WWE Main Event 3-25-14 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Main Event 3-25-14 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, March 25, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Main Event for March 25, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Main Event is coming to you from Boston, MA. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends to follow along here!

Tonight's Main Event follows an exciting episode of Raw that saw the escalation of several story lines including The Shield's battle against Corporate Kane and The New Age Outlaws and The Undertaker's feud with "The Beast" Brock Lesnar. Expect to see recaps of those events along with an Intercontinental Title defense by Big E against Christian.

It was announced that Christian had sustained a concussion last night and is unable to compete. A triple threat match will be held to determine a new #1 contender.

MATCH: Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler

The match starts out with Sheamus going after Del Rio. Ziggler joins in and the two deliver a series of boots to a cornered Del Rio. Sheamus and Ziggler go at it. Ziggler is sent to the mat. Del Rio Tosses Ziggler out of the ring and is met with a forearm from Sheamus followed by several knees to the face. Sheamus gets a 2 count. Del Rio is sent to the corner but fights out. Sheamus hits a rolling senton for a 2 count. Del Rio rolls out of the ring. Ziggler and Sheamus square up. Sheamus over powers Ziggler. They lock up again and Sheamus gets Ziggler in a headlock. He throws him off the ropes and sends Ziggler to the mat with a shoulder block. Ziggler tries to fight back but is it with another shoulder block. Ziggler is sent off the ropes and hits a dropkick. He gets a 2 count on Sheamus. Sheamus fights back but Ziggler rolls him up for another 2 count. Sheamus fights back and hits an elbow drop for a 2 count. He gets Ziggler in a submission hold. Ziggler fights out and misses a boot t the face. Sheamus goes for his signature chops over the top rope but is hit with an enzigurifrom Del Rio.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Del Rio in control. He gets a 2 count on Ziggler and then puts him in a headlock. Ziggler fights out but is caught with a backbreaker from Del Rio for a 2 count. Sheamus tries to get back in the match but is met with a kick from Del Rio. Del Rio goes to the top rope. He is caught with a drop kick from Ziggler. Ziggler hits a clotheline and splashed Del Rio in the corner followed by a neckbreaker for another 2 count. Del Rio hits a powerful kick to Ziggler's midsection. Ziggler is pulled out of the ring by Sheamus.

Sheamus gets back in and delivers the 10 Beats to the Bodhran. Ziggler tries to fight back but Sheamus delivers a backbreaker to Ziggler followed by one to Del Rio. He gets a 2 count on Del Rio. Ziggler rolls out of the ring. Ziggler loads up the Brogue Kick but is caught with a dropkick from Ziggler. Del Rio goes after Sheamus in the corner but is stopped. Sheamus goes to the top rope. Del Rio hits the German suplex on Ziggler for a 2 count. Sheamus hits a clothesline from the top rope for a 2 count. DelRio fights back with a kick but is stopped with a knee from Sheamus. He dumps Del RIo outside with a clotheline. Sheamus turns around and meets a DDT from Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler gets the 2 count.

Ziggler and Sheamus get to their feet. Ziggler hits a splash in the corner. Sheamus fights back and goes for the White Noice. Ziggler rolls him up for a 2 count. Sheamus gets Ziggler in a cloverleaf but is kicked in the back of the head by Del Rio for a 2 count. Ziggler hits the famouser on Del Rio for a 2 count. Del Rio and Ziggler struggle to their feet. Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag on Del Rio . Del Rio fights out. Ziggler turns around and is hit with a Brogue kick. Ziggler rolls out of the ring before Sheamus could get the pin. Sheamus delivers the White Noise to Del Rio for a 2 count. He goes for a cloverleaf but Del Rio reverses into a cross armbreaker. Sheamus fights out and goes for the Brogue Kick. Del Rio moves and Sheamus gets tied up in the top rope. Del Rio tries to hit Sheamus with a backstabber but Ziggler sneaks up behind and turns it into a Zig Zag ofr the 3 count.

WINNER: Dolph Ziggler via Pinfall

Ziggler and Big E are interviewed in the middle of the ring. Ziggler says he is going to WrestleMania and is going to win the Andre the Giant Battle Royal as Intercontinental Champion. Big E recalls his time with Ziggler but says he is still going to beat Ziggler tonight. They shake hands and Ziggler goes to the back to prepare for his championship match later in the night.

A recap plays of Batista's encounter with Randy Orton last night on Raw. Orton tries to get HHH out of the title match by schmoozing Stephanie McMahon. Batista talk some smack on Stephanie and gets slapped in the face. Orton laughs at him and gets a spear from Batista.

