WWE WrestleMania 29 XXIX Predictions of Results, PPV Spoilers | Smark Out Moment

WWE WrestleMania 29 XXIX Predictions of Results, PPV Spoilers

Posted by Anthony Mango Monday, April 1, 2013
Watch WWE WrestleMania XXIX Pay-Per-View Online Results Predictions Spoilers Review
WWE WrestleMania 2013 Spoilers
What are your predictions for WrestleMania XXIX? Spoilers for WrestleMania 29 as well as my predictions for the pay-per-view are here. Who will walk out the WWE Champion, the Rock or John Cena (c'mon, we know it'll be Cena). Will Jack Swagger beat Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship? What other matches are going to be on the card for the Undertaker's streak, Brock Lesnar vs HHH, and more? Here are my predictions for the WrestleMania XXIX PPV. Check back for WrestleMania 29 results and review coverage here.

Watch WWE WrestleMania 29 Rock vs John Cena Match Online Free

WWE Championship: The Rock (c) vs. John Cena
Twice in a lifetime. WWE I'm sure thinks this is going to be the epic rematch with the title on the line that everyone wants to see, where the title is on the line so it means that much more and John Cena will go in as the underdog that we don't expect to win because he lost to the Rock but when he does, then he magically makes up for all his losses the previous year. Snoooze!

PREDICTION: John Cena wins the championship.

Watch WWE WrestleMania XXIX Undertaker vs CM Punk Online Match

The Streak: Undertaker vs. CM Punk
It's a shame that this feels kind of last-minute to make way for Rock/Cena, but this should definitely be the match of the night. The feud was massively helped by the timely (yet of course unfortunate) death of Paul Bearer. This is the ONE match that I'm actually excited about seeing, so hopefully it doesn't disappoint.

PREDICTION: Undertaker wins a hard-fought battle.

Watch WWE WrestleMania XXIX Brock Lesnar vs Triple H Online Match

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar
Honestly, I don't care about this at all. Not at all. Literally, not at all. I really mean that - not at all. If the rest of the card wasn't so awful, I would consider this a piss break.

PREDICTION: Triple H wins.

Watch WWE WrestleMania Jack Swagger vs Alberto Del Rio Match WrestleMania XXIX 29

World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Jack Swagger
This certainly doesn't feel like a match that's supposed to be one of the most important at THE most important show of the year, does it? Jack Swagger comes back from a long absence which was a result of jobbing for a long time and he's not even built up massively beforehand to make up for it. The entire angle is just about Zeb Colter and it doesn't seem to be really doing much to get Del Rio over, considering how many fans were chanting USA on Raw's 3-19 edition. I really hope it defies my expectations, because they're really low. I expect this to be a match that isn't given much time, isn't given much focus, is on a piss poor spot on the card, and is ultimately meaningless in the end. Watch out, opening match!

PREDICTION: Alberto Del Rio retains the championship. Ziggler doesn't cash in. Nothing interesting happens.

Watch WWE WrestleMania Orton Sheamus Big Show Shield Match WrestleMania XXIX 29

The Shield vs. Sheamus, Randy Orton, & Big Show
This is exactly the type of thing I don't like seeing at WrestleMania. Sure, this might not be ANOTHER rematch necessarily, but what does it do? The Shield has yet another pointless six man tag match with 3 random people. It's so obvious that they had nothing for these three guys to do so they threw them together with the Shield as they had no solid plans for them. The entire purpose of the Shield was to write off a Ryback win and ever since then, they've done nothing but exist just to exist. I'd like to see the argument in them even being brought onto the roster as opposed to just figuring out a different way for Punk to have retained. This match is a lame excuse for WrestleMania. It's even more randomly thrown together and meaningless as the Nation of Domination against Ahmed Johnson and Legion of Doom. Awful idea. If you can't think of any way to book the Shield for months, don't bother bringing them onto the roster. That lack of planning ahead results in pointless matches like this. The worst part about this? The pointless inclusion of Ryback just to have him removed from the match FOR NO REASON.

PREDICTION: Who gives a shit? They'll just have the Shield face 3 random people at Extreme Rules.

Watch WWE WrestleMania XXIX Mark Henry vs Ryback Online Match

Ryback vs. Mark Henry
As mentioned above in the Shield match, it's ridiculous that they had to pussyfoot around this match instead of just going right ahead with it from the beginning. It served no purpose whatsoever but to make this look cheaper. As far as match quality, I still maintain that Ryback would have had a better match with Big Show and I'm nervous that this will be a boring slug fest. I'm also nervous that Ryback either won't be able to pick Mark Henry up for the Shell Shock finisher or when he does, nobody will care and it won't mean even 1/100th as much as it would have if he would have faced Big Show.

PREDICTION: Ryback wins.

Watch WWE WrestleMania XXIX Dolph Ziggler Big E Langston vs Team Hell No Online Match

Tag Team Championship: Team Hell No (Daniel Bryan & Kane) vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston
Dolph Ziggler must have done something to piss them off. He should have been going into WrestleMania as the World Heavyweight Champion or at least having a big feud with someone like Chris Jericho. This will be a lackluster end for Team Hell No, I'm thinking, with a rematch at Extreme Rules - and neither of the matches will be anything to remember by this time next year.

PREDICTION: Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston win the titles.

Fandango vs. Chris Jericho
Squash match? Jericho really should have a great match on the card, not something like this. Still, Fandango's entrance could be cool.

PREDICTION: Jericho wins.

Intercontinental Championship: Wade Barrett vs. The Miz
So why did they do this match on Raw? Why is WWE subverting the card ahead of time by doing matches that we've already seen? Can someone explain this to me? This would have worked perfectly fine as a fresh feud with two people that haven't had a match together. Now it's just another rematch from the past few weeks of Raw.

PREDICTION: Miz wins the Intercontinental Championship.

Brodus Clay, Sweet T, & Funkadactyls vs. Team Rhodes Scholars & Bella Twins
Both members of Rhodes Scholars deserve a lot better but since they obviously didn't have big plans for them going into this (then again, they clearly didn't have set plans for anything other than Rock/Cena and HHH/Lesnar) this will do I guess. They shouldn't have showcased this so much before WrestleMania, which is a fault of all the other matches being rematches as well. Hopefully, Cody Rhodes shaves the mustache and turns face against Damien Sandow after WrestleMania.

PREDICTION: Brodus Clay's team wins.


Divas Championship: Kaitlyn (c) vs. AJ Lee
It's a possibility for sure and I really hope they don't waste a lot of time on it. I'd rather see this match get time than more stupid promos backstage for things like Deadliest Catch or whatever, but at the same time, I'd rather a match like Undertaker vs Punk get that time instead.

PREDICTION: AJ wins the title.

*NOTE ON OTHER MATCHES: This card kind of sucks, and they're still missing a lot of people in terms of a spot. There's nothing at the moment that feels solid for Antonio Cesaro, Kofi Kingston, the Prime Time Players, 3MB, R-Truth, Zack Ryder, etc. I would assume these guys and some others will be thrown into the pre-show, possibly.


The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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