TNA Impact Wrestling 3-6-2014 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

TNA Impact Wrestling 3-6-2014 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Robert DeFelice Thursday, March 6, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of TNA Impact Wrestling for March 6, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Impact Wrestling is coming to you from London, England. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends to follow along here!

The go-home show for Lockdown! Team MVP and Team Roode final hype; Samoa Joe and Magnus go Face-to-Face and more on this final show in the UK

The show begins with a recap of the build-up to the Lethal Lockdown Match, including Austin Aries choosing to join Team Roode. In the ring: Roode, BroMans, and DJ Zema. Bobby talks TNA getting ready to be run the "Roode" way. Aries interrupts; he announces he wants half of Roode's 10% that would be gained if they won. Robbie E chimes in and says The BroMans also want "a piece of the pie." Bobby Roode shuts everyone down and says that the first priority is winning the match on Sunday.

MVP interrupts. The announcers discuss his lack of a partner for Lockdown. MVP says he has found a partner but before he could reveal who that was, Dixie Carter's music interrupted. Dixie said she will do anything to keep control of her company; MVP announces that Jeff Hardy will be his partner. A brawl ensues sending us to commercial.

*Commercial break*

MATCH: MVP and The Wolves vs. Bobby Roode, Austin Aries and Robbie E for the numbers advantage inside Lethal Lockdown.

The match is joined in progress. Robbie E is eliminated first. Austin Aries comes in and he and Bobby Roode using the numbers advantage take down Eddie Edwards who gets eliminated by an Austin Aries Brainbuster. Davey Richards comes in and gets off a little offense before a dual exchange is made and both captains of the Lethal Lockdown have a great exchange of back-and-forth action. Bobby rolls up MVP and by putting his foot on the ropes and a little added leverage from Austin Aries eliminates MVP and it becomes a two on one situation.

Davey Richards gets some really great offense in including a very unique counter in which he got Bobby to DDT Austin. Austin ended up showing frustration; hitting Davey repeatedly on the arm with a steel chair. Officials, Eddie Edwards and MVP hit the ring to check on Davey.

*Commercial break*

Back from commercial, Davey Richards was shown getting medical attention. Earl Hebner came and said that he was giving Davey Richards one hour to get back in the ring with Bobby. Bizzare.

A Samuel Shaw video package was shown chronicling his history with Christy Hemme as well as Ken Anderson. In a backstage promo, Sam said that he was going to create something beautiful in the ring.

*Commercial break*

Samuel Shaw made his entrance, announcers discussed Hemme being nowhere in sight. Ken Anderson came out and mimicked introductions for Sam Shaw and Eric Young.

MATCH: Eric Young vs Samuel Shaw

Eric Young got an early advantage with the jawbreaker. Samuel Shaw took over as the crowd chanted "Creppy Bastard." Samuel turned his attention to Ken on the outside and Eric Young got the advantage. The match stumbled to the floor before Samuel took out Eric and then caught Ken Anderson in his submission hold, choking Ken out and then stating he was going to claim "what was his." A backstage shot showed Christy beginning to panic. The camera then cut to Davey Richards still receiving medical attention. "I need to go to the hospital." He told MVP who told him to sit tight and show some heart.

*Commercial break*

Back from commercial, MVP was in the locker room trying to confront Austin Aries as Al Snow and Pat Kenny held him back. MVP told Aries he had no character; Another video package showed the feud between Ethan Carter and Kurt Angle. ECIII was then shown talking to Dixie Carter who asked him to take out Kurt Angle on Sunday; Samuel Shaw was shown walking through the backstage area looking for Christy Hemme.

*Commercial break*

Back from break, Mike Tenay hypes the Joe/Magnus meeting tonight. Samuel Shaw is seen walking into a female dressing room where a very frightened Velvet Sky informed him that Christy is in the makeup room. Ethan Carter III is in the ring talking about how Kurt Angle is afraid of him and his submission wrestling. He claims that he will use a like a leg lock to tear every ligament in his leg down. ECIII says that after this Sunday, he will officially become the American Icon.

Kurt Angle interrupts. He called Ethan "The American Asshole," and said he wasn't going to wait three days. ECIII left the ring as Kurt charged at him. Kurt walked up the ramp and ECIII attack the leg from behind and threw Kurt Angle in the ring before applying a leg lock. Ethan admired his work as the announcers played up the severity of the injury. Back in the medical area, MVP gave The Wolves another pep talk. "I'm still breathing." Davey said; The Knockouts are up Next!