A graphic plays for a 10 Diva Tag-Team match coming up next.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with AJ LEE sitting down to commentary.

MATCH: Natalya, Eva Marie, Cameron, Naomi, and Emma vs. Summer Rae, Layla, Alicia Fox, Aksana and Tamina Snuka

The match starts out with Layla and Natalya. Natalya has the early advantage with a series of clotheslines followed by a snap suplex for a 2 count. She tags in Emma. Emma delivers a boot to the midsection. Emma rolls up Layla for a 2 count. Layla fights back but is caught in the Dilemma. Alicia Fox is tagged in. Eva Marie is tagged in. Eva hits a snapmare into a headlock. Alicia Fox drives Eva into the corner and delivers several blows. The 2 teams our into the ring but the ref quickly restores order. Alicia Fox hits a northern lights suplex for a 2 count. Summer Rae is tagged in and chokes Eva Marie on the middle rope.

Alicia Fox is tagged back in and gets Eva in a chinlock. She drives Eva to the mat and goes for a front flip but misses. Naomi and Tamina a tagged in. Tamina is caught with a hurricanrana. Tamina goes for the samoan drop but Naomi gets out. She hits a splash in the corner followed by a crossbody from the top rope. Chaos ensues again. Eva MArie and Emma dance in the middle of the ring and Tamina plants them with a double clothesline. Naomi gets back in the ring and is caught with a super kick from Tamina for the 3 count.

WINNERS: Summer Rae, Layla, Alicia Fox, Aksana and Tamina Snuka

AJ Lee tries to congratulate Tamina after the match but Tamina isn't having it. AJ's music hits and she skips away.

A graphic plays of John Cena staring into a mirror thinking of the Wyatts from last night on raw.

*Commercial Break*

A graphic plays announcing an 8 man tag-team match at WrestleMania for the tag team championships.

The Raw Rebound plays recapping John Cena's match against Luke Harper. Cena talks about how he's afraid of Bray Wyatt. It shows clips from the match and the beat down he sustained after the match interspersed with clips of Wyatt's promo's over the past few weeks.

The action returns with Bad News Barrett assuming his position atop the raised podium. He talks about how John Cena is freaked out by the Wyatt Family, similar to how everyone in the audience gets freaked out when they look in the mirror. He goes on to say they should wear the Wyatt's Sheep Mask to cover their ugly faces.

A graphic plays for the upcoming Intercontinental Match between Big E and Dolph Ziggler

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Big E already in the ring.

MATCH: Big E vs. Dolph Ziggler

The match starts out with the two sqauring up. They lock up and Ziggler is overpowered by Big E. They lock up again and Ziggler is met with a big forearm. Ziggler gets behind Big E Big E hits a hip toss for a 1 count. He keeps Ziggler in a headlock. Ziggler fights out but is sent to the mat with a shoulder block. Big E gains momentum off the ropes but is caught with a dropkick. Big E hits a huge clotheline on Ziggler and Ziggler rolls out of the ring.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Big E sending Ziggler into the corner. He charges at Ziggler. Ziggler moves and Big E is sent into the ringpost. Ziggler hits a crossbody and hits a flurry of blows. He splashes Big E in the corner and hits a neckbreaker for a 2 count Big E fights back with a few clotheslines and a belly to belly suplex. He gets momentum off the ropes but is hit with another dropkick. He catches Ziggler as he gets to his feet and slams him to the ground for a 2 count. Ziggler back out and hits a DDT for a 2 count.
Ziggler goes off the ropes and goes for the Zig Zag but is nearly decapitated with a clothesline from Big E for a 2 count. Big E goes for the big ending but is caught with a Famouser from Ziggler. Ziggler gets a 2 count. Big E sends Ziggler off the ropes. He launches Ziggler into the air and lets him fall to the mat. Big E picks up Ziggler and hits the Big Ending for the 3 count.

WINNER: Big E via Pinfall

Ziggler and Big E hug in the middle of the ring as the show closes out.


This was an Okay episode of Main Event that had the potential to be better. I'm assuming that Christian's concussion is real and not a work, so it seems they had to scramble to rework the card.

With that said, the triple threat match was exciting but a bit redundant. I'm glad Ziggler won, but on the other hand, there could have been an awesome build up to a match between Ziggler and Big E given their past history. In my opinion, all it is going to take to make the Intercontinental Championship relevant again is one epic rivalry that culminates in a title change. I am, however, glad to see guys like Sheamus and Ziggler in the Intercontinental Championship picture. I'm curious to see what the plans are for this title going forward.

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