WWE No Way Out 2012 Results & Review Coverage Live | Smark Out Moment

WWE No Way Out 2012 Results & Review Coverage Live

Posted by Anthony Mango Sunday, June 17, 2012
Watch WWE No Way Out 2012 PPV Stream
Watch WWE No Way Out 2012 ppv live online coverage of results and review here. John Cena vs Big Show. CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan vs Kane. Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler and not Alberto Del Rio. Christian vs Cody Rhodes. Brodus Clay vs David Otunga pre-show. Santino Marella vs Ricardo Rodriguez in a tuxedo match. Triple H addresses the WWE Universe. Ryback will face someone too most likely. You can check out my predictions here.

Brodus Clay vs. David Otunga
I wasn't able to see this match, sorry guys.

WINNER: Brodus Clay via count out.
Didn't see it, can't comment on the quality. Glad Clay wins though.

World Heavyweight Championship: Sheamus (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler
Vickie gives Dolph a kiss on the cheek good luck. Sheamus tries to go for a Brogue Kick right off the bat (like at WrestleMania) but Ziggler gets out of the way. Sheamus is all power while Ziggler is speed and finesse (and intelligence....go Ziggler!) Ziggler almost gets the pin by rolling Sheamus up and holding the ropes, but the ref sees it. Big botch here with Sheamus trying to catch Ziggler for White Noise, Ziggler trying to get around to give it to him and Sheamus basically dropping him to reset it up. Ziggler hits a faceplant from the top rope. Two-count, damn. Sheamus hits White Noise. Brogue Kick.

WINNER: Sheamus via pinfall.
Decent match, about as good as a good Raw match. For an opener this is ok but if this would have been a main event it would have been inadequate.

Backstage, Vince McMahon is being followed by a red suit wearing John Laurinaitis, who apologizes for Big Show knocking him out. He wants their business relationship to get closer when Cena's fired.

Tuxedo Match: Santino Marella vs. Ricardo Rodriguez
Ricardo comes out trying to figure out a pose to do, fails miserably. Pose off with the fans cheering Santino and booing Ricardo. I'm rooting for Ricardo. Now there's a bullfighter shtick going on with Ricardo as the bull. Now the fans are chanting "boring". Can't disagree. Ricardo rakes Santino's eyes, takes off the cobra, and starts stripping Santino. There's a cobra sock on. Santino kicks Ricardo in the throat (variation of the cobra move) and wins the match.

WINNER: Santino via stripping Ricardo.
Ridiculous waste of time.

Backstage, CM Punk says the match is about the title, not the AJ stuff. AJ comes over and kisses Punk on the cheek.

Intercontinental Championship: Christian (c) vs. Cody Rhodes
Hoping Cody comes out of here looking good but not with the title.Christian takes a slightly bad spill on the apron twice during the match, ouch. Christian hits a tornado DDT on the outside, nice. Cody dodges a spear attempt.Cody puts his legs up when Christian goes for the frog splash. Christian misses the Beautiful Disaster kick, lots of reversals, Christian hits a spear and wins.

WINNER: Christian via pinfall.
Good match. I'd like to see another between these two.

Tag Team Championship #1 Contender's Match [Fatal Four-Way]: Epico & Primo & Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd & the Primetime Players vs. The Usos
Definitely hoping that Gabriel and Kidd win this match. Crowd doesn't seem to know what to do. Justin Gabriel has way too many haircuts to keep track of. Kind of hard to keep track of, generic. Good spot with everyone on the outside of the ring and Tyson Kidd doing a hurricanrana to Primo. It was almost like in slow motion. Abraham Washington holds Epico back from breaking up the pinfall, allowing the Primetime Players to win.

WINNERS: Primetime Players via pinfall.
Generic, but interesting. Not a fan of these two winning though, since I don't like either of them.

Post-match, the Epico/Primo/Rosa group is yelling at Washington. They knock him down and get attacked from behind by Young and O'Neil, who are now aligned with Abraham Washington (if you didn't get that already).

