Exclusive Interview with MCW Female Wrestler Jessie Kaye | Smark Out Moment

Exclusive Interview with MCW Female Wrestler Jessie Kaye

Posted by Unknown Thursday, February 20, 2014
I recently had the pleasure to sit down and conduct a interview with MCW star Jessie Kaye. Jessie Kaye has worked for many independent promotions including Maryland Championship Wrestling, WXW C4, ECWA, DCW, OWA All Stars of Wrestling, EPWA, Big Time Wrestling, Wrestleforce, Pro Wrestling Mid Atlantic, F.I.G.H.T., and Prime Wrestling after making her debut in 2010.

Maryland Championship Wrestling Jessie Kaye female wrestler

Q. What made you decide to get into professional wrestling?

A. My story is a little unique. It was always my outlet growing up and I had a lot of passion for it growing up. I wasn't into popular TV shows or anything, but I was into wrestling. But I never thought I could wrestle because I was overweight. I was 200+ pounds and then when I hit 18 I just decided it was time for me to just get in shape and just do it. After I lost about 60 pounds or so I went to Gillberg's Pro Wrestling Academy and were trained by Rich and Earl the Holy Rollers and also trained by Ronnie Zukko.

Q. What would you rather be, a heel or a face?

A. Whatever makes me the most money is the answer. I like being in control and as a heel you're more vicious and vocal, so I enjoy having the control of being a heel. I enjoy letting out my frustration on whomever I want [whether] it be the referee, my opponent, or the kids sitting ringside. But what it comes down to it is whatever makes me the most money and exposure.

Q. Growing up as a kid, who were your favorite women wrestlers?

A. I always liked the hard hitting females from the attitude era of WWE including Ivory, Jazz, Victoria, Trish, Lita and Mickie. Mickie is [on the] top of the list of who I want to work with. She of course came in and wrestled on our show back in February and I can't tell you the satisfaction I [had] working with her. Everything I thought about how it should have been was correct. Her professionalism, the way she moves in the ring and everything is so easy for her. From the putting together of the match to the execution of the match everything was just a piece of cake for her. Of course I'm always like "why am I not that good" and such but then I remember she's freaking Mickie James—she's been doing this for a long time. She's awesome. Right now she's probably the best female wrestler in the industry. I love working with Kacee Carlisle and wish one day to work with Sara Del Ray as well.

Q. Being in the ring with Mickie James and Angelina Love last week, were you nervous or pretty even keel?

A. It was weird situation. I do better when I know the person I'm facing is inferior. I do better because my stress level is higher. I know that the person can't hold their own weight. So when I wrestled them of course I was on top of my game but then I'm not. Its very strange. To have experience across the ring from you and have them let me even compete with them and let me get anything in is humbling. [Those two] are very professional and the match would have never happened if Angelina didn't speak up and say something.

Q. How do you feel about the current female wrestlers on TNA and WWE?

A. I think wrestling in general goes in waves and cycles. Right now its more about the showbiz angle of it and not the wrestling side of it. But it all comes down to making money. If the "not-experienced model" look is making them money that's what these big promotions are going to do.

To catch Jessie Kaye in action come out to the Joppa Marketplace on March 22, 2014 for the Tag Team Wars 2K14. For ticket info go to MarylandWrestling.com or Twitter @MCWWrestling. Also follow Jessie on twitter @MsJessieKaye or instagram @jessiekaye25.

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