Saturday Smack Talk: 8/13/2011 | Smark Out Moment

Saturday Smack Talk: 8/13/2011

Posted by Anthony Mango Saturday, August 13, 2011
What's gone on this past week in wrestling?

  • Jim Ross commented on whether or not he thinks Jeff Hardy will come back to WWE and said that he doesn't see it happening. I don't, either, as WWE gave him the push that he deserved at the time and then right after that, he decided to quit and go to TNA where not only has his in-ring performance dropped, but he also got himself involved in a ton of other problems. I've said before that it seems like Jeff left WWE specifically to find a way to allow himself to get away with doing the drugs that he'd have failed for under the Wellness Policy. I don't ever see them bringing Jeff back. He's outgrown his usefulness and seems to be more of a burden than anything else.
  • Triple H's new movie, "Inside Out", looks like it isn't that bad compared to his last one. That being said, I'm sure it will still suck and I'm sure I don't want to see commercials for it every single episode of WWE programming for the next 2 months.
  • A new writer for WWE is going to be working specifically with HHH on creating new characters. Damn that would be a job that I'd like to have. Vince, want to make that 2 writers? Hit me up!
  • WWE may be interested in reviving the tag team division? Well they just broke up Kozlov and Santino, but rumors are floating that they're interested in the Brisco Brothers, the Kings of Wrestling, and Beer Money. I don't know too much about the first two, but I have heard good things. As far as Beer Money goes, they're without a doubt the best tag team right now in WWE and TNA by far so I'd definitely be up for that. Do I see it happening? Probably not, but I'd like to see Roode in WWE.
  • Aksana's spot was meant for Maxine. I can definitely see that. Supposedly the reason is because of a "breach of etiquette" on Maxine's part. That's going around a lot right now, isn't it, what with Melina having been not allowed to come backstage after her release and officials getting pissed at Morrison because of it. Is this HHH/Vince swap making people think they need to play bad cop right now and scare everyone and then ease up?
  • Crimson and Goldberg have tweeted some shots at each other. Look out for next week when they both say that their accounts were hacked, haha.
  • Reports have said that Matt and Jeff Hardy had refused rehab. In true Hardy fashion, they've said not to believe in those reports. Look out for next month when they confirm that they did in fact refuse rehab, as the way these things go, everyone always says "not true, don't believe what you read" and then they go "well yeah that did happen".
  • Downstait, responsible for Miz and Dolph Ziggler's songs, said that Ziggler basically brushed them off backstage as fans and Miz said it wasn't a heel thing to have them perform at WrestleMania for his entrance. I can see why they'd be irked about it but at the same time, I think Miz was in the right with his judgment call. Ziggler, not as much, but he could have been very busy and didn't have the time to talk and just didn't let them know that - shit happens.
  • Samoa Joe may be thinking about coming to WWE once his deal with TNA expires. Honestly, I don't really see it happening, or at the very least, if he comes over, he'll be in the midcard and that's about it. He won't be a world champion in WWE. However, if CM Punk truly does have some power backstage as has been said recently, he might be in the best position possible to come over now, seeing as how they're good friends and on top of that, Steve Austin has said that he's a fan of Samoa Joe. That might be enough to convince Vince to take a look at him...even though they'll probably package him as Burt McGee or some other stupid name and ruin everything.
  • Melina's trying to get on Dancing with the Stars. Not a bad idea. For the record, I won't be watching, as I hate that show, but I support the idea behind her trying to get on it, especially if she can incorporate those splits.
  • JBL has said that he won't return as a wrestler but he'd be open for being a manager. I think that'd be a great idea. He's never been someone in the ring that I've enjoyed, but he's damn good on the mic.
  • WWE is going to be testing out a radio that fans that buy at SummerSlam that will allow them to listen to the play-by-play commentary while they're there. For a long time I've said that they should try to figure out a way to accomplish this as it just makes sense. I'm glad they're trying that out now. 
  • Heath Slater has been accused of assaulting a woman but claims that he was with his fiance during the time period. I for one believe him, as Heath Slater doesn't seem to ever win a match. HIYO! Ok joking aside, I hope for his sake he didn't do it and that's proven and he doesn't have any kind of negative stigma against him. It sucks if you don't do something, someone claims you did it, and then you have to suffer because of it, especially when so many people get away with the bad shit they do. If Slater did in fact do it, then I hope he gets punished, naturally.


The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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