Saturday Smack Talk: 3/12/11 | Smark Out Moment

Saturday Smack Talk: 3/12/11

Posted by Anthony Mango Saturday, March 12, 2011
What's gone on this past week in wrestling?
  • Eric Bischoff thinks there shouldn't be as many pay-per-views. I'm a part of the minority (it seems) that would disagree. I think if they were to have less ppvs, they'd up the price, and that would detract even more people. The problem in my mind isn't that they don't have enough time to build up to a ppv, but that people don't want to spend that much money on them, hence the streams that are so popular. I think the real method here is to follow the solution that tons of businesses are doing in this economy: lower price, more availability. Instead of cutting down to say, 8 ppvs a year, you keep it at 12 or so, but DOWNGRADE the price. WWE likes to market itself as being cheaper than a night out at the movies for a family. The standard family model is made up of 4 people. Ten bucks a ticket is $40. Their pay-per-views cost more than that. Plus, what if you don't have 4 people watching? You think a single person is more likely to spend 40 bucks on himself than 10 bucks for a movie ticket? People aren't even going to the movies as much now, they're downloading them for free too! If you really want to make it so people are ordering your shows, you make it closer to 25 dollars. Literally every single person I've talked to about it has said that they'd be more willing to stop streaming and pay for the shows if they were cheaper, but as it stands now, they're not spending 50 bucks to watch a ppv. I've said it a thousand times, if people can't afford Product X at 10 dollars, they're certainly not going to pay you 20 for it. WWE now has less ppvs and each one of them costs more, and have their stocks gone up or down? Exactly.
  • Shad Gaspard was arrested essentially for jaywalking and is claiming racial profiling. Obviously, the more that comes out, the more we'll be able to judge it. I wouldn't be too surprised if the situation ends up being that both Shad and the cops were at fault (ie, over-zealous cops pull their card in a ridiculous way, and in response, Shad tries to be a tough guy and provokes them, and it becomes a battle of egos that never should've happened in the first place). 
  • Did you see that idiot in the crowd on Raw that had a sign that said "Autsin"?
  • Snooki is going to be on Raw. I guess they figured TNA ripped them off so many times and produced terrible results, they owed them the favor of ripping them off, putting a worthless Jersey Shore cast member on THEIR programming, and wasting even more time with ridiculous bullshit. Guys, if you're going to copy something from the competition, copy the good ideas. At least she and Orton can share orange self-tanner techniques.
  • Linda Bollea has written a book cashing in on her divorce. I have no interest in reading it. Do you?
  • Sunny is going into the HOF. Well deserved. She and the pink Power Ranger are pretty much responsible for jump-starting the puberty of my age bracket. Lo and behold, it holds truth today, as apparently, her announcement did the highest rating of the show with teenage boys save for the Austin segment - even beating out the Bellas/Eve match. You know you want her.
  • According to The Wrestling Observer, the Miz is apparently the first person in 2 years to hold the WWE title for more than 100 days. Last person to do it? Naturally HHH. It's good to see the Miz in that kind of spot. I'm sure once they take the title from him at WrestleMania (you know it's going to happen) they'll eventually give it back to him a few months down the line. He's been a great champ, despite the horrible way they've booked him as a loser.
  • Sheamus quickly loses a match to Daniel Bryan on Raw and is rewarded with a title opportunity. Makes no sense. He's also claiming he'll quit if he loses. Why is it that WWE creative is getting so repetitive right now? Within the past few weeks they've fired Kelly Kelly, Edge, Dolph Ziggler, Vickie Guerrero, Alex Riley, HHH and Taker are doing similar threats, and now Sheamus? I'm of course expecting Sheamus to win the US title and a shitty rematch to happen at WrestleMania. Again, not enough build to do something like that for the biggest show of the year, but they're failing horribly at that.
  • Brian Kendrick was on The Price is Right. He didn't win. Watch out for TNA giving him a game show gimmick or something now haha.
  • Shelton Benjamin beat Curt Hawkins in a dark match before Smackdown. Two things here. First, why isn't Hawkins gone yet if they aren't using him for anything, have no plans for him, and are looking to fire people? Second, I've always been a fan of Shelton, and even though he doesn't confirm nor deny that he will return to WWE, it at least opens the door of possibility up, so I'm happy about that.
  • Jillian Hall apparently suffered a miscarriage. This is right after Candice Michelle had one as well. Always a shame to hear when something like that happens.
  • Stevie Richards pitched a perfect game in MLB 2K11, but isn't entitled to the million dollar prize because the contest hasn't started yet. What an odd thing to be reporting on.
  • Hernandez is being criticized as a careless performer that performs dangerous moves and doesn't protect the guys.


The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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