Saturday Smack Talk: 2/12/2011 | Smark Out Moment

Saturday Smack Talk: 2/12/2011

Posted by Anthony Mango Saturday, February 12, 2011

Note: For a long time now, I've been trying to figure out a way to include this segment as a video portion of the website, but various technical problems have postponed that for months on end. Frankly, I grew tired of it, so until I can figure out how to accomplish this goal with the level of professionalism that I seek, it'll be just a text version.

So here's the first edition of SATURDAY SMACK TALK: a segment wherein I take the little bits and pieces of wrestling news that have accumulated over the week and give my two cents.

  • Jeff Hardy was apparently supposed to win the TNA championship back from Ken Anderson at the recent Impact taping, but due to his court issues, they've decided to hold off on that. I don't see why they'd want to take it off Anderson so fast. Maybe it'll happen at Against All Odds (which I'll have my typical live results/review up once the ppv starts)
  • More back-and-forth rumormill stuff about Sting. The moment you hear "he's a lock to join WWE", there's always something contradictory saying that he hasn't, which is followed up with more "yes he has". I've assumed for a while that he wouldn't sign, but the longer this contradictory stuff goes on, the less and less I'm convinced that there's even a slight, slight possibility.
  • Percy Watson is back on the road with Smackdown. I'm assuming they want to call him up to the roster, but have absolutely no idea how to use him, so they're not pulling the trigger yet. I can't blame them. I don't know where he'd fit either, especially with WrestleMania coming up and them needing to focus on the things that will actually be a part of the pay-per-view.
  • Kurt Angle talked on Twitter about how the Jarrett/Karen thing is dragging their kids into the mix and painting Kurt as a bad guy. Some people bought into it and think that he's shooting. Come on. He isn't.
  • Apparently, Edge had requested to work with Christian for WrestleMania this year, but the idea was turned down. It seems like the reason would be the standard "WWE doesn't think much of Christian" situation. Maybe they'll do it next year, seeing as how Edge has claimed he will retire soon. I can't see them skipping out on a money feud like that. Maybe they just don't want it to happen at Mania.
  • Richie Steamboat continues to receive good reviews in FCW and may be called up to the main roster soon. The detractor is his look, but his in-ring work is apparently so good that it may make up for it. I've only seen one of his early matches, and you could tell he was green, but had potential. I'm certainly not opposed to giving people a chance
  • TNA Films? Come on. Everyone already jokes about TNA employing "WWE rejects", repeating the same storylines but in an even worse fashion (like EV2.0), and constantly trying to be WWE, and now they want to copy the absolute worst thing WWE has right now that even they can't get right?! How long before Dixie announces that they're going to start their own football league? 
  • Boy did R-Truth come out of Raw looking like a piece of garbage or what? He had a little less *umph* in his entrance than normal, then gets booed for saying Green Bay instead of Milwaukee (which I'll admit, is something I probably would have done too, considering how you could naturally assume that they'd be ok with it and just cheer for the champs), fucks up several moves in his short match with Mason Ryan, loses the match via submission like a helpless animal, and then the rest of the night everyone makes fun of him saying the wrong city. OUCH. 
  • McMahon announces on Raw that WrestleMania is going to have a guest host and that it's a big name. Hm....I'm intrigued, and I'm waiting for the moment on Monday night when I go "ugh, that sucks". Everyone's hoping for The Rock, but I don't like to get my hopes up. I'm hoping it isn't Ryan Seacrest or Lady Gaga or someone that has nothing to do with wrestling. 
  • The Usos breaking up? I hope not, but really, who didn't see that coming potentially? WWE seems to think breaking up tag teams is awesome, but they never follow through with it. If the Usos can't find a purpose together, they sure as hell stand no chance separately. We're looking at another Smith/Kidd, Primo/Carlito go-nowhere outcome if they split them up. Then they'll probably be released.
  • Byron Saxton was eliminated from NXT. You can read my thoughts here
  • The next WrestleMania will be in Miami. If Edge truly will retire at next year's WrestleMania, it's a shame he can't go out in Toronto. I'm sure wrestling Christian at WM in Toronto would have been awesome for him.
  • WWE released their quarter financial earnings and to no surprise, pay-per-view buyrates are down. I guess that 5 dollar increase isn't working for you, is it? I'll never understand how some businesses think "if people don't have money to spend in this economy, lets boost our prices, because people will be more inclined to pay more, if they weren't paying for it when it was cheaper". Walmart's succeeding for a reason...CHEAPER prices.
  • Triple H wants to revamp the developmental system, including hiring Jim Ross as the recruiter? Fucking-A! That would almost make up for The Chaperone.........almost.
  • Kelly Kelly may be turning heel? I hope not. She gets a big pop as it is, and who would they turn face to counter it? Plus, where does that leave Kong?


The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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