WWE NXT 4-10-14 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE NXT 4-10-14 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Thursday, April 10, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE NXT for April 10, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. NXT is coming to you from Winter Park, FL. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends to follow along here!

This has been a historic week for NXT as both Alexander Rusev and Paige made their main roster debuts. Even more incredible, Paige managed to shock the entire WWE universe when she picked up an upset over AJ Lee to win the Diva's Championship. Vignettes for Adam Rose and Bo Dallas also started airing on WWE programming. As more and more NXT stars are being called to the main roster, all eyes will be on The NXT Arena to see who the next break out star will be. Tonight's matches include Adam Rose Vs Danny Burch, Bayley Vs Sasha Banks, Mojo Rawley Vs Sylvester LeFort, Bo Dalles Vs Justin Gabriel.

The show starts with a graphic in memory of Ultimate Warrior.

Adam Rose is first up on NXT. He arrives to the ring in his usual manner, swamped by his party loving followers.

MATCH: Adam Rose vs. Danny Burch

Before the match starts with the crowd chanting "That was Awesome!" and singing Rose's theme song.

Burch goes at Rose with a boot to the mid section. Rose Hangs on the middle rope and mocks Burch. He drives Burch to the mat with a shoulder block for a 2 count. He gets Burch in a arm bar. Burch fights out and sends Rose to the mat with a right hand. Rose gets upand fights back with a few jabs followed by a series of jabs. He sends Burch into the corner and does a bronco buster. He follows up with a spinebuster. Rose climbs to the second rope and hits a splash for the 3 count.

WINNER: Adam Rose via Pinfall

Referee Sean Bennett is interviewed about the match last week between Sami Zayn and Corey Graves. He said he had to call the match for Zayn's own safety. Graves is then interviewed and says a win is a win. He tells Zyn to rest his head because their rivalry is just getting started.

MATCH: Bayley vs. Sasha Banka w/Charlotte

The match starts with Sasha taking out Bayley's legs for a 2 count. She gets Bayley in a head lock and drives her to the mat for a 1 count. Bayley tries to roll up Sasha but Sasha counters and gets a 2 count. She slams Bayley's head into the mat repeatedly and gets another 1 count. Bans executes a big snapmare and sends Bayley to the corner. She covers Bayley for the 2 count. Banks gets Bayley in a choke hold and sends her to the mat for another 2 count. Bayley fights out with a series of axehandle strikes. She goes to the second rope and hits an elbow. Sasha fights back and gets Bayley back in the choke hold. Bayley fights out and hits the Belly to Bayley suplex for the 3 count.

WINNER: Bayley via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Sylvester Lefort vs. Mojo Rawley

The match starts with Mojo Driving Lefort into the corner. Lefort tries to fight out but is met with two big splashes. Rawley hits the Hyperdrive for the 3 count.

WINNER: Mojo Rawley via Pinfall

Brodus clay comes to the ring while LeFort is still down. Clay powerbombs Leforte and follows with a splash from the middle rope. He gets on the mic and says he deserves a shot at Adrian Neville's championship. Neville comes out and talks some smack. The too stare each other down in the ring and Brodus Clay runs away.

Camacho interrupts an interview backstage with Oliver Grey. Camacho talks smack on Adam Rose but Grey interrupts and challenges Camacho to a match next week.

*Commercial Break*

When the show returns, a video package plays highlighting NXT stars appearing at WrestleMania Axxess.

The Great Khali is interviewed backstage. Bayley appears on screen and hugs Khali. CJ Parker comes on screen and says that he hopes Khali recycles because he probably produces 3 times more human waste than the average person. Khali says something in Punjabi. Bayley translates and announces a match next week between Parker and Khali.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Bo Dallas making his way to the ring. He gets on the mic and says that he still desrves to be #1 contender. Bo Dallas references Daniel Bryan and the Yes movement, and says that the Bo Movement has begun. He attempts to occupy NXT but no one joins in. Many members of the audience turn their backs on Bo Dallas. Bo flips out and starts yelling at the audience.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns and Bo Dallas is still yelling at the audience. The crowd starts chanting "No More Bo" and "Bo-Tista".

JBL's music hits and he comes out on the mic. JBL makes fun of Bo and says he doesn't even have enough people to occupy a seesaw. He announces Bo Dallas, not have a title match tonight, but he will take on Justin Gabriel.

Match: Bo Dallas vs. Justin Gabriel

The match starts out with Gabriel hitting a cross body on Dallas. Gabriel leaps over Dallas and rolls him up for a 2 count. Dallas rolls out of the ring and complains some more. Dallas gets back in the ring and the two sqaure up. Dallas hits a big right hand and gets Gabriel in a side headlock. He brings Gabriel to the ma. Gabriel reverses into a headscissors. He brings Dallas to the vertical base and applies a headlock. He sends Dallas to the mat and gets a 1 count. Dallas rolls out of the ring again.

Gabriel goes after Dallas and rolls him back in the ring. Bo fights back and drives Gabriel's neck against the rope. Dallas hits a knee drop for a 1 count. He chokes Gabriel in the middle rope. He follows with a suplex for a 2 count. Dallas applies a chinlock on the mat. Gabriel fights out but is driven to the mat by Dallas for a 2 count. He applies the chinlock again. Gabriel tries to fight out but is driven to the corner by Dallas. He hits Gabriel with several elbows followed by a clothesline for a 2 count. Gabriel goes to the corner and Dallas continues the offense. Gabriel reverses the whip and sends Dallas into the corner. Gabrielle follows up with a roundhouse kick. Dallas rolls over the back of Gabriel but is met with another kick to the face. Gabriel hits a crossbody from the top rope and gets a 2 count.

Dallas reverses Gabriel's attack and slams him to the mat for the 2 count. Gabrielle comes back with a fisherman's suplex for a 2 count. Gabriel goes for the moonsault but misses. Dallas tries to capitalize but is rolled up in a small package by Gabrielle for the 2 count. Dallas fights out and takes out Gabriel's legs. He hits the double underhook DDT for the 3 count.

WINNER: Bo Dallas via Pinfall

Overall, this was a pretty lackluster episode of NXT. The highlight was Bo Dallas' math against Justin Gabriel. This was a well worked match and showcased both men's talent. I can't wait for Bo Dallas' debut (not counting his appearance last year) on the main roster. I'm not sure what they will do with him but he is a great worker and really knows how to play the heel role. He is someone that the crowd loves to hate and knows how to get great heat.


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