Top 10 Best WWE PPVs of the Past to Bring Back: Top Rope List | Smark Out Moment

Top 10 Best WWE PPVs of the Past to Bring Back: Top Rope List

Posted by Anthony Mango Thursday, June 6, 2013
The next pay-per-view on WWE's schedule is Payback (spoilers and live coverage) which is a replacement event that will undoubtedly be replaced with something else next year. Although many events are given different names but truly have no different gimmicks or anything, there may still be reasons why we miss others and wish that they were back.

This week's extra is a new TOP ROPE LIST dedicated to those pay-per-view events that WWE formerly had but for one reason or another, got rid of. Which ones of those were good and should have stuck around? Which ones should come back to the WWE PPV schedule in some kind of capacity?

As explained before, the true focal point of the list revolves around the top 3 which are designated the Bottom Rope (essentially the bronze medal), Middle Rope (silver medal) and Top Rope (gold medal). Let's get down to it!


HONORARY NOTE: In a way, WWE has already brought back Cyber Sunday and Taboo Tuesday with the way that they utilize the WWE App and voting on Twitter and such. There's no need to call them those names anymore or create a whole pay-per-view based on that gimmick in my mind if they do it every week on Raw, but I'm fond of how they've incorporated fan voting into things.

10. Slamboree

Is it a corny name? Sure. Of course it is. But it's a functional name and those two reasons are exactly why WWE should bring this back and rebrand it as something for kids. Perhaps a sort of "Saturday Morning Slam" meets "WWE Axxess" type of thing? This would have to be a show on the WWE Network, though, not a pay-per-view event.

9. Rage in the Cage

In actuality, it's not so much this title as it is the concept of changing up Hell in a Cell. I personally think that an entire pay-per-view dedicated to the Hell in a Cell match is ridiculous and it cheapens it. Instead, I think TNA has the right idea (wow, a compliment for TNA) in "Lockdown". The name sounds good and I like how there are standard cage matches and then one gimmick one. If WWE wants to continue having an event that revolves around cages outside of Elimination Chamber, I think they should give it a different name. Then, they can have both standard cage matches (ie "Rage in a Cage") and then one big special cage (ie "Hell in a Cell"). I'm sure there's a way they could take the normal cage and expand it and put the top on it for just one match. It's not like they don't already take time out to run commercials and such anyway.

8. No Way Out

This should just simply be the name of the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. It sounded so much cooler and it worked with the gimmick, as there's literally no way out of the Elimination Chamber without winning or losing. I don't like the names that are the matches themselves unless it sounds like it could apply to the whole event. For example, I would hate it if they changed Survivor Series to "Elimination Match" or made up a pay-per-view called "Lumberjack Match".

7. Backlash

Why do we have Payback when we can just still have Backlash? Then again, why do we even need Backlash when in the fall, they rush two pay-per-views in a row? Just have one per month and don't even bother with this as you can bump Money in the Bank up or rearrange something else. But, if you're going to have something like Payback, just have Backlash again.

6. In Your House

This name and concept could be used for the WWE Network in some capacity. It makes perfect sense. In Your House could be a I right?

5. Global Warning (aka International Incident, Capitol Punishment)

You know how every time WWE has Raw or Smackdown in England, they redress the set and do some special things usually? Remember how often they've done Raw Roulette when in Las Vegas? Well this applies. They should brand these location-based special events under the Global Warning moniker and bring back International Incident and Capitol Punishment underneath that banner.

4. Seasons Beatings (aka Halloween Havoc, New Year's Revolution, Spring Stampede, Great American Bash at the Beach Blast / Heat Wave)

Similar to the previous one as well as Old School Raw, the Slammy Awards, and the now defunct Draft, WWE can have a Seasons Beatings moniker for special events that they hold in the spirit of Saturday Night's Main Event. Halloween Havoc, New Year's Revolution, and Spring Stampede all can fit this. When it comes to the summer, there's no need to have such a long title as I have above, but that was there just to showcase how three of them existed at one point. Instead, just have "The Great American Bash at the Beach". Dress the set with a pool and sand and whatnot like WCW used to have. For Halloween Havoc, get the people to dress up weird and whatnot like you already do, but maybe have some gimmick matches and bring back characters like the Boogeyman and Executioner for laughs and such.

* BOTTOM ROPE: 3. Breaking Point / No Mercy

No Mercy could apply to a submission based thing, but more so, I would like to see Breaking Point come back. I actually thought this was a good event concept. This plays a bit into the No Way Out vs. Elimination Chamber name problem as I wouldn't want to see an event called "I Quit Match", but that's essentially what this would be. Breaking Point could feature a Last Man Standing, I Quit, traditional submission match, etc as originally planned. I see no reason why that was a bad idea.

* MIDDLE ROPE: 2. Bragging Rights

Obviously, the brand split is no longer active, so much of the point of this pay-per-view is now gone. However, I still think it has some value. You can make this something where there's a Champion vs Champion concept going on. WWE Champion faces World Heavyweight Champion. United States Champion faces Intercontinental Champion. Maybe the two men that comprise the Tag Team Championship are forced to fight each other (which could theoretically break up a tag team). The Divas champion could be put in a scramble match to defend her title. There could also be some kind of a scramble match between other men on the roster or some singles grudge matches to fill in the time for the event, which of course wouldn't necessarily need to be a pay-per-view but could be some kind of a special episode similar to the Tribute to the Troops.

* TOP ROPE: 1. King of the Ring

This right here is the breadwinner and the one that would have to be a legitimate pay-per-view. Where would it go? In place of Tables, Ladders and Chairs. That event is beyond stupid as it is and it is at a time slot that would much more benefit King of the Ring. My idea I've been suggesting for years now is to give a bit of a crossover to some of the events. Have qualifying matches on Raw and build the tournament up over the course of the weeks before this event. If you don't have Bragging Rights, what you can do is leave a spot perpetually open as a Wildcard Entry and on this pay-per-view itself, make a scramble match containing a few of the guys that you'd like to put on the card. The winner gets the slot. In the mean time, the tournament winds down throughout the event (which also features a WWE Championship match, a World Heavyweight Championship match, and maybe a Divas Championship match for a bathroom break). Whomever wins the King of the Ring tournament at the end of it doesn't get a title shot automatically or just has to automatically don the king gimmick. Instead, to coincide with the "ROYAL" rumble, they win the #30 priority spot - or perhaps to keep things interesting, they win a priority spot of #25-30.



The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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