A whole lot of "meh". I never really liked Lilian. She doesn't really have a whole lot of energy and she screws up a lot. Is she horrible? No. But she's no Howard Finkel. In fact, I would say that Justin Roberts is a better announcer than Lilian as well. She's completely replaceable. She's attractive, but not SO attractive that she's a rarity, and she can speak Spanish which is a plus, but that's not something that makes her one in a million either.
Still, I'm a sentimental person, and I like things to be taken as the weight they're representing. Hopefully Lilian gets the chance to say goodbye to "the WWE Universe" in a proper fashion rather than just not showing up next week with nothing to inform the audience that she won't be returning. On top of that, hopefully she's successful in whatever else she attempts to do in her life. But, I can't say I'm sad to see her go. That is, of course, unless they plan on replacing her with someone worse, in which case I'll kick myself later for saying that. With the WWE, you never know. Vince might think its hilarious if Hornswoggle does the announcements from now on and just says "heh! heh heh! heh! aaaah! aaaaah! heh!" for every wrestler - wait, I mean, "superstar".