and tags in Konnor. They hit the Fall of Man and get the 3 count.

WINNERS: The Ascension via Pinfall

The Bffs are interviewed backstage. Charlotte interrupts Sasha Banks and says that it was an epic failure for Sasha to lose to Bailey. Charlotte announces they are facing Emma and a partner of her choice next week on NXT.

*Commercial Break*

Parker comes to the ring and gets on the mic. He says that the world would be better off without the NXT Universe. He is interrupted by Khali's entrance.

MATCH: CJ Parker vs. Great Khali

The match starts out with Khali knocking PArker to the mat. He throws him to the corner and hits a huge chop followed by another one. He then clotheslines parke rover the top rope. Parker takes down Khali by the legs and pounds on him in the corner. Khali shoves Parker to the mat. Parker goes to the top rope but is hit with a slap on his way down. Khali hits a big boot followed by a clothesline. Khali hits the Punjabi Plunge for the 3 count.

WINNER: Great Khali

Emma is interviewed backstage and says she hasn't found her tag team partner yet...or has she? She then Emma's off.

Zayn is interviewed backstage and says he isn't going to question the ref's decision to end his last match with Corey Grave's. He says that this rivalry is now personal and he is going to put Graves in his place.

MATCH: Jason Jordan and Tye Dillinger vs. Baron Corbin and Sawyer Fulton

The match starts out with the two locking up. Jordan gets behind Corbin but Corbin reverses. Dillinger is tagged in and they double team Corbin. Corbin is brought to the corner and recieves a big chop. Corbin reverses the whip but misses the attack in the corner. He fights back with a huge clothesline for the 2 count. Sawyer Fulton is tagged in and hits a big boot. He attacks Dillinger and drives him to the corner. Corbin is tagged back in. He delivers a vertical suplex for a 2 count. Corbin applies the chinlock. Dillinger fights out with a right hand but meets a scoop slam from Corbim. Corbin goes to the second rope but Dillinger gets his foot up. Both wrestlers tag in their partners. Jordan takes out Fulton and delivers a dropkick to Corbin. Jordan drives his shoulder into a cornered Fulton. Dillinger is tagged in again and they deliver a double team DDT for the 3 count.

WINNERS: Tye Dillinger and Jason Jordan via Pinfall.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Brodus Clay making his way to the ring.

MATCH: Brodus Clay vs. Adrian Neville

Clay shoves Neville to the mat but he fights back and drives Clay to the corner. Clay tries to fight back but Neville keeps up the aggressive offense. He jumps on Clay's back and is slammed to the mat. Cay runs at Neville in the corner but Neville jumps over him and flips across the ring. Clay reverses with a huge slam for the 2 count. Clay hits a huge right hand to the chest for a 2 count. Clay applies a hold on Neville's shoulder. Neville tries to fight out but is driven back to the mat. Clay sits on Neville from the middle rope for the 2 count. Clay goes for the powerbomb but Neville sneaks out. Neville is driven to the corner and Clay chokes him with his boot.

Clay hits a snapmare and again applies the hold to the shoulders of Neville. Neville gets back on his feet and delivers several blows to Clay's midsection. He hits a jawbreaker. Clay fights back and goes for the powerbomb again. Neville fights out and takes Clay down by the knees. Clay gets up and throws Neville over the top rope onto the apron. Neville hits a dropkick off the top rope. He goes back up to the top rope but comes up empty. The action pours outside the ring and Neville gets scoop slammed to the floor. Clay goes for the elbow off the steps but Neville moves. Neville gets in the ring at the count of 9 but Clay gets counted out.

WINNER: Adrian Neville via Count Out.


This was another lackluster episode of NXT. I think part of the problem NXT has been having lately is that there are too many matches on each episode. Personally, I would rather see 2 or 3 longer matches that actually tell a story and advance rivalries. Aiden English had a good albeit short match, and Jason Jordan and Tye Dillinger vs. Baron Corbin and Sawyer Fulton was an impressive showing for what I believe was both teams NXT debuts. Other than that, the matches were either squashes or uninteresting and irrelevant. I would like to see the Ascension actually wrestle instead of just crushing everybody. Having young teams job to them every week doesn't make them look tough, it makes them look like they are afraid to face actual competitors for their Tag Team Championships. I guess the problem is that there really aren't too many formidable tag teams in NXT right now. However, it seems that WWE is trying to work on this given the exciting performances we saw in the tag match discussed above. Finally, I don't know why they are putting Brodus Clay in the title picture. With all the talent in the NXT locker room, there has to be someone who would make a better opponent for Adrian Neville. Anyway, I'm still excited to see what NXT has in store for us next week when we get to see Sami Zayn in action once again against Corey Graves.


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