WWE WrestleMania XXX 30 PPV Results & Review Coverage Live | Smark Out Moment

WWE WrestleMania XXX 30 PPV Results & Review Coverage Live

Posted by Anthony Mango Sunday, April 6, 2014
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Watch WWE WrestleMania XXX ppv live online coverage of results and review here. Find out who wins every match and who walks out with the championships. You can check out my predictions here.

The Pre-Show has consisted of a panel of superstars from the past (Shawn Michaels, Booker T, Mick Foley, Jimmy Hart, Alex Riley, Trish Stratus) along with Josh Mathews giving their rundown of who they think will win each respective match.

WWE Tag Team Championship [Elimination Fatal 4-Way Match]: The Usos (c) vs. The Real Americans vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel vs. Los Matadores

Zeb Colter leads everyone in a "we the people" chant. The Real Americans don't do their flag stuff. It looks like Mountain Dew has a lot of product placement going on, with everyone on commentary having a bottle. Ryback and Curtis Axel have a new mashup theme. JBL says he wants to put El Torito in some gumbo. The Usos basically get their normal entrance with nothing special. The Real Americans are standing outside of the ring to make sure they don't get tagged in (smart strategy). Los Matadores are being featured prominently in this match so far. I'd expect them to be the first eliminated. A bunch of people fall outside, so they're obviously setting up a spot. Los Matadores awkwardly launch themselves onto the pack. El Torito celebrates and Curtis Axel stops him. Axel goes to the top rope and Los Matadores (including Torito - why no DQ?) send him down. Swagger puts the Patriot Lock on Diego or Fernando (can't tell) and they are eliminated when he submits. Usos take some punishment. Ryback picks Swagger up in a Shell Shock but Cesaro tags himself in. Cesaro hits the uppercut and the Neutralizer and eliminates Rybaxel. "We the people" chant vs. "U-SO" chant. Cesaro tags Swagger in. Uso hits a Whisper in the Wind. Cesaro hits an upper cut while the Usos hit Samoan Drops and superkicks and everything else. Both teams are down. Usos hit the splash on Cesaro and retain.

WINNERS: The Usos via pinfall.
Good opening match for a pre-show.

Post-match, Swagger is mad at Cesaro for losing. The Cesaro Swing should be coming up. Swagger puts Cesaro in the Patriot Lock and Colter yells at him, telling him to shake his hand instead and make up. Cesaro neglects the offer and hits the swing on him. Funny enough, he gets the fans to chant "we the people" with him one more time.

 It's time to start! Justin Roberts announces our host, Hulk Hogan, who thinks its the Silverdome, twice. He catches his mistake and corrects it with the Superdome. LMAO This is a great start. STONE COLD COMES OUT! We have a staredown. He makes fun of Hogan's Silverdome slip up! LMAO. He touts Hogan's accomplishments and they shake hands. As he's about to wrap up, The Rock's music hits! Austin is teasing that he's going to give Rock a Stunner. "This is awesome" chant starts. "Finally, the Rock has come back to the S...uuuperdome." LMAO. This is fucking fantastic. He draws comparisons to Hogan/Cena and Austin/Bryan. They do their catch phrases and Hogan throws one more Superdome reference out there. Austin  gets some beer and they all toast together.

Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H

Stephanie introduces Triple H, who has the throne again and different theme music which was only used for him to take off his robe and get off the throne. Now the regular Game music kicks in. So many "yes" signs in the front row. These fans are going nuts with this. Triple H goes for a handshake and Bryan kicks his hand away, then goes for a roll-up. Triple H kicks out. Bryan hits a DDT off the apron. He's firmly in control of this match. Triple H starts picking himself up and getting in control after a spot on the commentary table. Lots of boos when HHH puts Bryan in the Crossface. Boo/yay punches. Bryan gets a near-fall with a German suplex. Twice. HHH tosses Bryan back and he awkwardly lands on his neck (but doesn't look to be legitimately injured). Bryan hits a sunset flip powerbomb from the top rope. Nice clothesline from Triple H. He puts the Crossface back on. Bryan reverses into the Yes Lock. HHH reaches the ropes. Two suicide dives and a kip-up later and Bryan starts the kicks. Bryan sets up the knee and misses. HHH hits the Pedigree, but Bryan kicks out. Bryan rolls HHH up for a two-count. HHH goes for another Pedigree, but Bryan reverses for another two-count. HHH knees him in the head a few times and sets up another Pedigree, but Bryan kicks him in the head. After a series of reversals, he hits the knee.

