TNA Lockdown 2013 Results & Review PPV Coverage Live | Smark Out Moment

TNA Lockdown 2013 Results & Review PPV Coverage Live

Posted by Anthony Mango Monday, March 4, 2013
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TNA Lockdown 2013 PPV Live Coverage
Here is your spot for TNA Lockdown 2013 spoilers and results coverage as well as a live review of the pay-per-view. Triple Threat TNA World Heavyweight Championship Jeff Hardy vs Bully Ray in a steel cage match. Kurt Angle vs Wes Brisco steel cage match. Knockout's Champion Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim. Tag Team Champions Austin Aries & Bobby Roode vs. Bad Influence vs. Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez. Lethal Lockdown Team TNA vs. Aces & Eights. Joey Ryan vs Joseph Park. Kenny King vs. Zema Ion vs. Christian York for the X-Division Championship.

Who is going to win?

PREDICTIONS: As always, I'm going into this blind without following Impact. I would like to see Bully Ray win the title but I'm not sure if they'd do that instead of keeping it on Jeff Hardy, so if I had to predict, I'd say Hardy retains. Team TNA looks too weak in comparison to Aces & Eights, so they should win instead. Kurt Angle beats Wes Brisco. Velvet Sky retains against Gail Kim. Austin Aries and Bobby Roode retain the tag team championship. Kenny King retains and Joey Ryan beats Joseph Park.

X-Division Championship [Triple Threat Match]: Kenny King (c) vs. Christian York vs. Zema Ion
Here's hoping Kenny King retains. It's a bit distracting hearing Taz on commentary when he's supposed to be a member of Aces and Eights going against the company, but I suppose I'll get used to it during the night (I hope). This should be the best match of the night. Some good high-risk moves so far including a corkscrew from Zema Ion. There's a fall-away slam / power bomb rope spot that could have been botched dangerously but was pulled off, good job. Very nice spot where Ion does a neckbreaker that forces a DDT - I don't know if I've ever seen that before. Possible "high spot" of the night. Kenny King hits his finisher for the win.

WINNER: Kenny King via pinfall.
Good opening match. TNA almost always does a good job at the opening X-Division match.

Jeremy Borash is backstage, as always, for these bookend segments between matches. Up right now for the "JB Backstage" segments is Joseph Park, who talks about churros. He gets interrupted by Bad Influence who touts their eventual win.

Joey Ryan vs. Joseph Park
"Do we even really need to have Joseph Park around?" asks Taz. I couldn't agree more. Joey Ryan, who oils himself up in the ring, gets on the mic and essentially says he has a bigger dick than Joseph. Park does a Mick Foley cheap pop. Ryan attacks him and the match starts. This feels like a stall of a match that should be on Impact rather than one of the only pay-per-views they have now. If they've limited themselves that much, they should make each match truly mean something and not have someone like a Joseph Park character slap the ass of a Joey Ryan character. The silly factor doesn't always mean it's justifiable comic relief. It doesn't translate automatically. Joseph Park wins by sitting on Joey Ryan, of all things.

WINNER: Joseph Park via pinfall.
Not a fan of this type of stuff at all, in both TNA and WWE.

Backstage, Brooke rubs Bully Ray's hands and talks about how she loves him and supports him and such. Hogan comes in on crutches. He says he thinks Bully Ray is the guy who could propel TNA's future. He wishes it could be him (ha!) and wants to live vicariously through him.

Knockouts Championship: Velvet Sky (c) vs. Gail Kim
I would be very surprised to see Gail Kim win the title here, particularly if she's arguing with Taryn Terrell as much as she is. Basic kind of match...nothing special. Gail Kim holds on to Taryn and through able to hit her finisher, but Velvet Sky kicks out. Gail pushes Taryn and then slaps her. She goads her into disqualifying her. Taryn tackles her instead and slams her head on the mat a bunch of times.Velvet uses that to hit a pedigree and retain the title.

WINNER: Velvet Sky via pinfall.
Makes sense.

JB Backstage: Robbie E calls Robbie T an over sized hamster that he's going to beat.

Robbie E. vs Robbie T.
Eckos goes for a hug. Terry pushes him down instead. Eckos puts Terry in a headlock and Terry tosses him down again. Eckos locks Terry's leg...and you guessed it, Terry picks him up and tosses him down. Ok, time to start a real match. Nevermind, I guess this whole match is basically going to be Eckos being tossed around by Terry in response to Eckos trying to put a dent into him unsuccessfully. Terry hits a spinebuster and finishes the match.

WINNER: Robbie T. via pinfall
If you still have to do a match setup like this to protect Rob Terry, then he just doesn't have the talent and you should save the paycheck. Eckos deserves better.

