WWE Raw 3/10/14 Live Results & Review Coverage - Occupy Raw | Smark Out Moment

WWE Raw 3/10/14 Live Results & Review Coverage - Occupy Raw

Posted by Robert DeFelice Monday, March 10, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing live coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for March 10, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Raw is coming to you live from the FedEx forum in Memphis, Tennessee. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends to follow along here!

The Road to WrestleMania stops in Memphis, Tennessee tonight! Hulk Hogan makes a major announcement concerning WrestleMania; The Undertaker to appear live; The WrestleMania headliners team up against Daniel Bryan and The Big Show.

[Pre Show notes]

-Your panel consists of: Booker T, Jimmy Hart, Alex Riley, and Josh Matthews
-Main Event announced: Daniel Bryan and Big Show vs. Randy Orton and Batista
-The WWE Universe will be able to take a vote on what kind of match Christian and Sheamus Will compete in: Street Fight, Falls Count Anywhere, 2/3 Falls!
-Video packages focused on the three non-title WrestleMania rivalries.
-Del Rio/Sin Cara was taped for Superstars.
-Dolph Ziggler also competed in a match for Superstars.
-Jimmy Hart referred to Seth Rollins as the weak link of The Shield, as of the panel continued to play up their dissension.

Michael Cole welcomes us to the show and Justin Roberts introduces Hulk Hogan to kick off everything. The announcers talk up Hogan's accomplishments and The Hulkster is ready to make his major announcement. Vintage Hogan schtick as Hogan plugs his return and the WWE Network and his classic WrestleMania battles. He says his heart pounds as he watches himself vs. Andre and it gave him an idea... There will be an Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal at 'Mania! John Cena's music interrupts Hulk; Cole announces Cena vs Rowan tonight!

Cena hypes the energy of the crowd and praises Hogan talking about how he watched Hogan/Andre as a child. Cena is in the Battle Royal. Legit Shock for me! Bray Wyatt interrupts Cena and The Family make their entrance as Michael Cole discusses Cena and Bray's history. Bray Wyatt cut a great promo on pride and said that when you look him in the eyes you should see a God. John Sina cut down the promo and made his usual round of jokes before backing out of the Battle Royal to challenge Wyatt to a one-on-one match at 'Mania. The Family moved toward the ring and RAW was sent to commercial with a great visual of Hogan/Cena staring down The Wyatts.

*Commercial break*

Match One: John Cena vs Erik Rowan
Back from commercial, Cena/Rowan is joined in progress and Rowan worked over the injured leg. John tried to mount a comeback but was caught in a bearhug. This match was all Rowan and John pulled out a sudden victory with a quick rollup. Post Match: Harper and Rowan stared down Cena and Hogan before being called off by Bray allowing the two icons to have a moment together in the ring in what is likely a very cool moment for live audience; Michael Cole hyped The WWE Universe's ability to vote on the Christian/Sheamus match and all of the other happenings tonight.

WINNER: John Cena via pinfall.

Up Next: Stephanie McMahon and Triple H!

*Commercial break*

The WWE Rewind recapped the Hunter/Bryan finish last week. Triple H and Stephanie made their entrance. The Authority stood on the ramp, mimicking Daniel Bryan as a B+ brand offering an apology, saying that if Bryan apologizes, they can all move on. If he does not however, there will be dire consequences. The New Age Outlaws made their entrance and shook hands with The Authority as Michael Cole announced The Usos were up next...

*Commercial break*

Back from commercial, Ryback and Curtis Axel were in the ring and a pre-taped segment showed Ryback and declare his participation in the Andre The Giant Battle Royal. The Usos made their entrance and a video package showed their championship victory as The Outlaws discuss the moment on commentary.

Match Two: The Usos vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel

The Usos made quick work of the former Heyman Guys. Picking up the win with the flying body splash.(I missed most of the match trying to fix up my coverage.)

WINNER: The Usos via pinfall.

Backstage, Kane tried to motivate The Shield saying that they may be becoming dispossable. He booked Rollins/Reigns vs The Rhodes Bros. The Shield said Kane was the one who is becoming disposable and was trying to deflect the attention off of himself. Reigns said they would dispose of The Rhodes Bros. and anyone else who got in their way.