WINNER: Daniel Bryan via pinfall
WOW! Triple H put Bryan over clean!!! I'm shocked. That was a good, even match. I never expected Bryan to go over clean. Credit where credit is due. They finally did it.

Stephanie gets in the ring and slaps Bryan, causing a distraction. Triple H starts attacking Bryan with a chair. He hits him in the same arm that was taped up.

The Shield vs. Kane & New Age Outlaws

Before Road Dogg could finish his promo, The Shield interrupt. Kane comes out while they're making their way down to the ring. That was a little awkward. Reigns hits his apron kick on both Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. Kane blocks a Superman Punch and Rollins flies around, taking him out. Ambrose and Rollins hit suicide dives. Reigns hits a spear on Kane. He then hits a double spear on the NAO. This is a total squash match. They pick Billy and James up for a double-triple powerbomb. You heard me right! And that's the end of the match.

WINNERS: The Shield via pinfall.
Total squash match. I'm a little disappointed because this could have been better, but at least The Shield looked good here.

Hacksaw and Steamboat (not Santana) and Slaughter are all playing with action figures. Ted DiBiase buys the figures for himself, hahaha. Queue Ron Simmons "DAMN" moment.

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show is first up. Nevermind, nearly everyone is in the ring already. Sheamus gets an entrance. Now the match starts. Yoshi Tatsu is the first eliminated. Brad Maddox is eliminated. There goes Brodus Clay. Then Khali. Zack Ryder is next. Darren Young is out. Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre are out. Heath Slater follows suit. Big Show eliminates Mark Henry. Titus O'Neil is out. Miz is eliminated by Santino's cobra. Del Rio dumps Santino out. Sandow is out from the Brotherhood. Justin Gabriel is out. David Otunga is out. Big E is out. Fandango is eliminated by Sheamus. There goes R-Truth. Sin Cara is out. Tyson Kidd is out. Goldust is out. Cody Rhodes is eliminated. Rey Mysterio is eliminated. WOW Kofi Kingston is tossed over the top rope and both of his feet land on the ring steps despite how he falls down!!! He's not eliminated! Cesaro starts swinging Kingston. Big Show chokeslams Cesaro. Sheamus hits a Brogue Kicks on Big Show. Kingston is eliminated by Sheamus. Ziggler hits a DDT on Sheamus. Del Rio eliminates Ziggler. Sheamus and Del Rio both are eliminated! We're down to Cesaro and Big Show. Cesaro bodyslams Big Show over the top rope to win!

WINNER: Cesaro
Very fun match with an awesome finish!

After the match, Big Show shakes his hand.

Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena

Wyatt gets some kind of a tribal introduction before his song. All of the band members are wearing masks or some kind of face paint. That looks kind of cool. Cena gets a pretty normal entrance, which is surprising. This starts off with Wyatt taunting Cena to finish him off, and the crowd doesn't seem too into it. Throughout this match, you can tell that the audience isn't nearly as into it as they were the other matches. I'd assume this is mostly because of Cena's involvement. Slow pace. Bray even puts on a Sleeper hold. Cena hits the side slam and gets ready for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Wyatt does the spider/crab/handstand thing (does that have a name?) and Cena stops dead in his tracks, freaked out. Good spot. The crowd is doing the wave and totally behind Bray Wyatt. Cena goes for the leg drop and Wyatt catches him into a powerbomb for a two-count. Five Knuckle Shuffle. Wyatt escapes the Attitude Adjustment. Wyatt botches what I assume was going to be a backbreaker and it looks like it could have hurt Cena's ribs. Wyatt DDTs Cena on the apron. Cena splashes Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. Wyatt tosses Cena into the steps. Cena turns it around but refuses to use the steps against Wyatt. Cena hits an Attitude Adjustment and Wyatt kicks out. Wyatt gets a two-count from a splash. Cena tackles Harper into the barricade. Wyatt goes back to pounding on him and goes for the Sister Abigail. Cena reverses into the STF. Wyatt reaches the ropes. Wyatt hits Sister Abigail for a two-count. Wyatt introduces a chair and tries to get Cena to use it on him. Cena uses it on Erick Rowan instead. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail and Cena reverses into an Attitude Adjustment for the win.

WINNER: John Cena via pinfall.
This wasn't nearly as good as it could have been and definitely a low point of the show so far. It could have been much worse, so that shouldn't be read as "this sucked", but this definitely could have been better.

