TNA Hardcore Justice 2012 Results & Review PPV Coverage Live | Smark Out Moment

TNA Hardcore Justice 2012 Results & Review PPV Coverage Live

Posted by Anthony Mango Sunday, August 5, 2012
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TNA Hardcore Justice 2012 PPV - here is your spot for live results coverage and a review to go along with it. Who is going to win? Austin Aries defends the World Heavyweight Championship against Bobby Roode. AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle ladder match. James Storm vs Bully Ray vs Jeff Hardy vs Robbie E tables match. Pope D'Angelo Dinero vs Magnus vs Mr. Anderson vs Rob Van Dam Falls Count Anywhere match. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez vs Gunner and Kid Kash. Miss Tessmacher defends the Knockouts Championship against Madison Rayne. Zema Ion defends the X-Division title against Kenny King.

PREDICTIONS: Austin Aries retains the title. The Bound for Glory matches are toss-ups but if I have to guess I'll say Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, and Mr Anderson. Chavo and Hernandez win. Tessmacher retains. Zema Ion retains.

Gunner & Kid Kash vs. Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez
Chavo seems like he'd be a good fit in TNA. That being said, he won't be a world champ, if that's the mentality that a lot of people have in regards to him being there. He could world really well in the tag team, X-Division, and TV title pictures, though. Chavo takes a beating and wrestles most of the match. After fighting back, he and Hernandez end off the match with a frog splash on Chavo's part.

WINNERS: Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez via pinfall.
Impact quality match. Not a great start to the event. Too generic.

Bound for Glory Series [Falls Count Anywhere Match]: Rob Van Dam vs. The Pope D'Angelo Dinero vs. Magnus vs. Mr. Anderson
There's a stall with Dinero not coming out. Backstage, he's being taken out by the Aces and Eights. I still expect Anderson to say Mr. Kennedy instead - that was more fun to chant along with. They're talking about Magnus being a big, strong guy....yeah, against me, but not up in comparison to most of the other guys out there. Some chair action, nothing special. RVD hits a frog splash - second time we've seen that move tonight. Magnus just said too loudly for the camera to hear "give me a fucking chair", ha. RVD hits Magnus with the Van Daminator and wins by pinning him on the stage.

WINNER: RVD via pinfall.
Since the previous match was bland to me, it made this feel like it had to make up for it, and I don't think it did. I'm not enjoying this ppv yet.

FYI, at the moment, RVD is #2 in the tournament with 55 points, behind James Storm with 66.

Backstage, Borash asks Madison Rayne about Earl Hebner. Jesus, Rayne looks good. She says she doesn't need help to win titles and blows Hebner a kiss.

TNA Television Championship: Devon (c) vs. Kazarian
If Devon wins here and he wins with force, then I think it's safe to say they're going to re-sign with TNA instead of go to WWE. If he just wins through luck or something, then there's a chance he can drop it on Impact. Of course, if he loses the title here, then that's even more of a sign than that. Let's see what happens. Devon's doing a lot of damage in this match, so I guess that's a sign he's staying. Kazarian goes for Fade to Black but Devon gets out of it and hits a spinebuster to win.

WINNER: Devon via pinfall.
Sticking with the bland and generic matches.

Knockouts Championship: Miss Tessmacher (c) vs. Madison Rayne
They might as well change her name to Brooke Tessmacher or Tess, I think it would fit her so much better than keeping the "Miss" part, don't you? Guaranteed this will be better than any divas match WWE will put on this entire month - or year possibly. Madison's getting upset that Earl isn't counting her a faster win. He's calling it down the middle basically. Madison rolls Tessmacher up from behind and holds onto the ropes, but Hebner counts anyway.

WINNER (and new Knockout's champion): Madison Rayne via pinfall.
Like I said, better than any women's match WWE would put on.

Backstage, Borash talks to Bully Ray. Ray's watching out for the Aces and Eights.