Triple H Addresses the WWE Universe and Wastes Time
Zzzzzz....c'mon, we don't need to get a refresher when they rerun that stuff every week. I don't need to update you on any of this. You know what it is, he's talking about how he's a fighter and making fun of Lesnar and Heyman. Blah blah blah.

Backstage, AJ approaches Daniel Bryan. She says she hasn't gotten over him completely. She wishes him good luck and kisses him on the cheek.

Divas Championship: Layla (c) vs. Beth Phoenix
Long bathroom break stretch, isn't it? Layla gets the crown off Beth's head and starts posing, making fun of her. Couldn't care less about this match. Not fun at all in my opinion.

WINNER: Layla via pinfall.

Backstage, AJ's looking for Kane. I guess she'll kiss him on the cheek for good luck.Yup. Kane kisses her back. High-five, Kane! Give her the Big Red Machine.

Hunico vs. Sin Cara
Hunico can't win without the Sin Cara mask.Slow match for something that's supposed to be fast paced.

WINNER: Sin Cara via pinfall.
Sin Cara gets his ass kicked, wins with one move. Not a big fan. Would have rather had Ryback fight 4 people. Still better than the HHH segment though.

WWE Championship: CM Punk (c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane
Triple threat matches are always about two people in the ring and one person outside of it, for the most part. Assume that that's going on the entire time. Punk hits a good springboard splash on both of them on the outside. Punk just gets pansted temporarily by Kane. Kane holds Bryan up in the air for Punk to hit the springboard clothesline. Flying headbutt from Daniel Bryan to Punk. Where's AJ in all this? Bryan puts the Yes Lock on CM Punk. Punk hits the GTS on Bryan but Kane breaks up the pin. Punk hits his elbow drop, Kane kicks out. AJ comes out and is on the apron just for Punk to accidentally push Kane into her and knock her off the apron. Punk hits the GTS on Kane and pins him for the win.

WINNER: CM Punk via pinfall.
Not bad. Glad that CM Punk won.

Kane picks AJ up and walks to the back while she smiles back at CM Punk.

Ryback vs. Dan Delaney and Rob Grymes
Ryback tosses one of them up real high and levels the other with a clothesline. Big slam. Both picked up for the finisher.

WINNER: Ryback via pinfall.
Ryback squashes are fun, but I want him to fight 3 now, or 4....or 12.

Steel Cage: John Cena vs. Big Show
Out first is John Laurinaitis on his crutch.Then Big Show. Then Vince, who snubs Laurinaitis's offer for a handshake. Show tosses Cena into the cage. This will probably be the next minute or so. Snoozefest in my opinion. Saw that coming, though. These two in a cage just isn't a good idea. Big Show climbs the ropes and pulls Cena up top, knocks him down. Show walks along the ropes (Undertaker style) and misses an elbow drop as Cena moves out of the way. Cena tries to run out of the ring but Big Show catches him. Laurinaitis tries to stop Cena from coming out of the ring's cage.  Vince pushes him out of the way and opens the door. Laurinaitis pushes Vince, who pushes the cage into Cena. Big Show chokeslams Cena but gets a two-count. Big Show accidentally punches out the ref (Scott Armstrong). Brodus Clay comes out with a chair, inviting Big Show to come out and get some. Alex Riley and Santino Marella come out as well. Zack Ryder comes out as well. Big Show knocks all three of them down off the cage. Now Kofi Kingston comes out, climbs the cage and Big Show gets knocked down by Kofi. Cena gives Big Show an Attitude Adjustment. Cena starts climbing. Big Show tries to crawl out of the cage. Laurinaitis is ready to hit Cena with the crutch. Brodus Clay has John Laurinaitis held back. Cena falls before Show crawls out at almost the same time but not before Cena.

WINNER: John Cena via escaping the cage.
The last half of the match was good.

Post-match, Vince fires Laurinaitis and Cena gives him an Attitude Adjustment through the Spanish announcers' table.

1. Ziggler in a title match
2. Vince McMahon on a ppv
3. Random tag match to help the division out a bit

1. HHH's promo
2. Divas match
3. Tuxedo match

Reasoning: I wasn't a big fan of most of this pay-per-view. They could have done a lot better. Lots of filler that wasn't particularly entertaining.



The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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