- Gail Kim has said that she's never going back to WWE. Judging by the way they booked her during her last run, I'm pretty sure they'd never want her back. She does make a good point in saying that WWE seems to act like they don't follow TNA, but they clearly do.
- Mil Mascaras in the WWE Hall of Fame? Makes sense, but I hope for his sake they don't show his performance in the 1997 Royal Rumble, haha.
- Heath Slater has been suspended for a violation of the Wellness Policy. Strike one...for this. Strike two if you count the allegations that he had attacked that one woman (which as far as I know, weren't confirmed or denied, but it's still a tarnish). Supposedly it's for the fake marijuana. Why is it SO important for people to smoke weed all the time?
- So Roode didn't win the title at Bound for Glory because Hogan said he isn't ready. I don't know why they didn't pull the trigger anyway, considering how ridiculous the match was and how it was the big ppv of the year for them. Instead, they give it to James Storm. I'm assuming with Angle taking time off, they want to do Storm vs Roode and think that that will sell itself. Not surprised.
- There's an inside joke going around that Randy Orton will win the Royal Rumble, but at the last minute, when Vince finds out its in his hometown (St. Louis), he'll change his mind. Haha.
- More talk of Vince thinking the divas are a waste of time. I agree.
- WWE released Hugo Savinovich. Can't say it affects me, but I wonder why they did that.
- Jerry Brisco suffered a 'mild' stroke the other day. Here's hoping he recovers soon.
- Tomko is now going to be spending some time in rehab on WWE's bill.
What's gone on this past week in wrestling?

The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.