Bound for Glory Series [Tables Match]: Robbie E vs. Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm
No Robbie T to move the rope - SoCal Val does instead. You remember SoCal Val, the woman who has never done anything of worth in TNA yet still has a job somehow. I seriously don't understand that whatsoever. As much as I hate country music, James Storm's music is one of the best in TNA when it comes to suiting the wrestler and feeling like an entrance song instead of just something to play in the background. Ok, so wouldn't it be interesting if Robbie E won this match after Aces and Eights attack Bully Ray and weaken him? Hardy and Storm need to be thrown into that multi-man match, I'm thinking. Robbie E's just being abused by everyone else, so it'd be interesting to see a total reversal from beginning to end of the match. Storm goes for a Superplex on Robbie E while Hardy does a power bomb, but Bully Ray pulls the table out of the way so as to not win the match for one of them. That was a good idea, but it was done too safely to be pulled off and not look fake - and it would have been too dangerous to do it quicker. There are some interesting "saves" though, in this match - like Hardy clotheslining Storm so he isn't thrown into the table by Robbie E. Robbie T comes to the ring and Jeff Hardy takes him out. Robbie puts Hardy on a table outside and jumps off the middle rope, but Hardy moves out of the way and goes through it himself. Since Hardy didn't put him through it, the match continues. Wouldn't it make sense to say that Robbie E is eliminated from the match? Aces and Eights show up and distract Bully Ray, allowing James Storm to get the Last Call on him. They give Storm a thumbs up and do nothing to him, but he gets jumped by Jeff Hardy and they do nothing to help Storm. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Storm and the Aces and Eights distract him, allowing Storm to hit another Last Call. Bully Ray comes into the ring, tosses Storm out, power bombs Hardy through the table and bolts out of the ring holding his right arm, saying "I've shattered it".

WINNER: Bully Ray via Power Bomb
Best match so far tonight.

Backstage, Borash talks to Austin Aries. He says Roode hasn't given him any respect. He won't need a rematch because he'll prove that his victory last month wasn't a fluke and win again. Roode is on the A-level, but not on the A-Double-Level.

X-Division Championship: Zema Ion (c) vs. Kenny King
How many times does Zema Ion have to spray his hair when he comes to the ring? Lots of athleticism and fast action - as expected. Good change of pace. Kenny King suplexes Zema Ion into the turnbuckle and Ion lands a little awkwardly on his head - but he's not injured like Sorensen. Kenny's proven himself in this match alone that he should have a contract with TNA or WWE. King hits a swift kick to the head and rolls Ion up for a 2.5 - really looked like a potential win there. Ion reverses a sunset flip attempt into a faceplant and retains the title.

WINNER: Zema Ion via pinfall.
Good match - best so far tonight, one-ups the previous one. Let's keep this roll going.

Backstage, Borash asks Samoa Joe about the tournament. Joe touts himself as taking another step towards getting his title back and says he's not worried about the Aces and Eights.

Bound for Glory Series [Ladder Match]: AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe
AJ starts off going right after Daniels while Joe and Angle just watch, then decide to go after Daniels as well. Now it's every man for himself. Joe slams Daniels into a ladder and seems to be having a lot of fan support when he approaches the idea of climbing the ladder. Angle's over the most it would seem to me at least, though. Angle hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Joe and the crowd starts chanting "USA". Joe picks up AJ for a Muscle Buster but Angle suplexes Joe instead (with AJ just awkwardly falling forward). Ankle Lock on Daniels, who taps, but of course that won't win the match for Kurt. Daniels pushes the ladder and AJ falls to the outside. Angle and Joe take Daniels out in more ways than one. Daniels gets placed in between two rungs of a ladder while Joe and Angle climb. Out of nowhere, AJ springboards onto a ladder, grabs the envelope and falls to win the match.

WINNER: AJ Styles via Shelton Benjamin.
Good match.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Austin Aries (c) vs. Bobby Roode
Aries spits in Roode's face. Roode stalls a lot and is frustrated at Aries continually getting the best of him. Match starts to even itself up. Nice missile dropkick from Aries. Roode gets his legs up when Aries tries the 450. Aries dodges a spear attempt from Roode, who takes out the ref instead. He then spears Aries but by the time the replacement ref comes out, Aries can kick out. This new ref gets taken out as well. Aries kicks Roode in the head, then hits the Brainbuster. First ref, Brian Hebner counts, but Roode kicks out. There's a double pin with both referees claiming different winners. Earl Hebner comes out to talk to the two referees. They decide to start the match over again. Aries flies to the outside but hits the belt in Roode's hands in the process. Aries kicks out. Roode is livid. Aries rolls Roode up and gets the win.

WINNER: Austin Aries via pinfall.
Not bad, but not some match of the year candidate.

1. X-Division Championship
2. Tables match
3. Ladder match

1. Opening tag match
2. Falls Count Anywhere match
3. TNA feels the need to have every pay-per-view include a ref bump

Reasoning: Too generic in a lot of ways with a few good things peppered in.



The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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