WWE TLC 2014 PPV Results & Review Coverage Live (Tables, Ladders, Chairs and Stairs 2014) | Smark Out Moment
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WWE TLC 2014 Results
Watch WWE TLC 2014 ppv live online coverage of results and review here.

Who will win? When the time comes, check out the live coverage of the 2014 Tables, Ladders and Chairs pay-per-view with results and review here.

You can check out my predictions here with the spoilers of all these matches and more.

The pre-show begins with Renee Young, Booker T, Paul Heyman and Alex Riley. Booker says it's on like a pot of neckbones. Sure. Whatever that means.

[Pre-Show Kickoff]: The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Big E) vs. Goldust & Stardust

New Day's got pyro. That's good. It's a shame they have no crowd reaction yet, as I think this has some potential legs. Did Goldust just yell "get the fuck out of my face"? Ha. There's some confusion about who is the legal man when Big E goes for the win, but Kingston is the one that has to make the pinfall.

WINNERS: The New Day via pinfall
Winning doesn't hurt The New Day, but this generic match didn't do them any real favors more than a match on Raw or SmackDown.

[Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match]: Luke Harper (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

WWE has apparently handed out "Ziggler section" signs. It's good to see them getting behind someone who has deserved so much more than he's been given over the past few years. I'm actually rooting for him to win this match, even though I don't think he will. I could see WWE dropping the ball with Ziggler over the next few months if he doesn't have the Intercontinental title, so I'm nervous about that and I'll let Harper take the hit if that's the case. This has a good chance of being the match of the night and I'm pumped for it. To be honest, though, it's not living up to it so far. Basically, it's been nothing but Ziggler standing there while Harper hits him with something. Harper seemingly hurts his arm by doing a suicide dive into a ladder. He has the gash on his arm to show for it. Nothing much continues to happen until Harper powerbombs Ziggler onto a ladder (continue the trend of this being nothing but a beatdown for Ziggler—great way to push the guy). Now Ziggler is busted open and the meds are checking him while Harper climbs the ladder. Ziggler pushes them away and climbs up the ladder to fight Harper off it, but even in that scenario, Ziggler has to fall down as well. Call me bitter, but the crowd's chanting "this is awesome" and I'm just not seeing it. Just because they're bleeding doesn't convince me that I'm watching some five star classic.

WINNER (and new Intercontinental champion): Dolph Ziggler via climbing. That's the name of the game.
Very happy that Ziggler won the title back, but I'm disappointed in the match itself. Ziggler promised that this would be the best thing he's ever done and I don't even think I'll end up looking back and considering it the match of the night. If I do....then TLC is going to suck.

[WWE Tag Team Championship]: The Miz & Damien Mizdow (c) vs. The Usos

There's a great spot where The Usos hold Miz up in a vertical suplex and Mizdow does a handstand for the entirety of that time frame.The Miz continues to take the punishment. He hits a Skull Crushing Finale on one of the Usos, but the other locks in a submission hold. Miz makes it to the ropes. While on the outside, Miz throws Mizdow in the way to protect himself and then blasts one of the Usos with a Slammy award and gets his team disqualified.

WINNERS: The Usos via disqualification.
Ugh...this was a Raw ending. Damn it...this event is going to suck, isn't it?

[Steel Stairs Match]: Big Show vs. Erick Rowan

Show and Rowan (or Ro-Ran as Lilian said...seems like a lot of people are having trouble pronouncing his name tonight...Booker) trade some blows. Rowan sets up a couple steps on the outside as a wall of sorts, but nothing comes from it (yet). Show unzips Rowan's jumpsuit a bit and tosses him over the barricade. Rowan must be self-conscious, because he zips it back up when he gets a chance. Show puts the bottom of a set of steps on top of the commentary table. Show lodges the top of some stairs between the top and middle rope and throws Rowan into it a few times. Rowan slams Show on some bottom-steps and unlodges the top-steps from the ropes. He climbs to the second rope and attempts to do a steps equivalent of a conchairto (good luck naming that one), but Show eludes the attack. While on the outside, Big Show tackles Rowan through the wall of steps. Michael Cole calls it "stair bowling". Big Show ends it with a knockout WMD punch and using steps as leverage to pin him down.

WINNER: Big Show via pinfall
How the fuck did this end up being the best thing so far??? I actually enjoyed this.

