TNA Lockdown 2012 Results & Review PPV Coverage Live | Smark Out Moment

TNA Lockdown 2012 Results & Review PPV Coverage Live

Posted by Anthony Mango Monday, April 9, 2012
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TNA's Lockdown 2012 PPV - here is your spot for live results coverage and a review to go along with it. Who is going to win? TNA Champion Bobby Roode versus James Storm, Jeff Hardy vs Kurt Angle, Magnus & Samoa Joe vs The Motor City Machine Guns, Gail Kim vs Velvet Sky, Matt Morgan vs Crimson, Devon vs Robbie E, and Team Eric (Eric Bischoff, Gunner, Bully Ray, Christopher Daniels, and Kazarian) vs Team Garett (Garett Bischoff, AJ Styles, Austin Aries, Mr Anderson, and Rob Van Dam).

PREDICTIONS: I'm expecting Devon to retain the title since he just won it. If they want Crimson vs Matt Morgan to be worth anything, Morgan should win, but if they want to just build Crimson up with this, Crimson needs to win. Gail Kim will retain against Velvet Sky. I'd like to see the Motor City Machine Guns win but I'm not sure if they will just yet. Jeff Hardy needs to beat Angle. I'd like Team Eric to win, but I honestly don't know what they'll end up doing - probably that. Bobby Roode just may drop the title here.

Backstage, all of Team Garett is talking but Garett is pacing back and forth. He wants to start off. He says he knows he's a rookie that will get his ass kicked but he wants to earn their respect.

Lethal Lockdown: Team Garett Bischoff vs. Team Eric Bischoff
We're starting off with Garett and Gunner. Bully Ray is the next person out. Austin Aries comes out (with the crowd firmly behind him). Next out is Kazarian. Next up is AJ Styles who gets a good pop. Now Christopher Daniels comes out. Mr. Kennedy is next. Not a whole lot has happened in this match, as expected, since it's mostly dominated by people coming in, cleaning house, and someone else coming in. Lots of punches and whatnot. Now it's time for Eric Bischoff to come out, wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. Eric holds Garett while his team gives him some chops to the chest. RVD is the last man. RVD monkey flips Kazarian and it looks like he might have hit Garett in the face in the process by accident. Anderson does his microphone taunt, but instead of the mic falling down, the weapons do. Team Garett has the weapons in hand. AJ's wailing away with a hockey stick for instance. Aries is walking on the top rope with a trash can lid. Aries bodyslams Eric Bischoff and RVD tries to follow it up with a frog splash, but Gunner knocks him off the ropes. Kazarian and AJ are climbing the roof of the cage (inside, not outside). Kazarian gets knocked off and AJ falls down on top of him. Van Dam hits a frog splash on Kazarian after that. RVD kicks the chair in the face of Bully Ray who was looking for someone to hit. Garett goes for a pin on Daniels but Eric stops it and starts hitting Garett with a kendo stick. Garett gets up while Eric is boasting and hits Eric with a guitar, then pins him for the win.

WINNERS: Team Garett Bischoff via pinfall
Not bad. Not bad at all. This will probably be the match of the night. Some good spots in there, decent enough end to the match with Garett getting the win over Eric, etc.

Tag Team Championship: Samoa Joe & Magnus (c) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns
New theme song for the MCMG? Way too generic. Wait, nevermind, they were just late on starting the song. Screw up on the audio department's end. Crowd seems entirely dead at the start of this, for some reason. It hasn't even had a chance to be bad yet and there's no reaction from the crowd - shame. I didn't notice it until now, but it appears as though they've got the crowd in darkness with a really dark stage as well. It's making the arena look weird in a way. Joe and Magnus are the ones in charge of this match, particularly Joe.Very nice spot where Sabin spins around, kicking Magnus and then giving a DDT to Samoa Joe. While Joe and Magnus are on the top rope, Sabin gets underneath Joe and power bombs him. Magnus gets a double foot stomp from Shelley off the top rope. Joe puts Sabin in a rear naked choke and breaks up a pin attempt from Shelley on Magnus after he had hit sliced bread. Magnus and Joe hit their finisher and retain the titles.

WINNERS: Magnus and Samoa Joe via pinfall.
Not as good as a normal Motor City Machine Guns match, but that was expected what with their opponents not being X-Division specialists and them still having ring rust. The dead crowd didn't help.

