Saturday Smack Talk: 3/26/11 | Smark Out Moment

Saturday Smack Talk: 3/26/11

Posted by Anthony Mango Saturday, March 26, 2011
What's gone on this past week in wrestling?
  • Christian is expected to be added to the World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania. I said before, as much as I think Del Rio is good and I'm looking forward to seeing him progress, I'd like to see that progress happen slower, and I wish they were having Del Rio face Kofi for the IC title at WrestleMania instead, along with Christian vs Edge alone. Still, adding Christian to the match will make it better in my opinion, so the change is still an upgrade. I DON'T however expect this to actually happen. Instead, I think they're going to just have him come out and be ringside in Edge's corner. That will lead eventually to Brodus vs Christian on the outside and Rodriguez might be the factor that leads to Edge getting distracted and Del Rio coming out of it with the title. I think they might save a Christian heel turn for a match with Edge next year, if ever, and not have a triple threat this year.
  • Husky Harris is donning a mask and doing that gimmick. Ouch. We've seen this happen multiple times and it usually leads 6 months later to a release. Ask DJ Gabriel.
  • Mark Henry may be retiring in the next year or so. Personally, I hope not, unless he's dealing with injuries or something where retiring is best for his health. I think Henry gets a bad outlook from a lot of people, but I've always thought he deserved more credit. In a business where most big people can't move like him, and where most big guys don't last more than a few years maximum, Henry's been a solid performer for over a decade and managed to stay relevant, unlike most others. If Henry IS truly planning on going, then man, with the rumors that Edge, HHH, Taker, Kane, Goldust, and Regal would be leaving soon...WWE really does need to stop derailing the pushes of the younger guys like they keep doing.
  • RVD commented: "DREW CAREY GETS INDUCTED INTO THE WWE HALL OF FAME. MAN, I’M GLAD I’M NOT A WWE WRESTLER." I don't see why he would be all upset about it. Drew Carey isn't being inducted as a wrestling legend, he's being thrown in as a celebrity inductee. While I hate it when WWE tries to distance themselves as not being a wrestling company, it IS true that they aren't solely a wrestling sport show, and why shouldn't Drew Carey be thrown in as a celebrity? It isn't like he hasn't had any interaction with the WWE. I personally get more annoyed when they induct people that have never been a part of anything WWE related, like how Abdullah the Butcher is going in this year. To me, that's like inducting a minor league baseball player into the MLB Hall of Fame. It doesn't matter how good they are, if they haven't been in that, they shouldn't be in the HOF for it. Abdullah might be a wrestling legend, but he isn't a WWE entity in any capacity. Drew Carey has more WWE face time than Abdullah. Anyway, I'm glad RVD isn't a WWE wrestler anymore either. I always considered him overrated and never liked the idea that he was a former WWE champion.
  • Matt Hardy is getting engaged to Reby Sky. Thumbs up, Matt. She's hot.
  • Some people are upset that Sin Cara is so quickly being added to the main roster. I can see why they'd be upset, especially if they have equal or more credentials but are still stuck in FCW. I think I'd be more upset, though, at someone like Titus O'Neil getting a second shot on TV and not improving in the slightest bit, than someone getting their first chance to win over the roster. And, still, I think it would have been a decent idea if Sin Cara was brought up through NXT with Rey Mysterio as his pro, but clearly they're bypassing that route. I just hope Cara is as good as they're hoping once he comes out and actually needs to perform. If what I've heard is correct, he should be, but you never know.
  • The Miz was on Conan and did a great job. If you start hearing Conan use the "Ginga Ninja: Step Into My Dojo, Mofo" namesake, you know who to credit. The Miz is definitely proving himself to be an incredibly valuable guy for World Wrestling Entertainment.
  • Bret Hart drew a caricature of Hulk Hogan, dubbed "The Roid King", which consists of him holding a cane and looking not a little like Bullwinkle. Ouch. At least it's going to charity.
  • New Intercontinental champion Wade Barrett. I'm for this. I've always liked it when a guy wins a midcard title before the world title and even though Wade is good enough now that he could be a world champion in my book, since he hasn't won it yet, it's good to see him win the IC title and use that as a stepping stone to regain that spot he was at a few months ago, which they instead gave to Del Rio, whom I would have had as the IC champ if I were booking things right now.


The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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