Countdown to Lockdown Book Review | Smark Out Moment

Countdown to Lockdown Book Review

Posted by Anthony Mango Monday, September 13, 2010
I was fortunate enough to receive an advanced copy of Mick Foley's new book, Countdown to Lockdown, and thankfully, enough free time to read almost all of it in one sitting. Yes, it's the type of book that is hard to put down once you pick it up.

The principle thread that binds the memoir together is a chronicle of the events leading up to Mick Foley's World Heavyweight Championship match against Sting at the TNA Lockdown 2009 pay-per-view, while dipping into the past for some added foundation. Following his departure from World Wrestling Entertainment, Mick takes us on his journey as he both struggles and relishes in the anxiety of one of the biggest matches of his career.

That's not to say, however, that the book is merely a checklist of events on a timeline. Far from it, in fact. Foley is able to branch out into various other topics, ranging from backstage stories and family memories to a laundry list of little quips about his everyday life. You will experience playful discussions of fast food and pet ownership juxtaposed with more serious topics, such as an examination of the Chris Benoit tragedy. In no way do these other realms feel forced or inconsequential. As one would suspect, the autobiography is primarily wrestling oriented, but for those that are unsure of what they are getting into, Mick conveniently adds a new feature into the book dubbed the "Wrestlemeter". This handy gauge ranks the amount of wrestling content that appears in each chapter, which is a fun and quirky touch.

It is in a chapter that ranks a 6 out of 10 on this scale, titled "Meeting Tori Amos", where Mick's writing really flourishes in my opinion. He states that this is his favorite chapter and I couldn't agree more. Though the entire book showcases his wit and honesty, allowing you to feel like he is telling you these stories personally, rather than reading some staunch, rigid list of facts, this chapter gives Mick a chance to be poetic and insightful, broadcasting his emotional spectrum and giving you an intense look into his passion which has driven him in all his endeavors. We all tend to view Mick's matches and wonder "how does he do it" and in "Meeting Tori Amos", you get a sense of just how he finds the strength of will and the creativity to pull it all off. The sincerity of this section of the book is incredibly endearing and an absolute highpoint.

That sincerity applies to another major aspect of this publication that by no means should be overlooked. Foley is an avid participant in various charities, donating 100% of his advanced royalties to the ChildFund International and RAINN organizations. If anyone is interested in checking these out and getting involved, you can visit their websites at and respectively. These chapters will tug at your heartstrings but don't worry, a laugh riot story is never too far away.

I highly recommend Mick Foley's Countdown to Lockdown to all of my wrestling-fan readers as well as those that may simply be on the verge of calling themselves a fan. The abundant wrestling content provides a strong tether while the other aspects are just as enjoyable. Foley draws the reader in with his charm and a writing style that offers much comfort. Surrounded by a sea of caution tape, he manages to pull out equal parts of humor and heart, balancing the tension of his everyday life with the levity that comes alongside it. I would be doing the book and Mick himself an injustice to simply list all the gems scattered throughout, so that's just one more reason for you to pick it up and read it for yourself.

"So while it didn't consume me, it continued to take tiny bites from my conscience for a very long time." - page 72, Meeting Tori Amos

UPDATE: Click here for my interview with Mick.


The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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