JB Backstage: Austin Aries says he can defend the title on his own but luckily, he won't have to, as Bobby Roode is here.

Tag Team Championship: Austin Aries & Bobby Roode (c) vs. Bad Influence vs. Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez
Not bad, but nothing special. I actually hate when I have to type that out, as it basically means there's nothing that I can type on here to seem like much coverage (as I'm not typing out every move). But really, it's a normal kind of a tag match and there's nothing insane on the good OR bad scale that's noteworthy so far. Crowd is into it quite a bit because of Chavo and Hernandez. They go nuts when Hernadnez runs on the ramp and jumps over the top rope in typical Hernandez style. Nice. Lots of somewhat false finishes which are entertaining. Chavo is up at the top and hits the frog splash, but Roode tags himself in during the process and is the legal man, so he is able to get the pin instead. That was a nice, different ending to the match.

WINNERS: Aries and Roode via pinfall.
Good match overall. I enjoyed it.

JB Backstage: Taryn Terrell gets attacked by Gail Kim.

The cage is being constructed now. Wouldn't this have been a good time to run that long Hogan/Ray promo instead of showing the cage?

Aces and Eights have a group meeting in the back. Typical stuff.

Steel Cage Match: Kurt Angle vs. Wes Brisco
I think Wes Brisco might look like a more impressive wrestler if he'd cut his hair. Does anyone else agree that with the long hair, he kind of looks like an older independent guy who is still holding on to a dream of being HBK or something? Maybe it's just me. I'm not digging the match all that much. It's not awful, but's just not that impressive to me. I was hoping for more. The big spot so far is a German suplex off the top rope. Here's the obligatory ref bump while Kurt Angle makes Brisco tap out but it doesn't count. Angle hits the Angle Slam and then walks out the door to win a second time. D'lo Brown attacks him from behind and throws him back in, then pulls Brisco out. The ref calls that a win.

WINNER: Wes Brisco via escaping the cage.
The ending was ok, but the rest of the match left something to be desired in my mind.

Lethal Lockdown: Team TNA (Sting, James Storm, Samoa Joe, Magnus, & Eric Young) vs. Aces and Eights (Mr. Anderson, Mike Knox, DOC, Garett Bischoff, & Devon) 
First up are Mr. Anderson and Magnus. Next up is Mike Knox. He's followed by Samoa Joe who evens things up. Garett Bischoff brings the advantage back to Aces and Eights. Eric Young is next, followed by Devon. James Storm comes in and not too long afterward, hits a Last Call. That means the next people should be DOC followed by Sting. Sting comes out carrying two trash cans filled with weapons and chooses his signature black bat to wield. With these weapons, Aces and Eights just takes a beating for several minutes. Giant spot with...I don't know what to call it - a double superplex power bomb? It was slightly botched from perfection but still very nice considering what I'm sure was a high difficulty level to pull off. Eric Young climbs to the top of the cage and hits an elbow drop. He covers Knox to win.

WINNERS: Team TNA via pinfall.
Some fun parts of this match, which mostly all came after the weapons were included.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bully Ray
Split crowd. I'm hoping Bully Ray wins, personally. Blah blah blah. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate. I'm sure this isn't the finish of the match. Voila, there goes Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff to attack Jeff Hardy. Bully Ray clotheslines them both and starts working with Jeff Hardy to fight them. Bully and Jeff toss them out of the door (although Brisco botches his jump in the process, haha). Back to the title match. Ok, that was weird. The only way it'll make sense is if the other members come out and this continues or something. If it's just those 2, then what was the point? We'll see, I guess. Looks like we're getting another power bomb from the top rope spot. OUCH, it looks like Jeff might have landed on his head. Ah, ok, apparently that was more so the angle than anything else and he didn't. Hulk Hogan comes out to cheer on Bully Ray. More Aces and Eights members pop up so Jeff and Bully team up again. Devon tosses a hammer to Bully instead of fighting him. Ray hits Hardy with the hammer in the back. The ref counts the pin. New champion Bully Ray!

WINNER (and new TNA World Heavyweight Champion): Bully Ray via pinfall.
Good thing that Bully Ray won the title. He deserves it.

After the match, Bully Ray says Brooke is a stupid bitch that meant nothing to him and says he used Hulk Hogan as well.

Fans start throwing stuff into the ring.

1. Bully Ray wins the title
2. Tag Team Championship Match
3. X-Division Championship Match

1. Joseph Park vs Joey Ryan
2. Robbie E vs Robbie T
3. Kurt Angle vs Wes Brisco

Reasoning: There were some entertaining matches and some good twists here and there. There were some bad things, but not as much as TNA usually does. Overall, I might still not have loved it, but it proved to be better than I expected it to be.



The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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