*Commercial break*

The announcers hyped all of the festivities for Lockdown weekend; a new vignette aired for Kenny King, who seems to have a high-rollers gimmick. The knockouts made their entrance for the six woman's tag team match.

MATCH: ODB, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne vs. The Alpha Female, Lei'D Tapa and Gail Kim(w/ Chris Sabin)

Madison and Gail started it off going back-and-forth. Gail missed a Flying splash in the corner and ODB was tagged in. She got in some signature offense and a bronco Buster before Gail tagged out to Lei'D. Lei'D dominated ODB before a dual exchange was made and your legal ladies were Alpha Female and Velvet. Velvet eventually got the better of the larger woman with a Running Neckbreaker. All the ladies would end up getting in the ring and brawling to the floor. Chris Sabin then confronted velvet in the ring, she would end up outsmarting him and getting the victory with her Sit-out Pedigree finisher. Great action from all ladies.

Samuel Shaw was looking for the makeup room to send us to commercial.

*Commercial break*

Back from break, We get an Insta-Fact touting TNA's success in the UK and another Willow Promo. Samuel Shaw found the makeup room and Ken Anderson was there in a red wig. Anderson beat Samuel down and covered his face with lipstick. Shaw laughed manically and promised to see "them both" Sunday; A Gunner/James Storm package aired. Gunner made his entrance.

Gunner said he lives by a code and had worked for everything he had. He called James out for running away from their fight last week and ensured that wouldn't happen on Sunday because of the steel cage; James storm is out to interrupt. James mocked Gunner's military past and called his code of ethics an excuse. James said it would be an all day ass-whooping on Sunday. Gunner suggested to raise the stakes and make their match Last Man Standing. James said he's been World Champion and told Gunner to pray before their encounter on Sunday. Storm than low-blowed Gunner and hit him with the Last Call super kick before leaving the ring.

Bobby Roode was shown backstage saying that it has been an hour and he took Brain Hebner and headed toward the ring...

*Commercial break*

Back from commercial, Bobby Roode was anxiously trying to be awarded the match from earlier. The referee began his obligatory 10 count. Right before the 10 count completed, Team MVP headed to the ring.

MATCH: Bobby Roode vs Davey Richards

Bobby immediately took over the match by going after the injured shoulder. Davey tried to mount a comeback but was quickly thwarted. Bobby missed a Knee Drop allowing Davey to take over. Hitting a great apron Dragon Screw and Suicide Dive before getting Bobby back in the ring and hitting a Missile Dropkick for a two count. A missed Roundhouse led to a Roode Bomb attempt. Which was countered into a sunset flip only garnering a two count. Davey tried to lock on a Single Leg Boston Crab which Roode countered with stiff kicks to the injured shoulder. Richards missed a charge and crashed right in to the steel ring post. Roode Bomb connected leading to a Crossface which gave Bobby the win and giving the heel Lethal Lockdown team the numbers edge.

A Tigre Uno vignette aired; Magnus approach Dixie Carter backstage and seemed to have a problem facing Joe one-on-one. I feel that this move made him look very, very weak. Magnus/Joe Face-to-Face next!

*Commercial break*

Back from break, Tenay and Taz discussed the three major Lockdown matches before Joe made his entrance for the face-to-face.

"MAAAAGNUSSSS!" Joe shouted before calling Magnus to the ring. The world champion made his entrance on cue and stepped face-to-face with the Challenger. Magnus said Joe knew him better than anyone else but then, Joe turned his back on Magnus. Magnus says it makes Joe angry that he is the World Champion. Magnus said he had a "healthy fear" of Joe but that Joe's rage had cost him the top spot and would be the reason that Magnus would retain the belt on Sunday. Joe said that what Magnus said was true but that at Lockdown it was "Joe's rules." Knock Out or Tap Out only. Joe said that Magnus wouldn't walk out at all. A brawl ensued before the show went off the air with the final image of Magnus tapping to the Rear Naked Choke.


Thank you for following along. I thought the show was very well done tonight, I'm actually very excited for the Samuel Shaw/Ken Anderson encounter and it will be interesting to see if they pull the trigger on Samoa Joe. Have a good night!


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Robert DeFelice is a journalist and marketing student. You can follow him on Twitter, Instagram as well as his apparel website Time Killer Apparel and his pro wrestling blog PandemoniuMania.


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