WWE Extreme Rules 2014 PPV Predictions - Spoilers of Results | Smark Out Moment

WWE Extreme Rules 2014 PPV Predictions - Spoilers of Results

Posted by Anthony Mango Sunday, May 4, 2014
Watch WWE Extreme Rules 2014 Pay-Per-View Online Results Predictions Spoilers Review
WWE Extreme Rules 2014 Spoilers
WWE's Extreme Rules 2014 pay-per-view will take place at the IZOD Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey on May 4, 2014.

Follow along here for spoilers and information on the event's card, lineup of matches and news regarding the pay-per-view.

Here are my predictions for the 2014 WWE Extreme Rules PPV. Be sure to also check back for Extreme Rules 2014 results and review coverage here on May 4.

The Shield vs. Evolution

This has the potential to be AWESOME. Since there is already a steel cage match, we're obviously not getting a War Games stipulation, but hey, that can come down the line. I expect this to just be something simple like a Street Fight. One way or another, it'll be cool. I would be utterly shocked if this is not the match of the night and not one of the best matches of the year, as well.

PREDICTION: Evolution wins. This feud isn't ending soon.

WWE Extreme Rules 2014 Pay-Per-View Daniel Bryan vs Kane Extreme Rules 2014 Special Event

WWE World Heavyweight Championship [Extreme Rules Match]: Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Kane

Kane is fed to Daniel Bryan for an easy victory, half because everyone knows he'd retain and half because it opens the way for Evolution vs The Shield. What's a shame is that this is another no-DQ match with the stupid "Extreme Rules match" name. If you've followed this site for a while, you should know by now how much I hate that and wish they would stop having 100 different names for the same "no disqualification" stipulation. Ugh. That match is still okay in theory for a stipulation, but the title is just an annoyance. Is it the most sensational and exciting match possible? Nope. But it's very flexible, which is good, and it's definitely more exciting than a Last Man Standing match or something. Also, it makes absolute perfect sense in damn near every possible way. It's exactly the move that I would do if I were on WWE's creative team.  Hopefully, these two can have a good match out of it as well.

PREDICTION: Daniel Bryan retains.

Watch WWE Extreme Rules 2014 Steel Cage Match Cena vs Wyatt

[Steel Cage Match] John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

A steel cage match makes sense, though it isn't exactly the most exciting match that these two can have between each other. Something where the weapons are actually involved could have led to a better outcome, and I hope that they don't look back and see that this turned out to be the same quality or worse than their WrestleMania encounter. Obviously, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan are going to end up playing a part in the match despite this cage. It always happens. Here's hoping Wyatt wins and doesn't look like a chump in the process.

PREDICTION: Bray Wyatt wins.

WWE Extreme Rules 2014 Pay-Per-View Divas Title Match

Divas Championship: Paige (c) vs. Tamina Snuka

Tamina won a #1 contender's match to get a shot at the title, but that victory will end up being pointless by the end of Extreme Rules. There's no way Paige drops the title here, as it would kill her credibility right of the bat. Paige may get her ass handed to her by Tamina, or this could end up being a more even match than I'm expecting. By the end of it, though, Paige will walk out with the title, whether it's from her Paige Turner, Scorpion Cross Lock, or just a simple roll-up.

PREDICTION: Paige retains.

WWE Extreme Rules 2014 PPV Alexander Rusev Handicap Match Xavier Woods R-Truth

Handicap Match: Alexander Rusev vs. R-Truth & Xavier Woods

This will do nothing for Rusev and hurt Xavier Woods, who has done nothing so far in general. I don't really get why WWE is bothering to do this match, as it means something else that is more deserving will not end up being able to fit on the card.

PREDICTION: Rusev clearly wins via submission.

WWE Extreme Rules 2014 Bad News Barrett defeats Big E pay-per-view

Intercontinental Championship: Big E (c) vs. Bad News Barrett

I'm betting my chips on Bad News Barrett winning the Intercontinental Championship #1 contender's tournament. While there's a chance that it could go to Cesaro, I think there's unfinished business with him and Jack Swagger (see below) that we will see instead. Whether it's Barrett or Cesaro, though, Big E is probably going to lose. Without a doubt, he has more of a chance of dropping it to Cesaro than Barrett, but even against Barrett, Big E is not who I'm going to assume will be victorious.

PREDICTION: Bad News Barrett wins the Intercontinental Championship.

WWE Extreme Rules 2014 PPV Pre-Show Match Hornswoggle vs El Torito

[Pre-Show] WeeLC Match: El Torito vs. Hornswoggle


PREDICTION: El Torito wins.

Rob Van Dam vs. Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger Extreme Rules 2014 Results

Cesaro vs. Rob Vam Dam vs. Jack Swagger

I think I would have held off on the RVD inclusion and done a singles match between Swagger and Cesaro—and that isn't because I'm not the biggest RVD fan. That's just something I would have done to help pad things out and give Swagger and Cesaro a better end to their feud. Having RVD involved dilutes it too much for my tastes. While RVD may come out on top here, Cesaro is definitely the favorite. Poor Jack Swagger has absolutely no chance whatsoever in winning. He's taking the fall one way or another and RVD will continue to feud with Cesaro most likely afterward, while Swagger will just be pushed aside and forgotten (and hopefully be given a new tag team partner).

PREDICTION: Cesaro wins.

Seeing as how the card isn't finalized yet, let's take a look at some of the potential matches that seem as though WWE will be adding...

This will be updated with more predictions as time goes on.


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The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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