Backstage, Borash talks with the Robbies. He guarantees he'll win.

Television Championship: Devon (c) vs. Robbie E
Robbie T is ejected from ringside and sent out beyond the cage. Virtually nothing of importance happens here. Devon ends up with the win after a spinebuster.

WINNER: Devon via pinfall.
Too bland and pointless for me to like. Completely filler.

After the match, Robbie T comes in and beats down Devon.

Borash asks Matt Morgan what's more important, beating the streak or the personal problems. Morgan says he wants revenge. Tonight, he's going to make Crimson his little red headed bitch.

Knockouts Championship: Gail Kim (c) vs. Velvet Sky
If you want to vote for Velvet Sky in the tournament, make sure you do so right now cause she's losing! Gail comes out with Madison Rayne. All three look very good tonight, per usual. Gail dominates Velvet. Velvet hits a sunset flip power bomb from the top rope but Gail Kim grabs the ropes to get out of the pinfall. Madison distracts Velvet. Velvet goes to roll up Gail, but Gail reverses it and retains the title.

WINNER: Gail Kim via pinfall.
Felt kind of pointless. Meh. At least they didn't get hurt in the sunset flip spot, I think.

Ric Flair comes out. He asks if the fat boy in the front row knows who he is. He says he's pissed off at Hulk Hogan. Hogan comes out and says Flair is the best wrestler of all time. He then says he should express his grievances right then in the ring. This is taking up SO much time. Flair says that he should have been in the ring instead of Bischoff. Hogan knocks Flair down in one punch. I'm surprised Flair isn't gushing know how he is.

Crimson vs. Matt Morgan
Crowd is still dead. Even match for the most part. Pretty slow. Crimson ends up winning by escaping the cage.

WINNER: Crimson via escaping the cage.
Not a fan. Too bland and uninteresting.

Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle
Angle gets the upper hand with an eye gouge and beats Jeff down for quite a while. BIG nice spot where Kurt Angle hits an Angle Slam from the top rope. Hardy climbs the cage and splashes Kurt Angle, but only gets a two-count. Hardy escapes an ankle lock by reversing it and giving Angle an ankle lock of his own. Angle gets out of it and then receives a Twist of Fate by Hardy. Hardy hits two Swanton Bombs, but Kurt Angle kicks out. Hardy climbs to the complete top of the cage and hits a Swanton to win the match.

WINNER: Jeff Hardy via pinfall.
Good match with some good spots in there as well.

Knockouts Tag Team Championship: ODB & Eric Young (c) vs. Sarita & Rosita
ODB starts the match off fired up at them for the whole "temptation" thing they did with Eric Young. This whole thing is just weird. Not much goes on. ODB gets the win for them.

WINNERS: ODB and Eric Young via pinfall.

Backstage, Bobby Roode says he always has been and always will be better than James Storm.

TNA Championship: Bobby Roode (c) vs. James Storm
They circle the cage and then start fighting each other outside of it. They continue brawling outside of the cage. Chairs are introduced, Roode takes a drink of some beer, etc. Storm's a bloody mess as they get into the ring and the match officially starts. Roode continues being in control of the match and calls him a pussy. This whole domination that they're doing is killing this match and making it too boring. They could have had a good back and forth match. Storm gets back into the swing of things and starts fighting, finally. He hits the eye of the storm, but gets a two-count. Roode hits a spinebuster for a two-count of his own. Now they're ramming each other into the cage (boo/yeah method). Storm goes to climb the cage but turns around and jumps down with a Closing Time. He gets ready for the Last Call but the ref gets in the way instead. Roode can walk out the cage door but he asks for a beer bottle instead and walks back in to hit James Storm with it, then tells the ref to get in the ring and count the pinfall. Storm kicks out. Storm hits the Last Call but falls down unable to cover him. He hits it again but it sends Bobby Roode through the cage door, meaning Roode wins the match.

WINNER: Bobby Roode via escaping the cage.
Better at the end but not as good as I was hoping it would be.

1. Jeff Hardy vs Kurt Angle
2. Lethal Lockdown
3. James Storm's Closing Time from the top rope

1. Knockouts Tag Team Championship match
2. Knockouts Championship match
3. Television Championship match

Reasoning: Some stuff on it was good, some stuff wasn't, but the parts that were bad weren't God awful, they were just bland and uninteresting, so in the end it balances out to a kind of average score.


The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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