Hall of Fame recap time. It looks like Ultimate Warrior is going to run down to the ring! Wait...nevermind. That sucks.

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

Undertaker is tossed behind him and clotheslined over the top rope, but lands on his feet. This is pretty slow paced as well. It's coming off awkward and not really that entertaining so far. Lesnar is working on Undertaker's legs. Not much of importance is happening. Lesnar hits the F5 and Undertaker kicks out. Undertaker puts him in the Hell's Gate, but it doesn't lead to a submission. Lesnar puts Taker in the Kimura Lock. Taker won't tap out, don't worry. Undertaker reverses into a Kimura Lock of his own. Undertaker goes for Old School and Lesnar gives him an F5 instead of it. Undertaker kicks out. Undertaker hits a Tombstone and Lesnar kicks out. Lesnar hits a third F5 and wins...WHAT?

WINNER: Brock Lesnar via pinfall.
Well, that sure sucked.

Divas Championship Invitational Match

Clusterfuck from the very beginning, and the fans are already in a bad mood from the last two matches. After about a minute and a half, everyone is just laying down, stalling, since it's impossible to keep all of these people in the ring at the same time and do actual pinfalls. Here comes the series of finishers. Rosa has none. Eva Marie's finisher is apparently a push. Bella Twins are in the ring by themselves and they hit suicide dives on the rest of the divas (except I think AJ Lee). Now they start fighting each other. AJ is probably going to capitalize. Nikki hits her finisher on Brie and Alicia Fox and Layla break it up. Natalya  gets back in the swing of things as well. Tamina goes for a splash. Naomi knocks her off the ropes. Naomi and Aksana and Natalya hit the powerbomb/superplex spot. AJ is in the ring with Naomi. Black Widow on Naomi and she retains the title.

WINNER: AJ Lee via submission.
Awful match, as expected.

Paul Orndorff and Rowdy Roddy Piper are picking a fight with Hulk Hogan and Mr. T. Pat Patterson comes out for a moment in the old referee outfit. They shake hands.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan

No shenanigans at the start of this. Batista doesn't get any pyro, either. Pretty generic so far. Daniel Bryan puts Orton in the Yes Lock and the referee is pulled away by Triple H. Batista gives Bryan a spinebuster and a Batista Bomb. Scott Armstrong comes in as the new ref. Bryan kicks out. Bryan kicks Armstrong in the head and then does a suicide dive onto him, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Triple H brings a sledgehammer into play. Bryan hits him with it. Bryan rolls up Batista, but Orton breaks it up. Orton and Batista start working together against Bryan. Orton and Batista start messing around the tables. This leads to a Batista Bomb/RKO combo on the Spanish announcers' table! Orton lands on a monitor and looks like he's in a lot of pain. Batista looks stunned and is just waiting for them to check up on them. Paramedics are coming out for Bryan, who is staying down. Orton is getting up and has a gash on his back. Batista is still trying to work something with Orton. Bryan gets off the stretcher, but is put back down again. He keeps getting back up and is able to put the Yes Lock on Orton. No dice. Bryan puts Batista in the Yes Lock. No dice. Orton almost retains after pinning Batista, but it's a two-count. Bryan hits the knee on Orton and Batista dumps Bryan out of the ring, pinning Orton for a two-count.Batista hits a Batista Bomb and Bryan hits his knee on Batista, then locks in the Yes Lock on the Animal who taps out!

WINNER (and new WWE World Heavyweight Championship): Daniel Bryan via submission.
Not as good of a match as the Triple H one, and it was greatly hindered by the Undertaker loss, which is a shame. However, the fact that Bryan came out on top was exactly what needed to happen.

1. Daniel Bryan's clean victory over HHH
2. Opening segment with Hogan, Austin and the Rock
3. Andre the Giant Battle Royal (specifically Kingston's save & Cesaro's win)

1. John Cena vs Bray Wyatt
2. Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar
3. Divas title match


Reasoning: All but three things were great for this event, overall. Two of those three things could be looked past, but the biggest disappointment of Undertaker's loss put a HUGE damper on the festivities. If Undertaker had retained the streak and the other two matches were just disappointments, then this would have been a 3-count for sure...and if I were to have a 2.5 on this rating system, that's what I would give it. This could end up being the PPV of the year, but it's a shame it wasn't all as good as the majority of it.


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The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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