- Chris Jericho tweeted: “Everyone is so excited that @CMPunk mentioned me on Raw. Newsflash…I don’t give a shit. Mind ur own business and stop rippin me off Punk.” Not only was nothing bad said about him in the promo, but in fact, it was praising him. Bad day + displacement? Somehow not a fan of Punk personally and is just pissed at him mentioning his name period? Or the more likely option that it's an attempt to spark some interest in a Punk/Jericho feud? I'd be down for that....even though I'm personally hoping Jericho comes back as a babyface to go against Miz at Mania and for Punk to face HHH in a long, drawn out feud rather than something at Survivor Series like rumored.
- Tough Enough contestant Jeremiah Riggs spoke out (AroundTheOctagon) about not being hired to FCW and is very critical of WWE, the developmental system, the talent in FCW, and even Bill DeMott. Personally, I rooted for Luke the entire season.
- Zack Ryder sold more shirts than the Rock recently? WOO WOO WOO!
- A high-ranking WWE employee doesn't want Rock/Cena to happen. At this point, there's no turning back unless one of them gets injured. They have to do the match. Unless that person is Vince McMahon (which, c'mon, it isn't) then have no fear, the match will happen. I still think, though, that it's a mistake if they make it for the WWE title. They could have a lineup this year of Rock/Cena as the main event with the WWE title match, the World Heavyweight title match, a Taker/? match, the rumored HHH vs CM Punk match, and even Mysterio vs Sin Cara and right there they've sold a TON of ppvs, especially if the WWE title match involves someone like the Miz and the WHC match involves Randy Orton. I'll be uploading my WrestleMania predictions and the card that I'd do right after SummerSlam, so stay tuned.
- Recent round of firings. You can read my viewpoints here.
- Rumor has it that Sin Cara's coming back sooner than the 30-day suspension, but in reality, it will be the character that returns, as portrayed by developmental wrestler Hunico. How interchangeable.
What's gone on this past week in wrestling?

The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.