Perez was in developmental for such a long time that I'm surprised he ever made it out and onto the actual roster. Usually, if someone's in there long enough, they'll just cut their ties and say "fuck it", but I guess they gave him a "sink or swim" kind of situation. Unfortunately for Eric, he sank. From the start, I saw nothing particularly interesting about him. He has a kind of weird look to him and he didn't do anything in the ring that impressed me, nor was he particularly skilled on the mic. I thought they would possibly keep him around long enough to re-tag him up with Primo, as they were apparently a team in FCW, and that that would be his second chance before release. However, it appears as though they've decided to just let him go already.
Naturally, let's all hope Perez finds a spot, as it sucks when anyone is unemployed. I don't think it will be TNA, though, as TNA is buying up contracts left and right but they're sticking to bigger names and people that are showing more potential for the future (although we've heard reports that Ricky Ortiz might be on their radar, in which case I have no clue who is sending out that paycheck).
Who's next in the pink slip parade? Despite how we've seen reports saying that more releases are coming soon, there are no suggested names, but I still maintain my previous list of potentials (which so far have been right 3/3 times): Slam Master J, Jimmy Wang Yang, Curt Hawkins, lots of FCW people, and the #1 target right now due to his plane fiasco - Tyler Reks.