Here are your results for Round 1's matches:
Big Show beat Rob Van Dam | Kurt Angle beat JBL
Christian beat Jeff Hardy | Eddie Guerrero beat Booker T
Christian beat Jeff Hardy | Eddie Guerrero beat Booker T
Now it's time for Round 2, where the people who were able to get a bye-vote the last time are now officially fighting for their rightful spot in the tournament. Here is the updated bracket and matches:
Shawn Michaels vs Big Show
[THOUGHTS: I'm 100% going with Shawn Michaels here. The guy was the first ever Grand Slam Champion for a reason. While Big Show was good enough to beat RVD in the first round, that was more so due to RVD's lack of worth than Big Show's immense value. He stands no comparison to HBK here.]
Kane vs Kurt Angle
[THOUGHTS: It's a shame that Kane doesn't have more to his name for the World Heavyweight Championship reign and his extremely short WWE Championship run, as he deserved better than that. Still, because of that, he has to lose this round against Kurt Angle. The odds are too stacked against him.]
Triple H vs Christian
[THOUGHTS: Triple H. I shouldn't have to explain why. Look at the guy's record.]
Chris Jericho vs Eddie Guerrero
[THOUGHTS: Last round, I voted for Booker T over Eddie Guerrero. As such, I'm voting for Chris Jericho over Eddie Guerrero here as well. Jericho's had many more world title reigns, more Intercontinental reigns, and although his value as a tag team champion may not necessarily be as much, we're looking for someone who is the best all-around champion in the end and Eddie doesn't match up to how valuable Jericho can be to ANY division at any time.]
There were two votes that I disagreed with you guys on, so I have two different matches than you do.
Triple H vs Jeff Hardy
[THOUGHTS: If you compare the two, Hardy's time as a world champion is a blink when put up against Triple H's. Hardy is by far the better tag team champion and obviously a better Hardcore champion, but Triple H was a more interesting European champ to me. They about tie on the Intercontinental scale and Triple H wins the main event spot by such a huge margin that he knocks Hardy out of this competition just like he did in real life.]
Chris Jericho vs Booker T
[THOUGHTS: This is a bit more of a tough one than the Eddie Guerrero match against Jericho, but it still goes to Jericho, who edges Booker T out due to sheer numbers.]
This tournament is going to be rushed more than the previous ones. Instead of votes being held once per week, the entire tournament will be over with by September 27th, so make sure you get your votes in as soon as possible and keep checking back!
Here is the schedule:
Round 2 ends Friday 20th @ 10am EST
Round 3 ends Monday 23rd @ 10am EST
Round 4 ends Friday 27th @ 10am EST
Winner is announced Saturday the 28th