WWE NXT 3-6-14 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE NXT 3-6-14 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Thursday, March 6, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE NXT for March 6, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. NXT is coming to you from Full Sail University in Winter Park, FL. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends to follow along here!

Last week's NXT:Arrival created a buzz across the wrestling community. It brought NXT to a new level and a broader fan base with its premiere on the WWE Network. Highlights included a rematch between Cesaro and Sami Zayn, a NXT Women's Championship Match between Paige and Emma, and a ladder match in which Adrian Neville defeated Bo Dallas for the NXT Championship. Expect to see another high intensity installment of NXT as WWE tries to keep the momentum going in a new Thursday night time slot.

The show starts with a recap of last week's NXT: Arrival including Cesaro vs. Zayn, Emma vs. Paige and Adrian Neville vs. Bo Dallas

Match: Adrian Neville vs. Camacho

Neville tries to shake Camacho's hand but Camacho kicks the champ in the stomach. Neville Hits a cross body off the middle rope and gets Camacho in an armbar. Camacho fights out and sends Neville to the corner. He delivers a series of chops and a running scoop slam for the 2 count. Neville fights back with a dropkick to the head and follows with a missile dropkick of the top rope. Neville hits the Red Arrow off the top rope for the 3 count.

Neville is interviewed after the match saying his feelings after his title win were indescribable and that it was the most amazing night of his life. He says that the belt over his shoulder is a message that says "Anything is possible". He goes on to say that he doesn't look or sound like a typical champion and that the best thing about his winning the championship is that there is "No More Bo!"

Bo Dallas' music hits and the former champion comes to the ring. In a display of false modesty he congratulates Neville. He says while Neville got the win, he didn't pin him; he simply climbed the ladder like a dad "cleaning the leaves from the gutter". He says he will be cashing in his rematch clause soon.

Emma is interviewed about her match against Paige. She says she respects Paige and that they are friends. Rick Flair comes on screen and says his daughter Charlotte is going to be the next NXT women's championship. Charlotte comes on and says sarcastically that Emma could cry on her shoulder anytime.

A graphic plays for Emma and Charlotte's upcoming match.

*Commercial break*

Upon return Paige is interviewed. She says that she had no doubt she was going to win against Emma but she respects her nonetheless. Flair and Charlotte come back on and talk some more smack. Charlotte says she is going to take the belt from Paige.

Match: Emma vs. Charlotte

The match starts out with the two women locking up. Charlotte forces Emma into the corner and goes for the clothesline which Emma ducks. Charlotte gets Emma in an armbar which Emma reverses. They exchange holds with Emma coming out on top with a wristlock. Emma roles up Charlotte for a 2 count. The crowd chants "better than Batista". Emma sends Charlotte to the corner. She jumps over Emma but tweeks her ankle on the way down. As Emma is distracted by Sasha Banks at ringside, Charlotte reveals that she was faking her injury and attacks Emma from behind. She gets the 3 count.

An interview airs from last week of Sami Zayne after his match with Cesaro. He says that he is at a loss of words. Renee asks Zayn what Cesaro said to him after the match and Zayn says "that's personal" but he got what he needed from the match

*Commercial break*

Match: Corey Graves vs. Yoshi Tatsu

Corey Graves gets on the mic and introduces himself. He shows anger over not being at Arrival and having to face wrestlers like Tatsu. He says he is annoyed by Sami Zayn because Zayn hasn't won a match in a long time yet still gets opportunities to face superstars like Cesaro.

The match starts with Graves rolling to the outside. He gets on the mic again and says "Forget This". The ref begins the ten count. Tatsu attempts to attack Graves outside the ring and is met with a big clothesline. Graves drives him into the steps and Tatsu is counted out.

Graves goes to the outside and beats on Tatsu. He throws him back in the ring and applies "The Lucky 13" submission hold. Sami Zayn's music hits and Graves flees from the ring as Zayn comes down the ramp. Zayn challenges Graves to a match later in the night.

A Promo plays of Adam Rose's party from the night before. He says that everything is going to change with his in ring debut.

A recap of of Alexander Rusev's attack on Xavier Woods from last week.

Woods is interviewed and Challenges Rusev to a match next week.

Rusev's interview from last week is then played and the Rusev accepts Woods' challenge for next week.

Match: Adam Rose vs. Wesley Blake

Adam Rose makes quite an entrance with an entourage of masked party goers carrying him on their shoulders. The crowd starts the "this is awesome" chant. The match starts out with Blake getting rose in a wrist lock which Rose gets out of with a roll. He proceeds to roll around the ring. A big shoulder block sends Blake down the mat and is followed by an arm drag. Blake sends Rose into the corner but Rose fights back with a spear and a fury of blows. Rose hits a big spinebuster followed by a powerful clothesline for the 3 count.

A graphic plays of Sami Zayne vs. Corey Graves plays.

*Commercial break*

Match: Corey Graves vs. Sami Zayn

Cory Graves starts the match with a boot to the midsection and drives Zayn into the corner. Zayn tries to reverse but Graves keeps up the aggressive offense. He gets a 1 count after a big forearm. Graves gets Zayn into a headlock and gets a series of one counts as Zayn's shoulders go to the mat. Zayn gets out and delivers a few arm drags to Graves, sending him to the outside. He goes for the dive to the outside but Graves moves. Zayn catches himself.

Graves gets back in the ring and keeps up the offense. He plants Zayn with a slam and gets another 1 count.

*Commercial break*

The action returns with Zayn in a quarter Nelson hold. Graves gets Zayn in the corner and the two exchange forearms. Grave retaliates by stomping Zayn to the mat. Graves gets another 2 count. He gets Zayn in a submission hold. Zayn fights out but is slammed again. Graves pins Zayn for a 2 count. Graves gets Zayn in another submission hold and Zayn fights out. The momentum changes in favor of Zayn before he is caught by a huge backbreaker from Graves. Graves gets the 2 count.

Zayn goes to the corner and hits Graves with a crossbody. Graves is in the corner as Zayn attempts the Helluva kick. He is met with a big forearm. Zayn counters with a blue thunder bomb. Graves takes out Zayns knee and goes for another backbreaker. Zayn reverses and rolls Graves up in a small package and gets the 3 count for the victory.


Another great installment of NXT. Adrian Neville's match was short but it served to show the skill and ability of Neville. Such an easy win proved that it is going to take a special competitor to take the belt from around Neville's waste. Emma vs. Charlotte was another short match but it did well in showcasing the cunning of Charlotte. I like how she is developing as a protege of her father by using dirty tricks inside the ring. Adam Rose, formerly Leo Kruger, made his character's in ring debut tonight. The vignette that played before the match was fun and captured Rose's character perfectly. His entrance was great and the crowd really got behind it. Rose's in ring style solidified his character. While he is a fun wrestler, he also has an aggressive side that should not be taken lightly. Zayn vs. Graves was a great performance by both wrestlers. It was no easy task to follow up a performance like Zayn had last week but the former El Generico didn't fail to deliver. I like how it ended in a small package rather than a finisher as it displayed Zayn's technical prowess which could change the direction of a match at any moment. Both Zayn and Graves are exciting to watch in the ring and I look forward to see what the WWE has in store for them in the future.


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