*Commercial break*

Match Three: Big E vs. Jack Swagger

Back from commercial, Big E and Swagger were already in the ring. Swagger got an early advantadge and Big E was shown in a pretaped segment announcing his candidacy for the Andre memorial Battle Royal. Big E took over and had a belly to belly but Jack quickly cut him off. Zeb Colter told Cesaro to interfere, he refused, and the distraction allowed Big E to roll-up Swagger for the win. Post Match: more dissension from The Real Americans. Colter threw a fit and demanded they shake hands. Cesaro Hurt Jack's hand with how strong his grip was.

WINNER: Big E via pinfall

Up Next: The Undertaker!

*Commercial break*

The gong hit and the crowd roared as The Deadman made his way to the ring speak for the first time in a year. On commentary: Michael discussed how no one was giving Brock Lesnar a chance going into this upcoming match; Bradshaw countered by hyping up the beast incarnate and saying he felt Brock Lesnar will end the streak.

Before Undertaker could speak, Paul Heyman made an appearance on the ramp. Heyman said that Undertaker's streak was the greatest in sports and entertainment. Heyman said that not even the greatest legends could put five WrestleMania victories in a row. Heyman compared The Undertaker to a deity of biblical proportions. He then asked Undertaker not to compete against Brock Lesnar because Brock Lesnar was the reality that would come crashing down on the streak. Undertaker said that the fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all and that at WrestleMania 30, Brock Lesnar will rest in peace; Michael Cole hyped the tag team main event and said The Authority was still waiting for an apology from Daniel.

Up Next: The Shield vs. The Rhodes Bros!

*Commercial break*

Tomorrow on Main Event: AJ Lee Will Defend her championship against Natalya and Dean Ambrose defends his gold against Mark Henry.

The Brotherhood and The Shield made their entrances.

Match Three: The Shield vs. The Rhodes Bros

Seth and Cody start off. Cody quickly to go over and quick exchanges from The Rhodes Bros kept the momentum swinging in their way until Rollins hit a reverse STO. Quick exchanges from both sides led to Goldust and Roman being the two legal men. Goldust ejected both men to the ringside floor allowing his brother to hit a flying Crossbody onto both men. Dean Ambrose freaked out as RAW went to commercial.

*Commercial break*

Back from commercial, the action continued as Roman had Goldust in a front facelock footage from the app showed Roman dominating. A tag to Seth led to the continuing punishment of the bizarre one. The crowd briefly chanted for CM punk, as Roman hit his signature apron dropkick to the side of the head of Goldust. Goldust kicked out of a cover by Roman who tagged Seth.. Goldust got a little offense but another quick exchange by The Shield saw more domination. Finally, Cody got the hot tag and took over on The Shield. Cody scored a great near fall off of his standing moonsault. The action brroke down as Roman speared Goldust and a great series of counter wrestling led to Seth Rollins hitting The Blackout on Cody for the victory.

WINNER: The Shield via pinfall.

The Christian/Sheamus vote was hyped once again before RAW Took another commercial break.

*Commercial break*

The WWE Slam of the Week hyped Natalya tapping out AJ.

Match Four: AJ Lee and Tamina vs The Bella Twins

Nikki started off with Tamina. Quick double teaming gave the twins the advantage, before AJ distracted Brie, and the heels took over while Natalya quoted her famous family on commentary while discussing her title match tomorrow night. Nikki ended up hitting her reverse torture rack backbreaker to pick up the victory over AJ.

Winner: The Bella Twins via pinfall.

Post Match: Natalya and Nikki had a stare down.

Still to come: Daniel Bryan and The Big Show vs. Randy Orton and Batista!

*Commercial break*

Back from commercial, the commentary team typed the WWE Network before throwing it to a recap of the opening promo. Later tonight: Bray Wyatt's answer to Cena!

Daniel Bryan made his entrance and "The Yes Movement" came alive! Daniel said that he won't apologize for standing up for himself and said that if Hunter wants to put his hands on Bryan he should be prepared for the consequences. He went on to say that "The Yes Movement" was going to occupy Raw and that he wasn't leaving the ring until he got his match to Triple H! Fans stormed the ring in Daniel Bryan shirts and the show cut to commercial. Awesome visual!

