WWE Main Event 4-8-14 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Main Event 4-8-14 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, April 8, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Main Event for April 8, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Main Event is coming to you from Lafayette, Louisiana. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends to follow along here!

Following on the heels of a historical WrestleMania and an unbelievable episode of Monday Night Raw, tonight's Main Event is sure to be spectacular. The Wyatt Family is set to take on The Shield in what should prove to be a high intensity brawl. Other than that, expect to see a few matches and recaps of the events from WrestleMania and Raw.

The show starts with a recap of Daniel Bryan's championship victory at WrestleMania and his encounter with Orton, Batista, Kane, and HHH on Monday night where the Shield came to help the new champ.

The first match is The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family

MATCH: The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family

The match starts out with Dean Ambrose and Erick Rowan facing off. Ambrose slaps the sheep mask off Ambrose. Rowan shoves Ambrose to the mat. Ambrose fights back and tags in Rollins. They deliver a double suplex for a 2 count. Rowan fights back and drives Rollins to the corner. Rollins fights out with a big boot to the midsection followed by a series of chops. Rowan reverses a whip into the ropes. Rollins jumps on the back of Rowan and applies a submission hold. He brings Rowan to the mat. Rowan breaks out. All 6 men get in the ring and stare each other down.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Bray Wyatt and Rollins duking it out in the middle of the ring. Wyatt delivers a big gut buster for a 2 count. Wyatt drags Rollins into the Wyatt's corner and tags in Rowan. Rowan chokes Rollins on the middle rope Harper gets a cheap shot in when the ref turns his back. Rowan delivers a backside slam for a 2 count. Harper is tagged in. He whips Rollins into the corner and delivers a running forearm. Rollins gets to his face and drops Harper into the middle turnbuckle. Reigns in tagged in and clears the Wyatt's apron. Reigns is sent off the ropes and delivers a huge clothesline. Ambrose is tagged in and they deliver a double team maneuver for the 2 count. Harper fights back with a big boot for a 2 count. Bray Wyatt is tagged in and delivers a big splash in the corner. He sllaps Ambrose around on the mat. Rowan is tagged in and delivers a scoop slam to Ambrose. He drives his fist into Ambrose's head. Ambrose fights out but is met with a sidewalk slam. Ambrose is sent into the Wyatt's corner.

Harper is tagged in. He delivers a European uppercut to Ambrose and pulls at Ambrose's cheeks on the middle rope. Ambrose is driven again into the corner and Rowan is tagged in. He send Ambrose to the mat and wrenches his head. Ambrose fights back and his sent over the top rope. He hangs on but Rowan kicks him to the outside.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Bray Wyatt rolling Ambrose back in the ring. Harper is tagged in and gets a 2 count. Harper does the gator roll and gets Ambrose in a chinlock on the mat. Ambrose fights out but his sent to the mat for a 2 count. Bray Wyatt is tagged in. He chokes Ambrose on the middle rope. He headbutts Ambrose to the corner and tags in Rowan. Rowan drives his knees into Ambrose's head. He whips Ambrose into the corner and gets him in a bearhug. Ambrose fights out with a sleeper hold but is slammed backwards by Rowan for a 2 count. Harper is tagged in and delivers several European uppercuts. Ambrose comes back out of nowhere with a clothesline. Harper crawls to the corner and tags in Wyatt. Wyatt charges at Ambrose in the corner. Ambrose moves and tries to fight back but is stopped by Wyatt. Wyatt goes for the superplex but Ambrose fights out. Ambrose goes for the double axe handle off the top but Wyatt slams him to the mat for the 2 count.

All 6 men get in the ring. Harper delivers a super kick to Reigns, sending him to the outside. Harper follows up with a suicide dive. Wyatt goes for the sister Abigail but Ambrose rolls him up for a 2 count. He delivers a DDT and makes the tag to Rollins. Rollins gets in and clears house. He delivers a suicide dive to Harper followed by a frontflip over the top rope to Rowan. BAck in the ring Rollins plants Rowan for a 2 count. It is broken up by Harper. Ambrose sends Harper to the outside. Ambrose is taken out by Wyatt. Reigns delivers the Super Man punch to Wyatt. Rollins hits a flying knee on Rowan and Ambrose follows with the "Dirty Deed" for the 3 count.

WINNERS: The Shield

The Shield is interviewed after the match. Rollins says that no one can stop a united Shield. Ambrose can barely speak because of a hurt rib. They are asked about why they helped Bryan. Rollins says that they were proving that they were not faceless. Reigns gets on the mic and hams it up. He addresses HHH and says "My name is Roman Reigns and I'm the guy who speared you on Monday night". Rollins says that they are prepared for retribution from the authority. He goes on saying that the biggest injustice in the WWE is the Authority and they are going to war with them.

A vignette for Adam Rose plays.

*Commercial Break*

The commentators recap Brock Lesnar breaking The Undertaker's streak. A video then plays highlighting the past 30 WrestleManias.

Jack Swagger makes his way to the ring with Zeb Colter.

*Commercial Break*

The Show returns with Zeb Colter complaining about Cesaro joining Paul Heyman. He says that Cesaro proves what he has been saying all along about immigrants.

MATCH: Jack Swagger vs. Dolph Ziggler

The match starts out with Ziggler delivering a dropkick. He goes for a splash in the corner but Swagger moves and hits the Swagger bomb. He drives Ziggler to the corner and delivers several knees to the midsection. He drives Ziggler to the mat for a 2 count. Swagger gets Ziggler in a submission. Ziggler is sent into the ropes but holds on. He dumps Swagger over the top rope. Ziggler delivers a forearm and gets a 2 count. He drives Swagger into the corner and hits ten right hands to Swagger's head. Swagger fights back and takes Ziggler out by the knees. Swagger goes for a powerbomb but Ziggler hits a sunset flip for a 2 count. Swagger fights back but Ziggler hits the famouser for another 2 count. Ziggler goes for the ZigZag but Swagger reverses into a big boot. Swagger goes for the gut wrench suplex. Ziggler reverses into a DDT for a 2 count. Swagger fights back and goes for a powerbomb. Ziggler reverses and rolls up Swagger for a 2 count. Swagger captures Ziggler in the Patriot Lock and makes him submit.

WINNER: Jack Swagger via Submission

A video recap plays for Alexander Rusev. It is announced that he will be in a match coming up next.

*Commercial Break*

A vignette plays for Bo Dallas.

MATCH: Alexander Rusev w/Lana vs. Sin Cara

The match starts out with Rusev sending Sin Cara to the corner. Sin Cara fights out and leaps off the top rope. Rusev hits a back kick and follows with a slam to the mat. He gets Sin Cara in the Accolade for the submission.

WINNER: Alexander Rusev via Submission

A 6 man tag team match is announced for Friday night between Daniel Bryan and the Usos vs. Kane, Randy Orton, and Batista.


The Wyatt Family vs. The Shield was awesome. Theres not much to say about it that wasn't said in the ring. It was highly intense, fast paced and brutal. This rivalry is far from over and every time these two teams face each other it gets better and better.

The other 2 matches were entertaining but nothing special. I would have liked to see Ziggler win, but I suppose they are building up Swagger for his eventual showdown with Cesaro. Alexander Rusev is a beast and I enjoy watching him take out legions of jobbers. I can't wait to see what WWE does with him.


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