TNA Sacrifice 2012 Results & Review PPV Coverage Live | Smark Out Moment

TNA Sacrifice 2012 Results & Review PPV Coverage Live

Posted by Anthony Mango Wednesday, May 9, 2012
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TNA's Sacrifice 2012 PPV - here is your spot for live results coverage and a review to go along with it. Who is going to win? TNA Champion Bobby Roode versus Rob Van Dam. Kurt Angle versus AJ Styles. Samoa Joe and Magnus versus Daniels and Kazarian. Jeff Hardy versus Mr. Anderson. Austin Aries versus Bully Ray. Gail Kim versus Brooke Tessmacher.

PREDICTIONS: I'm expecting Bobby Roode to retain the title as well as Gail Kim. Samoa Joe and Magnus makes sense to keep it, but who knows, so I wouldn't be surprised if Kazarian and Daniels won the titles. Hardy should beat Anderson, Aries should beat Bully Ray, and I have a feeling Kurt Angle will beat AJ Styles.

Should I point out that the logo is basically the Batman symbol and Sting's been going around ripping off the Joker from The Dark Knight for all that time? Nope, I should look past it? Ok then. The pay-per-view is about to start.

Earl Hebner tells Bobby Roode that Hogan wants the championship to hang from the ladder. Roode gets pissed and says he'll get it back. Why is this promo about presidential quotes?

Tag Team Championship: Samoa Joe & Magnus (c) vs. Kazarian & Daniels
I'm surprised Magnus never went to WWE. He has a look that I'm sure they'd be interested in. Joe and Magnus are more over with the crowd that I was expecting - that's a good thing. Some good tag team wrestling with Kazarian and Daniels, using lots of double team moves and such. They show that Joseph Parks is in the crowd. Joe starts taking it to both Kazarian and Daniels after Magnus went through lots of punishment. Joe and Magnus hit their finishing move but Kazarian pulls Magnus off Daniels. This leads to a double team with Kazarian and Daniels double-teaming Magnus to win.

WINNERS (and new tag team champions): Kazarian and Christopher Daniels via pinfall.
Not a bad start to the pay-per-view. It's helped by the title switch.

Knockouts Championship: Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
I don't care if Brooke wants people to think of her as more than just a model - that's her strong suit. She should definitely be hard to beat at the tournament. Gail jumps right after Brooke to start the match. Twice early on, Brooke goes for Gail Kim's finisher unsuccessfully. Gail gets back in charge, dictating the match. Brooke's improved quite a bit from what she came from, I'm surprised, and enjoying it. She hits an elbow drop from the ropes and gets a two-count. Gail goes for her finisher but Brooke reverses into that herself, sending Gail out of the ring, preventing her from being able to get a three-count. Gail quickly pins Brooke with her feet on the ropes and the ref doesn't notice.

WINNER: Gail Kim via pinfall.
Not a bad match either. I hope they keep this up.

Backstage, Borash talks to Daniels and Kazarian. Kazarian says AJ became the face of the company by "whistling Dixie" while they prove themselves by beating people up. AJ's nightmare is just beginning and everyone has their permission to worship them.

TV Championship: Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Devon takes it to both of them despite how it's essentially a handicapped match. Eventually, that proves too much for him and the Robbies team up. There's a really bad spot where Devon's looking at Robbie E on the outside but right next to Robbie T getting up and about to attack him. Poorly done. Robbie E stops the attempt that Robbie T had at getting the pin, saying he's the one who should get the pin. Devon capitalizes and rolls up Robbie T to win.

WINNER: Devon via pinfall.
Meh, I'm not a huge fan of Devon holding this title, nor this match really.

Robbie E goes to hug Robbie T to prevent him from hurting him. T gives in.

Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson
Anderson gets on the mic to introduce himself, still getting pops. Hardy comes out kind of limping it seems, slapping hands. Seems like people are a little more pro-Hardy than Anderson. Plus, if one of them is going to turn heel, I'd agree with the majority thinking that it would be Anderson. That makes more sense than Hardy turning heel. Hardy eventually hits the Mic Check on Anderson. I guess that's the theme of the night, hitting someone else's finisher on them. Hardy misses the Whisper in the Wind. Anderson hits a Twist of Fate on Hardy. I guess that answers my question. Anderson misses a Swanton but Hardy hits one afterward, getting a two-count. Anderson is able to get a crafty pin on Hardy to win.

WINNER: Mr. Anderson via pinfall.
Not bad, not great.

Anderson goes to shake Hardy's hand after the match. Hardy reciprocates. They hug.

Time for the Twitter questions. Christy Hemme asks Austin Aries if he's intimidated by Bully Ray. Aries says no, it's not in his DNA to be intimidated.

