The professional wrestling world outside of WWE is a dying a breed. We have the WWE and that's pretty much it. Independent wrestling companies come and go every year, so when news breaks that one has real financial backing, you can't help but be excited. With news whirling around the Internet that Jeff Jarrett is putting together his own company along with Toby Keith, it makes you wonder about the potential. In this article, I'm going to cover who I think Jeff Jarrett & Toby Keith should bring in and what I'd like to see them do to create an alternative wrestling product to the WWE.
The Identity
It's always easy to point out flaws within the WWE, but it's never as easy to say what it is you'd do differently. For a new a promotion, finding your identity is one of the most important things. I think TNA lost its identity and along with that, some of its loyal fan base. For Jeff Jarrett's promotion, I think the best thing to do, is take their own product serious, give it a sense of realism by taking a page from how the UFC promote their fights.
Wrestling booking isn't as complex as it's made out to be. You take Wrestler A and Wrestler B and you build them up to be something interesting. Then, when it's the right time, you put those two elements together and people tune in to see the chaos. That's what the UFC does—it takes two guys who have built up a resume and have people behind them and before you know it, their well-documented abilities have attracted people to come and watch them fight. That's the meat of booking. Anything else as far as angles and stories go are just the steak sauce. We don't get that anymore in pro wrestling. No one is built up anymore. Only one or two guys are garnering any interest, leaving the wrestling fans often feeling that the product is stagnant.
So summing all this up, what I'd like to see from a new promotion is to actually take some guys with potential, give them a whole bunch of momentum and have them duke it out. Just like any real combat sport, treat your product with a little legitimacy and the people who watch will do so in return. It'll give the pro wrestling purists the in-ring work they desire whilst keeping the pageantry that pro wrestling thrives on, but in a manner that even an older demographic that get behind.
The Talent
Honestly, it's not the best time to start up a company in my eyes. There's always great talent on the indies, but compared to 2005 the talent pool is very thin. Most of those talents are now locked up in contracts with either WWE or TNA, and a lot of those would-be indie stars are being signed to NXT. So that leaves us with the question, what type of roster should Jeff Jarrett hire?

Of course there are plenty of fantastic names such as, Adam Cole, Roderick Strong, Bobby Fish and Kyle O' Riley ect. But given what's out there right now, I think the listed talent above give you a different variety of what's available and provide a fantastic in ring product.
Final Thoughts
Of course there are more things I could go in to like who I'd want pulling the strings backstage, who'd I want at the commentary table. Plus an introduction of the tale of the tape for the matches. But for now this covers what I'd like to see from Jeff Jarrett's or anyone promotion that has some potential. But I'm sure it's wishful thinking, If you agree or disagree, let me know in the comments below!