WWE Main Event 4-15-14 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Main Event 4-15-14 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, April 15, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Main Event for April 15, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Main Event is coming to you from Nashville, Tennessee. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends to follow along here!

On this episode of Main Event, Jack Swagger is set to take on Big Show in the Main Event. Expect to see one or two other matches as well as recaps from this week's Raw, which saw the Shield decimated by 11 of the Authority's henchman along with the reformed Evolution. Apparently, there is also a Diva's Battle Royal to determine the #1 contender who will face Paige at Extreme Rules.

The show begins with tag team competition between Los Matadores and Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre. McIntyre and Mahal announce they have a mascot of their own. Hornswoggle comes out dressed as a member of 3MB.

MATCH: Los Matadores vs. Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre

The match starts out with Fernando and Jinder Mahal. Mahal sends Fernando to the ma. Fernando fights back with a headscissors takedown and tags in Diego. Diego hits a dropkick. Mahal fights back and tags in McIntyre. Diego ducks a clothesline and hits a crossbody for the 2 count. McIntyre is driven to the corner. Diego does a handstand on the top rope to counter McIntyre's reversal. Diego is distracted by Hornswaggle and Diego capitalizes. El Torito and Hornswaggle brawl outside and the fight pours into the ring. The ref calls the bell. Everyone gets a low blow from the Torito or Hornswoggle and the 2 clear the ring. The 2 mascots continue fighting. Hornswoggle roles out of the ring and is held back by 3MB.

WINNERS: Neither team via double disqualification

*Commercial Break*

A vignette for Bo Dallas plays.

The show returns with Sin Cara making his way to the ring.

MATCH: Sin Cara vs. Bad News Barrett

Barrett gets on the mic and tells Sin Cara hes got some bad news for him. The bad news is that Sin Cara is getting in the ring with the next IC champion.

The match starts out with Barrett bringing an aggressive offense. Sin Cara is whipped into the rope but hangs on. He sends Barrett out of the ring and hits a dive to the outside. Back in the ring Sin Cara goes to the top rope but is knocked off by Barrett for the 2 count. BArrett delivers several right hands followed by a knee to the face for a 2 count. Barrett hits the pump handle slam for another 2 count. Sin Cara reverses a slam and hits a crossbody from the middle rope. He follows up with a headscissors followed by a back elbow for the 2 count. Sin Cara hits an enziguri and goes to the top. He goes for the senton but comes up short. Barrett hits the winds of change followed by the Bad News Bull Hammer for the 3 count.

WINNER: Bad News Barrett via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with a replay of Ultimate Warrior's tribute on Raw.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with the Divas Battle Royal

MATCH: Divas Battle Royal

Contestants: Nikki Bella, Naomi, Cameron, Emma, Tamina Snuka, Alicia Fox, Aksana, Eva Marie, Layla, Natalya.

Eva Marie is eliminated by Layla.

Emma is eliminated by Nikki Bella.

Layla is eliminated by Natalya.

Naomi is eliminated by Tamina.

Cameron is eliminated by Tamina.

Alicia Fox is eliminated by Nikki and Tamina.

Nikki Bella is eliminated by Tamina.

Natalya is eliminated by Tamina.

WINNER: Tamina via Elimination

*Commercial Break*

A vignette plays for Adam Rose.

A recap plays of The Shield's beat down at the hand of 11 men plus the newly reformed Evolution.

Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter make their way to the ring. Colter has a sign that says, "Deport Cesaro" on one side, and "I Don't miss the Swiss" on the other.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Zeb Colter talking about how Cesaro is a traitor. He goes on saying that Cesaro has justified everything he said about immigrants over the past year. He predicts that Cesaro and Heyman's alliance won't last long.

MATCH: Big Show vs. Jack Swagger

The match starts out with Swagger getting behind Big Show. Big Show powers out. Swagger ducks the clothesline but runs into a boot from Big Show. Big Show drives Swagger to the corner and delivers a few massive chops. Swagger fights back and drives Big Show to the corner. He delivers a Big Splash and blocks the boot from Big Show. Swagger goes to work on the knee of Big Show. Big Show fights out of a submission hold but is once again taken out by the knee. Swagger hits the Swagger Bomb twice for the 2 count. He goes back to work on the knee of Big Show. Big Show fights out but eats a boot from Swagger for a 2 count. Big Show catches the boot from Swagger and is knocked to the mat by Big Show. Swagger is hit with a clothesline and is slammed to the mat. Big Show goes for the choke slam but Swagger reverses into the Patriot Lock. Big Show powers out and grabs Swagger by the throat. He tosses Swagger into the ropes and hits the KO punch for the 3 count.

WINNER: Big Show via Pinfall
Overall, a very lackluster episode of Main Event. It was probably the most irrelevant edition since the show started airing live on the Network. The best part was seeing Barrett keep up his momentum coming off a victory on Raw the night before. The first match with Los Matadores and El Torito was silly. I don't know why they didn't just make it a 6 man tag match with Torito and Hornswoggle wrestling on their respective teams. The Divas battle royal was painful to watch. It was extremely sloppy although I was happy to see Tamina pick up the victory. As for Emma, she was better off staying on NXT because she is being wasted on the main roster. Anyway, Tamina and Paige should be a decent match at Extreme Rules. Big Show and Jack Swagger put on a good performance. I'm not sure what they're going to do with Swagger and Colter from this point forward, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a fairly heated rivalry with Cesaro.


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