Borash talks to Joseph Park. He says he's made a bunch of new friends in the crowd. He wouldn't be surprised if Abyss appeared tonight.

Out comes Crimson to gloat about how all he does is win. He's doing an open challenge. There's a "we want Steiner" chant going on if I can hear that correctly. Crimson gets a ref to count to ten and award him another victory. When he gets to 8, Eric Young and ODB come out. ODB is about to challenge him, but Young wants to instead.

Crimson vs. Eric Young
Young goes after the ref rather than Crimson. Young gets Crimson out of the ring and chases the ref. When Crimson gets a hold of him, he throws him over the ropes. ODB gets in the ring and Crimson pushes her down. Young gets pissed, pulls his shorts off, and attacks Crimson. Young checks on ODB and Crimson uses that to slam Young and win.

WINNER: Crimson via pinfall.
Not a big fan.

Backstage, Borash asks Bully Ray how he can compete with Aries who is younger and faster. Ray says he doesn't use Twitter. Blah blah, he's seen fear in Austin's eyes earlier.

Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
These are two of my favorites in TNA right now. Hopefully, that translates to a good match. Ray tries talking trash to Aries who responds with some trash talking of his own. Ray continues to go to the ropes when Aries lunges for him. Aries finally hits the second rope to send it right up into Ray's crotch. Ray spits in Austin's face, Austin slaps him in return. Ray kicks Aries off the top ropes, sending him to the outside guard rail. As Ray chops/slaps Austin's chest, he keeps getting up. Ray eventually tosses Aries up and hits the 3D, but Aries kicks out. Bully Ray gets his chain and Joseph Park comes over to the ringside area. Ray gets ready to hit him with a chair but Aries goes after Ray instead. Aries hits a missile dropkick and leads up to the brainbuster. Bully Ray kicks out at the last second. Aries locks in the Last Chancery and makes Bully Ray submit.

WINNER: Austin Aries via submission.
Match of the night.

Backstage, Styles says if he isn't 100% focused on Kurt Angle, he'll lose. He's there to wrestle Angle, not talk about the Dixie Carter pictures.

Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
These two seem to be trying to go for the best wrestling match of the night in terms of athleticism (which isn't surprising). I'm simply not going to list things move by move. Lots of action, but it's all really standard stuff that isn't worth writing (as that's tiresome as hell for me to do). Good action, though, don't get me wrong. Angle kicks out of a Styles Clash. Later on, Styles kicks out of an Angle Slam. TNA really loves their finisher kickouts, don't they? Kurt hits the Styles Clash on AJ - one more example of people using someone's finisher on themselves. There's always a gimmick for each pay-per-view that happens in tons of matches. Sometimes, every match has blading, sometimes it's interference, etc. Today's ppv is all about using your opponent's finisher. Kazarian and Daniels attack Styles. Angle hits another Angle Slam, but AJ kicks out. Kurt puts AJ in the ankle lock once more and Styles has to tap out.

WINNER: Kurt Angle via submission.
Good match, but I preferred Aries/Ray to watch in general.

After the match, Daniels and Kazarian attack AJ but Angle fights them off.

Backstage, Roode says the deck is stacked against him but it isn't going to work.

TNA Championship [Ladder Match]: Bobby Roode (c) vs. RVD
I'm expecting this to be a typical RVD ladder match (ie he'll kick the ladder when Roode is holding it, he'll do a Rolling Thunder and miss and hit the ladder instead, at least two missing jumps from the ladder that aren't huge, etc). Well, we've got the baseball slide kick and the flip onto the outside checked off. Roode catapults RVD into the ladder above him and RVD's head sticks inside the rungs (not in like, a sick and twisted way, don't worry). Kind of a pointless spot where the ladder is set up in front of Roode and RVD does his chair/kick spot. If anything, the ladder felt the damage. There's the Rolling Thunder spot, but he lands it. RVD misses the Frog Splash and lands on the ladder instead. RVD jumps in an attempt to land on the ladder and stop Roode from climbing, but the spot is botched and he twists the ladder around accidentally. They attempt a different setup where Roode kicks RVD down and the back of his head hits the chair on the way down, allowing Roode to finish climbing and get the title.

WINNER: Bobby Roode via retrieving the title.
Wasn't really that impressed.

1. Aries vs Bully Ray
2. Angle vs Styles
3. Seeing Brooke

1. Crimson vs Eric Young
2. Devon vs Robbie E vs Robbie T
3. Promos for the most part tonight

Reasoning: Outside of a few little hiccups, the pay-per-view was more entertaining than I expected.


The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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