[Tables Match]: Seth Rollins vs. John Cena

This match is basically just J&J Security stopping everything Cena is doing. There's a "where's Brock?" sign in the crowd. I agree—Wago doesn't (listen to Smack Talk). Cena and the threesome brawl on the outside. Cena uses some old security guard rail as a weapon. Amazing how Rollins can't seem to get the job done with two people helping him against Cena, right? This could have been an interesting contest between the two of them without going the "Cena fights against all odds" angle and diminishing Seth's contributions in the process. And now the ref has been knocked out. Cena gives Rollins an Attitude Adjustment through the table, but of course, nobody is there to call the end of the match. Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble remove the table from the ring to "get rid of the evidence" (lol). Cena puts both of them through a table at the same time with a double-AA. Both Rollins and Cena fall through a table at the same time. The referees deliberate and can't tell who fell first, so the match is restarted. Cena gives Rollins an AA through the commentary table, but it doesn't break. I think that was supposed to be the end of the match and it got botched. Nevermind, scratch that, as Big Show is coming out. That wouldn't have been a call made up on the fly so quickly. Show gets ready to chokeslam Cena, but Roman Reigns comes out to make the save! He hits Big Show with a Superman Punch and then spears him through a table. He then hits Rollins with a Superman Punch. Cena throws Rollins through a table with an Attitude Adjustment to win the match.

WINNER: John Cena via Attitude Adjustment
It's a good thing that this picked up the pace before the false-finish, because it was dragging on for a good while there. I liked the ending of this. Previously, I expected Randy Orton to make the run-in to cost Rollins, but I'm okay with Reigns doing it and me being wrong.

[Divas Championship]: Nikki Bella (c) vs. AJ Lee

Not all that much happens (but certainly more than their match at Survivor Series). When Brie helps Nikki by putting her foot on the ropes, the ref throws her out from the ringside area. As the ref is distracted, Nikki sprays something in AJ's face and hides it in her boot. She capitalizes off this to hit the Rack Attack for the win.

WINNER: Nikki Bella via pinfall
If you're in the mood for a good Divas match, watch Sasha Banks versus Charlotte from NXT TakeOver: R Evolution.

Backstage, Tom Phillips interviews Roman Reigns. You think he did damage last year at the Royal Rumble? Wait until you see what happens this year.

[Chairs Match]: Ryback vs. Kane

Are you a fan of people hitting each other mostly in the back or throwing each other into chairs or holding onto a chair and then having someone throw themselves into you? You'll like this, then. This is a match of spots like a DDT onto a chair and such. Ryback sets up for the Meat Hook and Kane just throws a chair at him. He then chokeslams him for a two-count. Blah blah blah. Ryback hits the Shell Shock for the win.

WINNER: Ryback via pinfall
Chairs matches suck. This doesn't change that opinion of mine.

[United States Championship]: Rusev (c) vs. Jack Swagger

If you've seen one Rusev match, you've seen them all. Swagger works on Rusev's legs, but any time he's able to put the Patriot Lock on him, Rusev is able to escape somehow. Then, of course, Rusev hits a swift kick and follows it up with an Accolade. The referee calls the match and we're done.

WINNER: Rusev via submission
Swagger and Rusev had better matches in the past and this just ended up being another disappointing segment on this card.

[TLC Match]: Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt

Oh maaaaan, since this is a TLC match, I guess that means they can't use stairs, right? (lol seriously I hate this goddamn pay-per-view concept almost as badly as I hate how WWE says Extreme Rules match is different from No Disqualification or Street Fight or etc etc etc). Lots of kendo stick action in this TLC match. They should rename it a TLCKS match. Ignore my stupid jokes. Twice on the outside, Ambrose jumps from a ladder to give Wyatt an elbow drop through a table. Wyatt hits Sister Abigail for a two-count. After a bit, Ambrose grabs one of the biggest ladders that are out there around the stage. Wyatt is placed on the Spanish announcers' table. Ambrose jumps from the tall ladder to do another elbow drop. Ambrose tries to use a monitor, but it shorts out and explodes in Ambrose's face (kayfabe - don't worry). Wyatt hits another Sister Abigail for the win.

WINNER: Bray Wyatt via pinfall
This had some fun parts to it, but if I'm brutally honest, I was let down. I wanted this to be a lot better than what it was.

After the match, everyone checks up on Ambrose. And with that, we're done, I guess. At least in the Fallout show, Paul Heyman can talk some more.


1. Dolph Ziggler won the IC title back
2. Steel Stairs Match
3. I'm another day closer to seeing the Royal Rumble


1. No matches tonight were memorable
2. The New Day is really sucking, and I like those guys, so I hate seeing them fail
3. DQ finishes on a ppv are 99.9% of the time inexcusable


Reasoning: Seriously, WWE? This was your response to TakeOver? All of those reports about the main roster wanting to step up to the plate and prove that they are better than NXT led to this? Survivor Series was so much better and that didn't have the same motivation behind it. Both the talent and the bookers have to be blamed for this, because it's neither one's sole fault. What a shame that this ended up being nowhere near as good, even with the extra handicap of all the gimmicks involved. There's no reason that this wasn't on par or better than R Evolution. That's like losing a fight when your opponent has one arm tied behind his back and you've got a weight and height advantage to begin with.


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The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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