*Commercial break*

The show came back and everyone was still in the ring. The Authority made their entrance. Stephanie screamed that she owned everyone and everything in the building. They tried to get the show going again Damien Sandow came out and decided he wasn't going to go to the ring because it was too chaotic. Finally, Triple H was forced to agree to the one on one match with Daniel. Then, Daniel said that if he beat Triple H he wanted in the World Title Match. Hunter agreed and we now have (possibly) two more matches for WrestleMania. Go out of your way to watch the segment nothing I could say could convey how amazing it was on television.

*Commercial break*

Match Five: Christian vs. Sheamus in a Memphis Street Fight

The street fight won the vote, which for some reason means they had to set up cheesy gimmicky weapons around the ring. The action stayed primarily on the floor, Sheamus stomped Christian's head into the stairs and they made their way up the ramp where Christian hit a tornado DDT from the stage to the floor.

*Commercial break*

Back from break, the action had returned to the squared circle. Christian beat the Irishman with a Kendo Stick and covered him for a 2-Count. Sheamus regained control but not for long as Christian dropped Sheamus before going outside and grabbing another Kendo Stick. Sheamus started to overpower Captain Charisma and we got a nasty shot of the welts on his pale back. Sheamus hit a rolling fireman's carry for a count of two before proceeding to beat the Canadian with the Kendo Stick and hiting White Noise for another two. The apron forearms led to a Brogue attempt but Christian got out-of-the-way. The action went to the floor and Sheamus hit an Irish Curse off the stairs. The action still back into the ring and Christian hit a body splash with a chair on Sheamus for a 2. A Brogue Kick through a bass drum spelled the end for Captain Charisma in this great brawl!

WINNER: Sheamus via pinfall. GREAT ACTION!

Michael Cole showed us all how to get started with WWE Network.(If you don't have it you should try to get it it really is a fantastic tool.)

Backstage: Brad Maddox was talking to Batista when Randy walked up panicking. Maddox said that Stephanie and Hunter want Batista and Randy on the same page. Randy extended the olive branch but Batista appeared to decline; A quick bumper for Main Event tomorrow night was shown.

*Commercial break*

Back from break, Lana appeared on the ramp speaking Russian(I believe.) She introduced Alexander Rusev(who also spoke what I believe to be Russian.) The pair received the "What?!" treatment and I can't say that I blame the audience. Another opener recap was shown.

The Wyatt family cut a promo backstage. Bray said he was not of this world. He mocked Cena and Hogan's egos. Bray officially accepted Cena's challenge. Bray said time was on his side. Rowan uttered the word "run."

Big Show made his entrance. The main event is next!

*Commercial break*

Match Six: Daniel Bryan and The Big Show vs. Randy Orton and Batista

The rest of the competitors made their entrances as the commentary team recapped the earlier events with Daniel and The Authority. Randy Orton took over quickly on Daniel to start the match off but Daniel would get Randy to be outside before delivering a suicide dive sending us to commercial with a "YES!" chant.

*Commercial break*

Back from break, Daniel and Randy were still going at it before Batista tag game and absolutely took over on Daniel before tagging Orton back in. Randy Orton hit a power slam and a nonchalant cover for a count of two. The heels continued to dominate Daniel as the announcers bickered about WrestleMania and Bryan. Big Show finally got the tag and took over but the former EVOLUTION would gain the advantage again. Randy and Daniel would become the two legal men and Bryan took control. Bryan missed a headbutt. The action went back-and-forth until Daniel Bryan hit his Knee for the 1-2-3!

WINNERS: Daniel Bryan and Big Show via pinfall.

Thank you for following along tonight. What an incredible night! I think it's important to note that John Cena and The Undertaker have taken a backseat to Daniel! I'm excited for the rest of the build up to this pay-per-view. Feel free to use the footer below to contact me to discuss everything in the world of professional wrestling. Thank you and have a good night.


Don't forget to call in to the live Raw Post Show on Mega Powers Radio immediately following tonight's episode and listen to the Smark Out Moment team's opinions on what transpired!

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Robert DeFelice is a journalist and marketing student. You can follow him on Twitter, Instagram as well as his apparel website Time Killer Apparel and his pro wrestling blog PandemoniuMania.


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