Here are your submissions for this month:
Sent in from Andre Rosa
Question: "Hollywood has done an interesting job in casting superhero movies lately. From Ben Affleck as Batman to Paul Rudd being cast as Ant-Man to the most recent unravel that Jesse Eisenberg will be Lex Luthor in the Batman vs Superman movie in 2016. So, in honor of the Justice League, if they were to make an Aquaman and Wonder Woman movie, which actors would you choose to play the roles?"
Answer: My gut reaction for a long time now would be to go with Jessica Biel for Wonder Woman (since my old choice of Charisma Carpenter has gotten too old) and Josh Holloway for Aquaman, the latter of which has been rumored, so if that happens, I'd definitely be okay with that casting decision.
Question: "What do you think is the most overrated and most underrated movie you have ever seen?"
Answer: Stranger Than Fiction is pretty massively underrated, as is K-PAX. I think people didn't give Star Trek Into Darkness enough credit either, or Kick-Ass 2. Some movies that I think are really overrated are pretty much every horror film ever made, Do the Right Thing, There's Something About Mary, Tropic Thunder, Coen Brothers films, Argo and a lot of the Best Picture nominees over the past few years, even The Matrix is grossly overrated in a lot of ways.
Question: "Do you think that true happiness can ever be achieved?"
Answer: Not permanently. There's always going to be issues that get in the way, but it depends on your outlook on life. I don't believe that thinking "it could always be worse" is a healthy mentality in the slightest bit, but if you're happy with the minimal amount of things, it's a lot easier to be truly happy overall than if you're someone like me who continually strives for more. I'll never be 100% happy in life, cause I'll always wish I could succeed more and more, and even if I conquered the universe, I'd look back and go "man...if I would have just done X and Y, I would have conquered it so much quicker".
Sent in from Dane Quinn
Question: "Hey guys, love the show. I think CM Punk will return to WWE prior to WrestleMania. What do you think? If he does, what would your plan be for him going into WrestleMania XXX?"
Answer: The more details that come out, the more I think Punk is actually gone. But if he does return, I think he needs to fight Kane at WrestleMania, either in a singles match or he needs to lead a team of people like Dolph Ziggler and other Anti-Authority guys to fight Kane and his disciples that support The Authority (which could be people like Alberto Del Rio, Damien Sandow, etc).